Maxed out

chapter 7

"I think that's the last of it," Emily said carrying in another box. It had been a little over a month since she suggested they move in together, she had been working tirelessly the last couple of days to move all of her things in Max's house. Max, of course, was right where she wanted him to be, sitting on the couch with a stack of pizza and six pack, watching TV. Emily hadn't been pushing him to gain since he hit 400lbs, but she was biding her time. When she said they should move it, she did so reactionarily, sure she loved him but she was so afraid that he would stop gaining and this was the only way she knew to make sure he didn't stop. They talked about it for a few nights, who would move in with who, how would the bills work, were they ready for that step, but when it came down to it, it made the most sense. Max was secretly afraid that if he said no, she would leave him, and then where would he be? A 400lbs man in a city he was still relatively unfamiliar with, with few to no friends besides his girlfriend, that's not an easy life. Plus his increased size meant things were getting more difficult, and while he didn't relish it, he knew that having Emily around meant he would never have to worry about those types of things.
He of course, was right, Emily wouldn't let him lift a finger around the house. She took on all the chores from the start without him even having to ask. He woke up the first weekend to the sound of the lawnmower, he rolled out of bed and glanced outside to see Emily cutting the grass. She wore a tank top and short shorts, her thick muscular thighs and athletic shoulders pulsing as she pushed the mower. Max hated cutting the grass so he didn't mind, but he also didn't want to take advantage of her help, so he opened the window and called out to her. "Getting an early start I see, give me a few minutes and I'll come help."
Emily stopped and looked up at him with a smile, "don't worry about honey, I got this. Oh but I made a quick breakfast if you're hungry." With that she started the mower back up and kept going. Of course Max was hungry, he was always hungry these days, so he made his way to the kitchen to find a whole tray of cinnamon rolls with a little note that read, 'Enjoy! - Love, Em'. He just smiled and grabbed a plate, loaded up a few rolls and went to the table to eat them. He polished them off in a matter of minutes and went back for seconds, he also wanted something to drink so he stopped at the fridge and opened the door. He was shocked when he found the whole fridge was completely packed! There was bottles of soda, several gallons of whole milk, cheeses, meats, butter, hotdogs, cold fried chicken, premade sandwiches, and every condiment he could imagine. He peaked into the freezer and found that it too was stuffed to the brim, with ice cream, a few cheesecakes, ready to make meals of all kinds, frozen pizzas, corndogs, and breakfast sandwiches. He grabbed the gallon of whole milk and the closed the fridge, poured himself a large glass and grabbed another three cinnamon rolls. Max had just polished off his sixth roll when Emily came in, glistening in sweat.
"Thanks for doing that sweetie, you know how much I hate it. And when did you go shopping?" Max asked.
"of course honey, I'm living here now, I have to do my part," she said taking a drink from a water bottle, picking up the tray of cinnamon rolls and brining them to the table. She picked up one of the pastries, and said, "Why don't you finish these off while I shower off then we can start the day!" Max wasn't particularly hungry but he figured why not, so he ate the other 3 cinnamon rolls, a total of 9 for the morning. As the week went on Max found that every time he went to do some laundry, or empty the trash or even get the mail, Emily had already done it. She would wake up before him and make breakfast every morning, not always a feast, but always more than he would have on his own. She would get home before him and start cooking dinner, so he could eat when he got home, and she never skimped on the butter and always made sure to make enough for a whole family so she could convince Max on seconds or thirds. Emily also asked him if he wanted a shake every night before bed, he didn't always say yes, but still a few times a week was enough for her for now.
Life went on like this and before long Emily did everything around the house, and Max got lazier, he wouldn't even offer to help anymore, and just assumed she would do it. Sometimes he felt like a king, sitting on his growing butt and not lifting a finger as Emily ran around and did everything for him but she never treated it like a chore. She would insist he relax and watch tv, and always handed him a snack or two while she worked. Since they were living together now they went out less, and Max found that some weeks he only even left the house for work. Over the course of the year living together, they settled into their new life together and another 40lbs settled its way onto Max's frame. They had just had another epic love making session and Max needed to rinse off, he was covered in crumbs and sweat and needed a shower. He saw the scale sitting on the ground and decided to step on up.
