Just one more bite..

chapter 9


Just one more bite, I told myself when I looked at my plate. I was in my friend's birthday parties and there were a lot of sweet food like ice cream, cake, candies, and salty stuff like chips, hamburgers and pizza etc. Basicly there was everykind of fast food, something for everyone. My friend Maria wanted to celebrate her big day so thats why there were so many people. I didn't know many of them, so I happened to find myself eating with some random people. Anna and Sofia tasted something and told me to try that too. I felt full already but couldn't resist as they asked. I told them to slow it down or I'll explose but Anna just laughted. The fact was that I had been there long time eating before them so I was full before they even came to meet me. Sofia gave me a strawberries dipped in chokolate and they became to be my favorites. Ummmn! I just love these! After some time Sofia asked if we would go get something to drink. I became to feel myself bit overstuffed with sweets so I needed a drink. It was warm summer day, so cold beer tasted like heaven to us! One class of beer after another. It seemed like it was easier to make friends with new people if you ate or drank with them.

Then Maria came and asked if I'd like to dance with her so of course I said yes, It was her birthday. We went to dancing area where music was thumping loudly. I loved it and hae a lot of good time with my friends. We danced, jumped and laughted. I stopped for a moment to take breath. I felt a little sweaty. Then I saw some man staring at me. I looked if there was something wrong with me. How he dares! I kept on dancing and having a good time with my friends without caring. I felt thirsty again and went to get some beer. I had never actually drank that many before in such a little period of time. Then I noticed that that same man was staring at me again. I couldn't resist so I walked towards him and asked if he had some problem. He just laughted and asked If I would like to get something to eat. I asked what he ment by that but he just laughted. It started to become uncomfortable situation to me, but he didn't seem to notice. He started to speak of how he likes to keep himself in good shape by exercising every day. He laughted and said that maybe dancing is exercising too and I'm sure that after saying that he looked down at my recently grown belly that looked more stuffed after eating and specially drinking. I started to realise what he was trying to say. What the hell was wrong with him? Why he cares? Is he really that mean? He don't know me or my backstory. How can he judge me and even make fun of me? I didn't brother to speak any longer with that man so I walked fast to toilet. There wasnt anybody else so I looked at mirror and saw my belly as I moved and turned around. It jiggled a little, same did my thights wich almost touched eachothers. My little black dress looked one size too small to me. It made me look like I had love handles. But how could I? I never have had them so why would I now? My breasts were too big to my push-up bra so they also jumped when I moved my body. It is probably just the dress, I putted on a wrong one. Now I needed to find my friends and forget about the meetibg with that man. He is just some fool...
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Gatnip 6 years
Atm I'm bit busy irl, but I promise to keep on writing this : )
Anto 6 years
Anto 6 years
I love