Maxed out

chapter 6

His weeks all went sort of the same way, he would work throughout the week, seeing Emily a couple nights where she would stuff him to his limit and fuck his brains out, always making him a massive breakfast the next morning and packing him a large lunch. She would text him to make sure he was snacking like a good piggy and encouraged him to make his shakes once a night to ensure he was getting in as many calories as possible. The weekends would be nonstop binges at either his place or hers and Max would go back to work the next week with tighter clothes, more stretch marks and a bigger body. The culmination of each month would be another fast food marathon. After another three months Max found that he had put on almost 50lbs, bringing his weight up to an astounding 378lbs.
The numbers on the scale weren't the only changes he had noticed, his thighs had expanded and started to develop little folds right above his knees. Max's arms had softened up too, and where he could at one time see some form of a bicep, it was now just thick flabby hanging fat. His ass had grown too, he spent most of day sitting down and it helped his cellulite dimpled cheeks spread further and hang down ever so slightly. His beard hid his growing second chin but it couldn't hid his cheeks which had puffed out as the weight piled on. His man boobs, which were already starting to sag could now be officially classified as C-cups, and Emily loved nothing more than to suckle on his massive man tits. They flopped down and rested to either side of his giant gut, it spread out wider than his hips when he sat down and fell graciously into his lap covering his manhood and resting on his thighs. His belly button had deepened and Emily liked to joke that she could lose her whole hand down there if she wasn't careful. His belly apron had now fully concealed his penis, which was slowly being enveloped in a fat pad. He had guessed he'd already lost a full inch, a fact that Emily was oddly proud of. She loved the idea that he was becoming so fat that his own cock was being buried in blubber.
The changes weren't all cosmetic either. Max had never been the most active person, but with as quick as he was gaining his body couldn't keep up. His life had become more sedentary, and Emily was doing nothing but encouraging it. Whenever they were together, she would insist that she do everything for him, usually without him asking. There would be days on the weekend where he'd realize that he hadn't gotten up from the couch all day, and when he did he was so full that it was starting to take more and more effort just to rock himself forward to gain momentum to stand up. And Emily was always right there to lend him an arm and give him a little pull. She loved how out of shape he was getting, but Max hadn't really noticed until the day Emily's elevator was down for repairs.
Emily had always taken the stairs to her third floor apartment, and insisted Max take the elevator but today it was down for maintenance. She was concerned but Max couldn't figure out why until he started his way up the first flight. They had just gotten back from the bakery with a couple dozen donuts, Max was starving and just wanted to get upstairs so he could enjoy his mid morning treat. He hand't really thought about it but he hadn't climbed a whole flight of stairs in several months, and halfway up the gravity of out of shape he was, was setting in. He had started to get out of breath almost immediately and by the time he got to the top of first flight he was starting to sweat and panting uncontrollably. He told Emily he needed a break and she gladly obliged, even handing him a couple of donuts to eat while he sat and rested. After a minute or two he had started to catch his breath, grabbed her hand as she heaved him up and he began the next flight. Half way though he was panting again and his face was flushed red. He pushed on through the pain and made it up to the next landing, where he promptly sat down. Emily handed him a couple of donuts and noticed his hand on his chest, she bent down and pressed her ear against his flabby body and heard his heart racing. She was so instantly turned on by how out of shape Max was getting under her control.
"It looks like we have to cross stairs off of your list." She cooed in his ear as he ate the donuts she handed him.
"What do you mean? What list?" He asked curiously.
"The list of things you're getting to fat for tubby," she said poking his belly and giving him a sultry look.
"I am not too fat for the stairs!" Max said assertively as he struggled to stand on his own. He then started up the last flight, it was slow but he did it, and when he got to the top he felt like he might collapse. Emily was still at the bottom staring at him, she then jogged up the stairs in no time flat, stopped right at him picked up and kneaded his fat gut a bit. She looked him right in the eyes.
"Well in that case I guess we have some work to do." And with that she led him down the hall to her apartment where she proceeded to feed him the remaining donuts before giving him another kind of work out. Emily did her best to keep him from exerting himself in any way over the last couple months, she wanted to make sure he didn't burn any unnecessary calories and she loved the idea of his muscles atrophying as he gained. She had goals far behind his and she knew the lazier and more out of shape he got the more likely he would be to letting her continue his gains. So she made sure to continue doing every little thing she could for him when they were together. She would help him get up anytime he needed to, which was rare, without him asking, and soon he began to expect it, even count on it. Max hadn't climbed more than a few stairs since the last time, even for one floor he would use the elevator. Emily made sure to always drop him off at the door whenever they were out, she didn't want him having to walk through the parking lot. He found it silly but also kind of sweet that she wanted to take care of him like that. There were even weekend days when she would insist they stay in bed all day, so he would simply lay there with her and eat, only getting up to use the restroom. Emily would obviously be there to help him stand up and even guide him to the bathroom.
It was during one of these weekends when Max decided to step on the scale once again. Emily was preparing his next meal so he decided to step on the scale and have a look without her added pressure. He prodded the button and stepped onto the platform. The numbers stopped at 402, and he was flabbergasted, he had no idea he was so close to the goal. Certainly he felt fatter but he sort of expected 400lbs to feel bigger. Nonetheless he had had to share the good news with Emily. He hurried out of the room and into the kitchen. "Baby, guess what?!"
"What? And why are you out of bed?" Emily replied.
"We did it, I just got up to use the bathroom and I cheated and checked the scale, and we did it! I'm officially 402lbs." Max beamed. Emily was flushed with emotions, she was so proud and happy and aroused at him exceeding his weight gain goal. On the other hand, she had already realized what this meant, he would want to stop gaining for her, stop getting fatter, and where did that leave them? She loved him, she knew that, but she also loved being his feeder and she was worried that without that part of their relationship, it may start to fall apart. After they celebrated that day with the normal food and sex, she woke the next morning to prepare another Fast food marathon for her Max, however he interrupted her train of thought.
"So I thought we could check out that new retro arcade today, what do you think?" Max asked.
"Arcade? What about our monthly tradition, the fast food marathon?" She asked, worried.
"What about it? I didn't think we would need to do it today, all considering," he picked up his massive belly and let it fall back to his knees. Emily's fear was becoming a reality, she was flustered and before she knew it she blurted out...
"I think we should move in together."
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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BeSoft 6 years
hotter than HOT!
FS43 6 years
Wow, this is hot!!