While he waited for the numbers to appear he stared at himself in the floor length mirror. He was so wide nowadays and took up nearly the whole mirror. His face had widened and would surely have a double chin if his beard didn't obscure it. His arms, had last their form and now were thick fat pillows that started to sag a big when he held them up. His forearms still seemed toned, but had softened up a bit as well. His man boobs had begun to sag even more to either side of his gut, they were at least C cups and his nipples had expanded as well to the size of coaster. His massive belly had doubled over creating a top roll that enveloped his deep belly button, and his lower apron hung past his manhood and down onto this thighs. He had dark stretchmarks covering his stomach, that Emily always traced wither he tongue when he was stuffed. He had thick lovehandles that Emily loved to hold on to as she rode him. His thighs had grown and gotten flabbier as well, while his ass spread out even further due to inactivity and he was dimpled with cellulite. He heard the beep of the scale and looked down to see "442".
He couldn't believe it, he hadn't even been attempting to gain weight on purpose but he here he was, 40lbs heavier than he was a year ago. Emily sure had an effect on him, and she wasn't even trying. He wondered how much he'd weigh if she let him have her way. Max knew that Emily wanted him to keep gaining, and while he was opposed to it at first, he was starting to warm up to the idea. He enjoyed being lazy, sure at first it was a little weird just sitting around while his girlfriend did all the housework and cooking, but it had grown on him to the point where he almost expected it. He had been hesitant to get much bigger than 400 because he was worried how he would handle the world being that size. It took a lot of effort to be a large man, carrying around his own bulk was tiring and he was always needing to stop and rest. Stairs were nearly impossible, and long distances were a thing of the past, evening bending over was getting more difficult. But with Emily around none of that mattered. She took care of his every need, he started to wonder how far she would take it if she could.
After he cleaned up he joined her back in bed, and while they cuddled he said playfully, "I got cleaned off, but its getting difficult, if only there was someone to help me."
"I'm sorry big boy, let me know next time and I'll come help suds you down." Emily said rubbing her hand under his fat apron.
"You always take such good care of me."
"That's what I'm here for honey, I love taking care of you," Emily cooed.
Max was still thinking about the scale and the extra 40lbs he now knew he carried, "I bet if I had kept on actively gaining you'd be sick of taking care of me by now."
Emily sat straight up and stared into his eyes, her hands firmly on his stomach, "That's not true, if I had it may way, you wouldn't have to move a muscle. You wouldn't have a single worry because I would do everything for you."
"You already do everything for me," Max chuckled.
"Well sure, but like, I mean everything. Bringing you all your meals, sponge baths, even cleaning you up, if you ever got that big," Emily said, laying back down. "Pipe dreams I guess"
"What if I said, I was thinking about, maybe, gaining again." Max said softly. Emily shot up from the bed and jumped on top of him. "Easy there, I just said maybe, I mean, I am weighing in at 442lbs already."
With that Emily went nuts, she kissed him all over and told him how sexy he was. She rubbed his belly, while they made out and then lifted his massive gut to help expose his fat pad, which had swallowed another inch of cock. She loved and forced him into her mouth as she did her best to hold back his blubber. Emily got him as hard as she could then hopped on top and rode him like a prize bull, she shuddered as she orgasmed. She climbed down and took him back into her mouth, using her free hand on his testicles as she sucked his thick cock, until he came right in her mouth. She took the whole load and looked back up at her satisfied man. She loved how fat he was, but she needed him fatter. She wanted Max to be the fattest man she's ever seen, so out of shape and helpless, dependent on her for his every need. She wanted him immobile.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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BeSoft 6 years
hotter than HOT!
FS43 6 years
Wow, this is hot!!