
chapter 11

"I'm really getting fat, Gweny," Martin admitted at last, midway though one of their movie sessions. It was two-and-a-half months since the end of their arrangement and they were watching a movie entitled 'The Brain that Wouldn't Die'.

A large crescent of belly was showing beneath Martin's too-tight Pokemon shirt, the waist of another new pair of larger pants curving down to accommodate it. He spoke in a tone of resignation, rubbing his hand in gentle circles over his ever-growing gut, which now protruded proudly in front of him beneath his new little boy boobs. His belly was a soft, jiggly dome, resting on his lap while he was sitting, even when it was empty. "I love food so much."

He had not weighed himself for a week, but knew that he was now firmly over 115kg, probably closer to 120. His thick thighs spread out beneath him; even his fingers were growing chubby now.

Gwen felt a hot tingle between her legs. "Is there anything... wrong with being fat?" she ventured.

"I don't really want to be fat," Martin said, pouting a little; "but I just want to eat. I want to keep eating whatever I want... I don't think I can stop now, even if I wanted to. Please don't say 'I told you so'," he added with false sternness.

"Never," Gwen said. "I'll just think it." Her heart was suddenly beating hard.

"I just don't want to disappoint you," Martin went on, not smiling. "I don't want you to think I'm some fat, lazy--"

"Martin, don't insult me," Gwen cut him off. "You know I don't think like that."

"Yeah but... you've got so much discipline. And you've got, like, the perfect body," Martin said. "I admire so much all the training you do. I don't want to let you down."

Gwen snorted. "Well, thanks. But it's not a sacrifice for me, looking like this. Believe it or not, I actually like working out. I wish I could be a yoga instructor, but I can't afford the course. Working out makes me happy. Like eating makes you happy."

She shifted a little closer on the couch, and placed her soft, slender feminine hand on his tight belly, marveling at the shape and feel of it, how it had grown so much in the past few months.

"That feels so good," Martin sighed.

She looked at the outline of his boy boobs beneath this shirt, noticing all the changes in his body. As he glanced down at his ice cream, spooning another huge bite into his mouth, a little double chin formed. In her pants, Gwen was soaking wet--yet she didn't know what precisely she wanted. To fuck him? She did not even know if he appealed to her like that, even if he did want her. All she knew was that the sight on him looking so full and content filled her with a new kind of physical joy.

"Martin," she whispered, and she hated how vulnerable she sounded.

"Hmm?" Martin said through another mouthful of ice cream.

"What.. what's a feeder -exactly?"

Martin raised his head, and looked at her with a hint of concern. He slid the spoon out of his mouth, and set the ice cream aside on the coffee table. "Have you been talking to Morty?"

"Yeah... well- yeah, he mentioned it," Gwen muttered. "I didn't want to ask him and have him think I'm some twenty-eight year old virgin."

"Aren't we supposed to not care what Morty thinks?" Martin said gently, with a soft smile. Gwen snorted.

Martin went on. "Well, it's basically someone who helps and encourages someone else to gain weight. It's like a sexual or, like a romantic thing..."

"Was... is Mort your feeder?"

"Sort of," said Martin, blushing now. "I mean... we used to do a lot of food play when we were together, but we were never completely serious about me gaining. I mean, I kind of need a proper boyfriend for that."

"Do you... like that? The thought of getting bigger for someone, I mean?"

"Um... well, yes and no. I mean, I definitely like some things about it. I like how much he likes it... and of course, just I love food, so yeah. I love how sensual it feels to be stuffed... like now." He gave his taut belly a gentle rub. "Right now, I kind of like being fat. I like feeling full and heavy... That's why I just have to resign myself to the fact that I've going to get fatter anyway."

"I like the thought of being fatter... so long as you're happy." To her own horror, Gwen found that she was close to tears now; she hated even Martin to see any such vulnerability from her.

"Oh my gosh Gweny," he said with concern, shifting himself upward a little with an effort. He stroked the side of her face. "Really? Oh darling..."

Unable to stop herself, Gwen started to cry. Martin drew her into a hug, soft warm and comforting.

"I d-don't know what's wrong with me," she sobbed. "You know... when I was 14 and that asshole raped me, I think I was just ruined forever."

"You are not ruined!" He looked at her with such intensity it almost startled her. "You are the most amazing person I know, Gwen; don't even give that horrible man a moment's memory, because he's not worth it!"

Gwen nodded fretfully, trying to calm herself. It had been years since they had talked about it, and she hadn't realized quite how much she had been bottling it up inside. She lay against him, her tears dampening his shirt--and gradually she became calmer. Martin stroked her hair.

Eventually, he said in a quiet voice: "If it means anything.. I- I never ate like this for Morty, no matter how much he encouraged me. Not even when I wanted to eat more myself ... but all it took was one suggestion from you... and now look!" he slid his hand to his lower belly, and gave it a jiggle, his new mound of flesh shaking a little beneath Gwen's face. "I'm more than twice your weight now. ...And I would love to keep getting fatter for you," he whispered in her ear.

Gwen raised her tearstained face. "But... you're not into women... are- are you?"

"Well -no, but it's not really a sex thing for me. It's more like... more like friendship... like closeness; like comfort. Video games and shitty horror movies." He smiled, little dimples appeared either side of his soft, rosy mouth.

Gwen laughed reluctantly. "Well... I won't ask you to do anything, but if you were to happen to get fatter because you love food... I guess I could live with that." She smiled suggestively. "I want to look after you. And I think you've never looked hotter."

Smiling, Martin kissed her forehead. "Then why don't you go get me some of that apple pie from upstairs? I'm just too lazy to get up right now... Then we'll put on another movie. Your choice."
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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GrowingLoveH... 2 years
Reread this! It’s beautifully written.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
I love this story. What talents you have! Thank you for this exquisite tale. I am only halfway through but damn! You’re good!
DemoniaFFA 6 years
Thanks so much everyone! smiley x
Giantjay 6 years
Beautifully executed story with nicely developed characters (no pun intended!). Really excellent!
Nathel112 6 years
It's rare to get a actual story on here you did a great job!! Can't wait to see more of your worksmiley
Ffancy 6 years
This story is really wonderful and sweet!