Just one more bite..

chapter 7


"Oh my god is it you Ella?" Asked the woman on benk in beach. "Amanda! So nice to see you!" I replied. We were in same shcool as kids. "How are you?" Amanda asked and I replied:" I'm totally fine, how about you?" Then Sam walked to us and kissed me:" Hi darling." Amanda got really exited and started to scream:"Oh my god! How many months? Why didn't you tell me!" She watched my belly and Sam and told that she is so happy for us. I wasn't able to say anything since I realised what she ment. My cheeks were burning hot as I blushed. I watched down to my feet and saw my belly that looked huge, like I was pregnant. I watched Sam, then Amanda and back to my belly again. I tried to say something but I was too ashamed.. "Well...oh...you're not pregnant...I'm so so sorry, " Amanda said bit embrassed. Then she mumbled that she should get going. I still couldn't say or do anything. I was so embrassed..How did I let this happen? "Hey, Ella...are you okay?" Sam asked me. "That. Was. Embrassing!" I replied quietly.
"Amanda is right, I have really putted on some, as I look like I was pregnant.." I wasn't able to watch his eyes. "You must find me disgusting. I am not fit anymore. I'm not even average, I'm fat! Seems like I can't even handle my own weight..What might you be thinking about me right now?" I asked. "Oh, so that is the problem of yours? Is that why you have been trying to hide your perfect body from me? You should know that I love you, no matter your size. And I have to tell you, if you want to gain more, I will totally support you!" Sam answerd. "Gain more...wait what? Why? " I asked confused. "The truth is, I find you more attractive now, when your body is covered by softnes. Your body has more curves now, you were perfect already, but now you are more than perfect! I don't want to make you to gain anymore if you hate it, I would never want to force you..." Sam said. "Make me? Force me? What do you mean? ...wait! All those times when you cooked, you..?" I asked more confused. "Yes, I realised that you looked more beautiful and I wanted to feed you, make you look like you have someone who wants to make you food and cares. I didn't want you to look too skinny. I truly love you and this is how I want to show it! Of course, if you don't enjoy it, I can stop.." Sam explained. My heart melted for his words. "Oh Sam, I don't know what to say. It's not that bad to gain weight, is that? I mean, I want to let you show your love as I want to feel it. I love you more than anything in world. Just don't do anything without telling me first anymore, okay?" I asked. "Are you seriously? Of course we will do it slow, I don't want to push you to gain too much in too short period of time. You are amazing, you know that? "Sam got said. He hugged me and whisperd:" just wait for what I have on my mind now.."
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Gatnip 6 years
Atm I'm bit busy irl, but I promise to keep on writing this : )
Anto 6 years
Anto 6 years
I love