
chapter 3

"Now Fanny, you can relax." Nurse Anders says, sternly, but not unkindly. "I'm completely in control of you, and its my responsibility to decide the best corrections strategy for you." You feel your belly tense reflexively as she gently massages your tender paunch with her hand. Whimpering helplessly, you feel her push her finger gently but firmly inside you. The intrusion catches you unprepared, and you try to calm youself in the face of your powerlessness.

"I'm going to use a technique we call 'arousal assisted interrogation', Fanny. I need to know exactly how you broke your parole terms. I'm going to find out, one way or another, but I'm more likely to be lenient if you tell me everything immediately. Do you understand?"

Your mind is a fog, your brain feels completely paralyzed by your predicament. You realize your breathing is fast and shallow and feel your heart is beating frantically. You try to think, to calm your panic, consciously taking several slow deep breaths. Your thoughts start to coalesce, your awareness returning, as your mind begins to process the sensations in your body.

The humiliation of your splayed helplessness fades as you become more conscious of the nurse's hands in and on your body. It occurs to you that you are trapped, like an animal pinned by a predator. As you feel Nurse Anders' fingers move inside you, her hand pressing lightly on your belly, you realize you have underestimated her, assuming she was just a nursing assistant. You realize in horror that she is playing your body like a skilled musician plucking the strings of an instrument, every touch producing the desired response from the ancient animal part of your brain.

You breathe deep once more, surprised to notice that it is not the nurse's finger in your most intimate place that is most insistent, but her gentle pressure on your rounded belly. She looks at you, as if she is able to read your mind.

"It's all right. I know." She says, with a sly smile. "We always think of the pussy as the most personal part of us, but in truth it's not. We know that is a place of desire and pleasure - and we're used it being objectified - sometimes it doesn't even feel like it's part of us does it? But the belly? That's more conflicted, isn't it? When I place my hand on your abdomen I'm drawing attention to a part of your body that you associate with shame and discomfort. I know." She nods. "I know that you try to hide your belly. I know that you breathe in and suck your belly to make it look smaller. You don't need to do that with me - I see all of you!"

You nod, anxiously making eye contact with the young nurse. It's disconcerting to be reminded that your most private and unspoken thoughts are so completely laid bare. "Now Jenny, tell me, what were the circumstances that led you to violate your parole?"

"I-I had finished work." You begin anxiously, intensely aware of the tip of her finger pressing against your anterior vaginal wall, only a fraction of a inch from the palm of her hand resting just above your pubic bone. "My boss offered me a - a lift home. It's a long bus ride, so I said yes. He - he's a good man. I-I've known he's been attracted to me for a long time." Nurse Anders nods kindly, stroking her finger inside you in a way that makes your toes curl with excitement and your vagina clench involuntarily. "Mmmm." You murmur, your anxiety beginning to give way to arousal.

"So did you invite him back to your apartment?" Nurse Anders asks, a slight tone of salacious interest in her voice.

"N-no!" You insist. "He - he walked me to my door, and then he - well - I could tell that he wanted to but - well - he's always been shy. I-I wanted to invite him in, but - I mean - my belt - I couldn't!" She nods, her brow furrowed with understanding, inviting you to continue. "He leaned in to kiss me, and I let him - he pushed me against the door of my apartment and I felt his tongue in my mouth and it was as if I was on fire! I couldn't bear it - I so needed him to take me right then and there. I've never needed anything so much in my life, but I could feel my belt, and I was worried that he might report me, or that he might manage to give me an orgasm somehow. I felt so close I knew it wouldn't take much to tip me over the edge and then I would be in violation of my parole."

"Hmm..." The nurse murmurs, rubbing your gently rounded belly with one hand, her other hand moving subtly, beginning to massage your swollen vulva with her fingers and palm. "So what happened next?"

You have to concentrate to control your breathing as you feel your body respond to her skilled touch. Your hips press against her hand, urgently seeking release from the unbearable tension. You're aware but unconcerned by your indignity, conscious only of your need. "I-I pushed him away - I thanked him, and told him that I would love too see him again soon, but that he couldn't come in. He - he looked disappointed, but kissed me again and then turned to leave. I closed the door of my apartment behind me and then began to sob. I was so horny. I know I shouldn't have. I know it was wrong! I know I should have surrendered all of my vibrators - but - I had kept one. I don't know why, but I hadn't handed it in. It wasn't even very big, I'm so sorry - I know I should have turned it in!"

"Uh ha! Yes you should!" Nurse Anders says playfully, and through your haze of arousal you think you see her wink at you. "It doesn't seem to have dulled your appetite though, does it Fanny?" You whimper helplessly, your body feeling like a glove puppet on the hand of a skillful puppeteer as she begins to rhythmically probe your pussy. "I was going to give you some lubrication, but that really doesn't seem necessary, does it?" She teases. "Now, tell me exactly what you did."

"I-I tried to take a cold shower." You stumble, trying to focus on your task even as the nurse continues to stoke the cacophony of arousal that threatens to drown your conscious thought. "I-I tried to be a good girl! I-I tried not to think about the vibrator in the back of my drawer, but I couldn't! In the end I couldn't help myself - I had to take it out - but I promised myself that I would just try to cool my need a little - just try to take the edge off a little. I really didn't mean to orgasm - I didn't - I - Oh!"

Suddenly your train of thought is derailed by the explosive sensation of Nurse Anders' thumb against your inflamed clitoris. You feel your body jerk uncontrollably in the chair, unable to stop your muscles from spasming in response to the delicate touch. You hear yourself cry out, an incoherent moan of hungry urgency. "Fanny." The nurse smiles, resting her palm on your pubic bone as she watches you quiver with lust. "Tell me the truth now. What was going through your mind when you fetched the vibrator?"
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Flake113 6 years
Love how this is going... more!
Nok 6 years
Brilliant. Love your writing (as always). Very sexy. thanks for sharing!
Champ 6 years
Hope she gets huge!
Di905 6 years
You have produced a number of real fine but seemingly unfinished stories. I hope this one fares better.
Tommmy 6 years
The first nine chapters for very good
I can’t wait to see how huge she’s going to get !!
QuebecFA 6 years
I am really enjoying this story! I can't wait to see how fat Fanny ultimately becomes! :-)
Jazzman 6 years
Nice story!