Maxed out

chapter 8

As she licked her lips and slid back up next to him she said, "So about this gaining thing, when do we start?"
"Well, first, I need some assurances," Max replied.
"What do you mean?"
"If I keep gaining weight, I'm going to need more help. Walking is already becoming a chore and I'm not sure I've had any real activity besides sex in months. How do I know you won't just get me fat and leave me?" Max was genuinely concerned.
"Well, we could married." Emily said matter-of-factly. Max was speechless, he had thought about it sure, but never knew she had. "Though, I've always told myself, I'd stand up at the alter with 500lbs man. So, you'd have some work to do..."
That thought took a little to sink in, Max wasn't sure what he thought about weighing that much, he would be massive. But then again, he was already the fattest guy he knew, and his life sort of already revolved around Emily and food. Besides, she would take care of him, and he loved to eat. He never thought he'd want to gain that much weight but if he was doing it with his future wife, then why not right? So before he could give it another moment he said, "I guess, we'll have to custom tailor a suit then." With that, Max rolled over and opened his bedside table and pulled out a small box.
"If we're going to do this, I guess we should make it official," he said, as Emily stared with her mouth agape. "Emily, will you marry me?"
Emily just squealed in excitement and jumped back on top of her man's giant belly and began kissing him all over, "a million times yes!" She screamed joyfully.
In no time, Emily was constantly a buzz with planning, a lot went into a wedding and she wanted it all to perfect. And from the night they got engaged, a lot went into Max, a lot of food that is. They had discussed it and Max agreed to get back on his old eating schedule until the wedding day, they set a date about 10 months. So the plan was for Max to pack on another 60lbs before the big day, which was no easy task considering just how much he had to eat nowadays just to maintain his weight. Most of their weeknights were spent the same way, Emily on the laptop looking at venues, pricing, caterers, DJ's, etc. while Max stuffed his face. She always made sure he had more than enough to eat and even encouraged him to start including a second weight gain shake in his daily intake. She had guessed he was packing in nearly 10,000 calories on a good day, which was astounding feat, Max even admitted that some days his jaw was tired by bed time, which made the sakes all that much more helpful.
At the end of the first month of getting back to his old schedule, Emily woke him early on the weekend. He was confused, as she normally encouraged him to sleep in on the weekends, store his energy, she'd say. "Come on big boy, you have to get dressed for the marathon!"
The Marathon, Max thought, he had almost forgotten about their early massive feasts, but now the idea of trying it again almost excited him, his appetite had grown so much, and he his stomach had stretched to hold even more these days. With a smile on his face, and a rumble in his tummy, he struggled on the edge of the bed to pull up his size 56 stretch pants. He stood up with the help of the support bars on the wall next to him that Emily had installed some time ago. His whole body jiggled as his giant apron belly cascaded off his thighs and succumbed to gravity. The massive gut hung down over top of this pants, and when he started to put on his size 5XL shirt he realized that it may be time to go up another size. His belly still hung out of the bottom of his shirt. Emily walked over and grabbed the extra exposed few inches and gave it a seductive tickle. "God I love this part." She said with a smile, grabbing her purse.
As Max munched his way through his fifth meal he, Emily worked on massaging his massive exposed belly, once he started eating his shirt proved it was no match for his gluttony. Max shoved the last handful of fries into his mouth, his tongue enjoying every salty taste. He reached for his soda and took a big gulp of the sugary drink, as he polished it off he burped loudly, causing Emily to giggle, she loved it when he let himself act so piggish. He threw the cup down by his feet, into the ever growing pile of wrappers and bags, the remnants of his feast. When they first started his marathons, Emily would throw the trash away after every meal, but she started to grow excited as the aftermath of his meals piled up at his feet. She loved looking at it all, surveying the damage he'd done. So the marathon continued, Max needed less time to recover between meals, meaning he was able to finish in near record time.
He was so full when they got back home that he needed Emily's help to maneuver his way into the house. Max had developed a noticeable waddle as huge thighs shifted around one another, they touched all the way down to his knees. His stomach was so full that he had to lean back as he walked so it didn't pull him forward. Emily led him to the bedroom and slid his pants down off him before he sat down. He fell to the bed with a large thud, the frame seemingly cracking slightly under his weight. Emily instructed him to lift his arms up, which was no small feat these days, they were so heavy and his upper arms were so soft and heavy it made it difficult to hold up too long. As she slid his shirt off, his man boobs fell down to either side of his gut, she leaned in slightly and kissed his massive nipples. He loved when she teased him like this.
Max began to shift and scoot himself into bed, leaning up against his pillows and holding his massive belly. Emily disappeared out of the room, and he a couple minutes later he heard the familiar sound of the blender whirring, knowing what it meant. Emily appeared back in the doorway, wearing his tent like shirt, which went down to her knees and it her like an oversized poncho. She held a pitcher of shake in one hand a funnel in the other. "What's all this now?" Max asked.
"Well, I thought it may be fun to really test the limits of that giant piggy belly."
"I don't know Em, I'm really full already. I might be able to sip the shake but I don't think I can take it all." Max said worriedly.
"Nonsense," She said with a smirk. "You've still got some room in there and you're going to take this funnel. Its not like you can really stop me"
Max realized she right, if she wanted to force him to drink that shake then she was going to. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth, soon he felt the tube being pressed between his lips. Emily climbed on top of him, straddling his hips the best she could and began to pour the shake down the funnel. It tasted so thick and creamy but he knew he was pushing himself too far, he lifted his hand to remove the funnel but Emily stopped him. She kept her hand over his mouth, securing the funnel in place as she kept pouring. He moaned in protest but she kept pouring until the entire shake found its way down his throat, once the last of it left the funnel she pulled the tube out. Max coughed, as drips of shake spilled out the sides of his mouth, Emily bent down and licked it off him. He just clutched his belly the best he could and groaned.
"That's a good piggy," she said, "You deserve a reward." Max couldn't say a word, he was just too full. Emily made her down past his gut to his fat pad and began looking for his nearly buried cock. She took it in her mouth and began working her magic as he laid back and tired his best not to throw up his gargantuan meal. When she brought him to completion she took every last drop of his cum, and snuggled up next to her fiancé, letting him sleep off his meal. "That's my big boy." She said as he drifted off to sleep, his fit muscular girl clinging on to his flabby mass of a body.
Max woke several hours later to the smell of sugar and dough, he had barley opened his eyes to see a donut in front of him waiting to be bitten. Emily was back at it already and he couldn't do much to protest, so he opened his mouth and she shoved in a massive bite. He worked his way through six donuts before she relented, "You're really making me work today," he managed to get out. She planted a long wet kiss on his sugar coated lips and ran her fingers slowly up his massive gut.
"I'm a trainer after all, remember, and I intend to train my man to be the best he can be." With that she snuggled back up next to him, her arms reaching around him the best she could. Emily was true to her word and Max was nothing but a willing participant being filled to the point of bursting nearly every night, she made certain that he started and ended every day with one of her famous calorie ridden shakes. The nine months leading up to their wedding seemed to pass quickly but not without some changes. Emily was constantly buzzing around, planning the wedding, working out to ready her own body for their big day, and of course making sure Max was kept well fed. They had agreed not for him not weigh himself until their wedding night, sort of a gift for them both.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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BeSoft 6 years
hotter than HOT!
FS43 6 years
Wow, this is hot!!