
chapter 10

As the weeks passed, people at the bank began to notice Martin's growing body. Indeed, he wondered if he was not gaining even more rapidly now than in that initial month--all the free food at Mort's restaurant certainly didn't help, anyway.

Naomi kept shooting him worried looks throughout the day, as he munched through packets of chips and sipped rich cream-filled ice coffees and thickshakes. Fran, however, simply remarked that it was 'good to see you finally filling out a bit, dear," giving his growing belly a little pat as she set more cupcakes down on his plate.

After lunch, when he was stuffed with food, his belly would rest in his lap, a constant warm weight. His thighs were spreading out over his chair, covering the entire surface now, and the buttons of his new work shirt had started to gape. He loved to rub his full, round belly under the table, marveling at how large, how heavy and how soft it was becoming.

Several times a week, Mort would cook for him --sometimes at the restaurant, sometimes in his apartment, where Gwen joined them-- and Martin would stuff himself silly, gorging until he could barely move.

One evening, Martin was playing Skyrum, and Gwen was watching him. She liked to watch him play video games, and occasionally offer unhelpful advice. A moment later, Martin's phone rang. It was Chad. Martin paused the game, immediately feeling anxious.

"Oh, hey Chad," he said, pulling a face at Gwen, who pulled a face back.

"Hey," said Chad; "How's things with you? Keeping up the routine?"

"Umm..." Martin glanced down at his ever-thickening belly and love-handles; at the array of empty plates and food packages on the desk by his computer.

"Figured you might be slipping a bit, aye," Chad went on; "I'll sort that out. Gonna be heading up your way on me drive up to Canberra. OK if I crash with you and Gwen for couple of nights?"

Martin looked at Gwen, mouthing helplessly He wants to stay here. They both pulled faces at the thought, even though they both knew that they couldn't refuse him. Gwen jerked her head irritably in assent.

"Um yeah sure, of course," Martin reluctantly told his brother. "What time--"

"Sweet," Chad interrupted; "I'll be there tomorrow." And he hung up the phone.

"Oh God," Martin groaned. "He's going to be here tomorrow!"

"Doesn't waste time, does he?" Gwen snorted.

"And I... I haven't had any time to get back to gym and stuff," Martin sulked, even though they both knew this wasn't exactly true. "What's he going to say when he sees me?" He felt a constriction in his throat, and was on the verge of tears.

Gwen sprang up from the couch and went to him. "Hey, leave it to me. I'll take the hit; it was my idea anyway. I dare him to say something! I'll finally be able to tell him what I think."


Gwen and Martin spent the following day cleaning up the apartment. Gwen was preparing herself for a fight, hating to see Martin so nervous.
He dressed in a suit jacket, hoping to make his belly less obvious--though he had to admit that there was simply no hiding it now; his months of gorging had seen to that.

Gwen was wearing her yoga tights and a work out singlet, showing off her ink and her toned, slim body.
In the late afternoon, the doorbell rang. Gwen sprung up to answer it. She had even missed out on training that night, so that she could be there when Chad arrived.

Chad strode inside with only a sports bag, looking every bit as Gwen remembered him.
Chad was what Gwen called a 'dude-bro': a fit, good-looking young man with lots of muscles but not much muscle between the ears. He was usually dressed in one of those gym shirts with the gaping arm-holes, the better to show off his muscles. He had bleached blonde hair, a tan that was bordering on orange, and one of those tribal tattoos on his thick bicep.

"Oh yeah, nice place ay," said Chad by means of introduction--then his gaze fell upon his 'little' brother. His eyes widened with shock. "Ah Martin -fuckin' 'ell, man." He dropped his bag and strode over to Martin, seizing the base of his shirt and yanking it up to see Martin's plump, wobbling belly.

"Oi!" said Gwen at once, pushing him away.

"Fuuu-uck," said Chad, while Martin's face glowed pink. "Look at that gut! You must've done nothin' but stuff your face since you got here? You're fat as ever!"

"Leave him alone, Chad!" Gwen cried.

"Why didn't you stop him, Gwen?" Chad cried.

"Because it's bullshit!" Gwen said at once, puffing out her chest. "I've never seen him more upset than after a few months with you! I told him to eat whatever he wants, because I know it makes him happy. I know him better than you!"

"It's unhealthy!" Chad exclaimed, motioning at Martin as if he was an inanimate object. "Dude, have you seen what you look like? You got tits and everything!"

"I know what I look like, Chad," Martin whispered, his lip quivering. "I'm sorry... I- I -it's--"

"No, sorry but fuck that, Martin," Gwen cut in, stepping in front of him as though to physically protect him; "You got nothing to be sorry for! Nothing! And you--" She jabbed a manicured finger into Chad's chest; "if you don't leave him alone, you're not staying here. Got it? I pay the bulk of the rent here; my rules."

Chad hunched his bulky shoulders. "Right. Fine. Sorry for carin' 'bout me brother... I'm gonna grab a shower. Sweaty as."

"Fine," Gwen said coldly.

Chad picked up his bag and stumped off towards the bathroom.

Martin covered his face with his hands, trembling with emotion.

"Hey," Gwen said gently. She put her arms around him, and Martin started to sob. "It's OK, shh..."

"Thanks Gweny... I- I don't know what I ex-expected--" Martin hiccupped. He held her tighter. "I'm so glad you're here."


Knowing that Gwen would not mess around, Chad did not say anything negative about Martin for the rest of his stay, though he shot judgemental glances at him if Martin so much as took a sip of coffee in his presence.

Martin was starving, having purged the flat of all his favourite treats before Chad had arrived. Only now did he realize how much his appitite and capacity had increased; returning to normal portion-sizes, even for less than two days, was almost intolerable. As soon as Chad left, he could no longer hold himself back. He went straight to Mort's restaurant with Gwen, where Mort was more than happy to provide him with more food than even he could hope to eat.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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GrowingLoveH... 2 years
Reread this! It’s beautifully written.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
I love this story. What talents you have! Thank you for this exquisite tale. I am only halfway through but damn! You’re good!
DemoniaFFA 6 years
Thanks so much everyone! smiley x
Giantjay 6 years
Beautifully executed story with nicely developed characters (no pun intended!). Really excellent!
Nathel112 6 years
It's rare to get a actual story on here you did a great job!! Can't wait to see more of your worksmiley
Ffancy 6 years
This story is really wonderful and sweet!