Maxed out

chapter 9

Speaking of changes, Max had undergone a transformation of epic proportions. Of course he was fatter, but that wasn't the only thing different about him. When he first started gaining, he was doing it mostly for Emily and only a little for himself, but now he was like a man addicted. The more he ate, the more his stomach stretched, meaning he could eat even more and therefore gain even more. He had grown to expect his morning shake and couldn't start his day without one, his belly demanded to be filled and he would experience hunger pangs if he went even an hour without some sort of small meal. He even found that he was dreaming about food and feeding, which lead to more mid night snacks being kept in his nightstand, not that Emily minded. She loved waking up to the sound of him scarfing down a quick snack cake or candy bar.
Emily of course kept the house stocked with fattening treats and ready to eat meals, she had already done nearly all of the house work on top of that, but now she was encouraging Max to become even lazier than he already was. If she noticed he was trying to reach something, she would snap to attention and make sure whatever it was ended up in his pudgy hand. Whenever he started to stand up, she would be right there to lend an arm, a gesture that went from appreciation to necessity. As Max's weight went up, he found that these little tasks were becoming more and more challenging, especially on a full belly. This led to his newest slobby habit. After an especially large binge Max found himself needing to pee very badly has his gut pushed down on his bladder. He huffed and puffed and rocked back and forth to gain momentum only to realize the couch was too low and he was too heavy. But he still needed to go and Emily was out picking up food, go figure. So he grabbed a nearby empty bottle and lifted up his huge belly to find his manhood, another inch buried in his fat pad, and relieved himself. When Emily got home she noticed the bottle and he began to apologize, but she laughed it off, kissed him on the forehead and cleaned up after him, saying he had no need to be embarrassed, its part of the package she assured him. Now, anytime she wasn't around and he had to go, he grabbed the nearest two liter and just went. To fat and to lazy to stand up and waddle to the bathroom.
The vows had been exchanged, Max and Emily shared a slow and short first dance, the cake was cut, and the limo had dropped them off at the hotel for the honeymoon suite. The couple raised a few eyebrows as they made their way through the lobby, Emily in a form fitting white cocktail dress, her tight body wasn't what was drawing the looks though. It was her new husband, Max, in a tailor made suit, lumbering and shifting as he walked, needing to take little breaks at every chance available. As they entered their suite, Emily began to unpack their bags while Max collapsed onto the bed, this was the most exercise he had had in some time and his heart raced while he worked to catch his breath. After a few minutes once all the bags were brought in and Max had regained his composure Emily helped him, and instructed him to undress while she slipped into something more comfortable.
Emily opened the bathroom door, with a sultry look, wearing only a sheer negligee. Her perky breasts stood at attention, her soft curves in the perfect hourglass, a stark contrast to her other half. There stood Max, at the foot of the bed, his face had rounded out and his second chin had long since landed on his chest. His shoulders had softened, leading into his massive upper arms, sacks of fat like two pillows spreading out to his side and rolling over his elbows, giving way to his plump forearms, having lost most of their previous form. Even his hands and gotten plumper, to the point that his wedding ring had to be custom ordered. His moobs, were an easy D cup and hung to either side of his massive gut, causing giant rolls under his arms, forcing them up at all times. His belly was the focal point though, littered with stretch marks from his constant stuffings, he had to be nearly five feet wide while standing. His gut stuck out a couple feet ahead of the rest of him, but still managed to hang down to mid-thigh, his belly button was a dark caverness hole that Emily liked to stick things in just to see if they'd hold. His thighs looked like dimpled tree trunks slowly melting in on themselves as they touched all the way to where his long buried knees used to be. His calves, now each the size of a watermelon had rolled over on top of his feet, causing a constant struggle when putting on shoes. He was truly a sight to behold.
"Well, did you bring it?" Max said, a bit impatiently. Emily snapped out of her trance and her eyes lit up.
"Of course!" She replied and nearly flew across the room to biggest of the suit cases and pulled out a platform scale with a digital read out. Emily bought the scale a few weeks ago and had been eager to try it out but knew they had to wait for their big night, their previous scale only went up to 500, but this one had a 750lbs capacity, a fact that made her giddy for the future. She set the scale down on the floor in front of her hefty husband. They both took a deep breath has she helped guide him onto the scale, the lovers stared into each other's eyes as the scale warmed up. Emily held the digital read out as the blinking lights began to form numbers. With a giddy scream she dropped the read out and jumped into his pudgy arms, causing him to lose his balance and they both fell back on the bed as she kissed him all over.
"I'm guessing its good news?" Max tried to laugh but also curious.
"523lbs!" She screamed, "My husband weighs 523 sexy pounds." She beamed, and kissed him all over. She shot up figuring it out in her head, "That's like two pounds a week! Oh baby I just love you so much." With that they had the most epic love session their lives together, Emily crawled under his massive belly and dug his dick out of his fat pad, only a few inches now protruded from his plumpness. She couldn't wait to bury it altogether she thought as they made love.
After a few hours, a very tired couple laid back in bed, Max eating the remnants of a mountain of room service they had ordered during their session. Emily leaned over to her nightstand and pulled out an envelope with a bow on it. She handed to it to Max, interrupting his eating trance and putting a look of confusion on his face. "What's... this..."he got out through a mouthful of French fries.
"just a little late wedding present, for the best husband a girl could dream of."
"But I didn't get you anything," Max said worriedly.
"Baby, I get you, all of you," she said kissing his belly, "that's the best gift of all." Max smiled and opened the envelope, revealing a letter of resignation, with his name at the bottom.
"Em, what's this?"
"Its my wedding gift to you. I know how difficult its been these last few months for you at work, the negative comments, the struggles of all the moving around and what not. And you know I've been at the gym more lately, well I've been working on creating some new opportunities in online training, and I can happily say that with residuals we'll be making more on my salary alone then we used to with both of ours." Emily explained.
"So you want me to quit my job?" Max questioned.
"Well, only if you want to, but I figured you've already given me the greatest gift a woman like me could ever want and this is just my way of thanking of you. Giving you a life without worries. But if you want to think about it, I understand too, besides we have a two week vacation for you to decide."
But it wasn't really much of a decision, after two weeks of nonstop binging and beaches, Max came home with another five pounds added to his massive frame. Emily dropped his letter off and picked up his things, Max never even left the car, instead he concentrated on the massive drive thru binge he was working through. Most week days went the same for him now, Max woke up and had his morning shake in bed, after which Emily would help him up and to the bathroom. She'd lead him to the couch where she'd have breakfast ready for him, so he'd stuff his face while she got ready for the day. Once he'd finished, Emily would stock the space around him with snacks and treats, hand him the remotes and kiss him goodbye. Max would sit there, usually shirtless, grazing all day and watching TV. Emily would get home in the afternoon to a mountain of wrappers, plates and bottles, her massive husband in the same spot she left him. Somedays she knew he'd gotten up to get more food, and others she'd find his pee bottles full and know he hadn't bothered to move an inch, those days were getting to be more and more.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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BeSoft 6 years
hotter than HOT!
FS43 6 years
Wow, this is hot!!