
chapter 14

When Martin stepped on the scale again for Gwen and Mort that night, the display read ERROR.

"What does it say?" asked Martin, who could no longer see over his huge, wobbling belly, no matter how much he tried to lean forward. "140?"

"Um..." said Gwen.

Mort couldn't stop grinning. "Oh something like that."

"This scale only goes up to 150, and it's telling us 'error', so I'm guessing... yeah," Gwen grinned at Martin, who immediately went red.

"Oh God. That's ridiculous. Wow." Martin stepped off the scale, and sat heavily down on the sofa, which sagged and groaned under his weight. His belly occupied half of his lap now, his boy boobs evident beneath his shirt. He cupped his hands under his gut, lifting it and releasing it; it quivered and shook, waves rippling along his new fat.

"Look what I've done to myself," he said, partially awed, partly disgusted. "I'm going to be like 400lbs in no time at this rate..."

"Correction: what we've all done to you," said Gwen. She could not believe how fat he was becoming; and she found it far more arousing than she would admit, to see him making little adjustment for his new size, such as shifting his car seat back to stop his belly bumping against the steering wheel.

"Well, I think this calls for a little celebration feast," Mort said evilly. "Let's all go to my restaurant, hmm."


That evening, after returning from a huge meal at Mort's restaurant, Martin treated himself to a bubble-bath, enjoying the hot, perfumed water against his huge body. He was almost too large for Gwen's tub now, his huge hips pressing against either side. Suddenly Gwen knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?"

"Um... yeah, sure Gweny," said Martin, sitting up a little.

Gwen came in, carrying a bottle of lotion, and a large box of chocolates. Martin's eyes widened.

"Ohhh- what's the occasion?"

"I figured Mort shouldn't be the only one whose allowed to feed you. May I?"

"Yes please," said Martin eagerly. Gwen pulled a stool up to the side of the tub, and cracked open the box of chocolates. She selected a strawberry praline, and slipped it between Martin's lips; he let out a moan of pleasure.

His belly crested the bubbly water even as he leaned back in the bath, and he slid his hands over his big, round girth with pleasure.

"That's so good -can I have more? I'm really hungry..."

Gwen fed him another chocolate, then another, and another; watching all the while as he caressed his fat with evident pleasure. Soon, he had finished the entire box.

"I can't stop Gweny," Martin said at last, in an almost helpless voice. "I could probably eat two more boxes before I'll have enough. The ladies at work were making fun of me today --except Fran, of course--and you should have heard Diego at the restaurant when I went in for lunch."

"Diego is a bitch," Gwen said at once.

"Yeah, I know. But he's right. I'm getting huge... look how big my belly is... But I just want to keep eating and eating. I can't stop."

"Chad would be appalled too," said Gwen, feeling instantly aroused.

"Yeah... but will you be here for me... you know, if I start to need help with some things?"

"What do you think?" Gwen said.

"You're amazing," said Martin.

Gwen turned her back politely when he got out of the tub, pulling on his XXL underwear and dressing gown. Yet the dressing gown, he found, could no longer close around his belly. Gwen watched as he tried to pull it closed, only to reveal over an inch of pale flesh.

"Not much point keeping that then," said Gwen. She raised the lotion. "Want some of this?"

"Um... yeah," said Martin, blushing. "Maybe... maybe you could rub some on me? It's getting hard to reach some places. O-only if you want to, of course." He added nervously.

"I think I can handle that," said Gwen.

In the bedroom, Martin shed the dressing gown, and crawled with an effort onto the bed, his belly swaying beneath him, so heavy it looked like it was threatening to throw him off-balance. Gwen's jaw almost dropped at his sheer size. He was panting a little as he turned over, belly quivering. She started by rubbing lotion into his chubby feet, and he squirmed and giggled with pleasure as her fingers slid between his toes. She moved up his thick ankles and shins, and then to his thighs, where his new weight had manifested in deep dimples and wobbling cellulite. Gwen pumped more lotion onto her palm, and rubbed it over his pale skin, noting the pale stretch marks.

"Cold!" gasped Martin, pulling a face.

"Oh sor-ry," said Gwen with mock sympathy.

His thighs were so thick now they constantly rubbed together; Gwen slid her slick fingers between them, to relieve any chaffing. His belly rested on his thighs, and he lifted it up with both hands so she could reach further, molding his fat between his hands with almost loving sensuality.

"Mm, that feels good," Martin sighed, tilting his head back. "Rub my belly - I think I ate too much."

Gwen moved onto what she had been looking forward to most: his round, blubbery, insatiable gut. They both watched as she rubbed, squeezed and manipulated his fat, marveling at how far her dark, slender hands could sink into his soft, white flesh. His belly button was so deep she could insert her index finger almost up to the first knuckle. She gave his belly a forceful jiggle, watching as his flesh, slick with lotion, rippled and wobbled.

"Hey!" said Martin, pouting with false indignation.

"Sorry," Gwen said breathlessly. "You're just so..."

"No. Well, yeah. But I was going to say, you feel nice."

Martin smiled. "I'm just glad it doesn't gross you out. Because I'm pretty sure I was always meant to be fat."

"Good to hear you finally admit that. Because I've always known it," Gwen grinned.

Gwen slid her fingers between the soft rolls on his back, causing him to giggle a bit. Then they watched Netflix for a while, Gwen resting her head on Martin's pillowly belly. She felt completely safe and, for the first time in many years, not alone. She finally dozed off while Martin stroked her hair.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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GrowingLoveH... 2 years
Reread this! It’s beautifully written.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
I love this story. What talents you have! Thank you for this exquisite tale. I am only halfway through but damn! You’re good!
DemoniaFFA 6 years
Thanks so much everyone! smiley x
Giantjay 6 years
Beautifully executed story with nicely developed characters (no pun intended!). Really excellent!
Nathel112 6 years
It's rare to get a actual story on here you did a great job!! Can't wait to see more of your worksmiley
Ffancy 6 years
This story is really wonderful and sweet!