Maxed out

chapter 10

Of course as the weeks turned into months, life had gotten a little repetitive for Max, so he had started to play little games with himself. He came up with the idea one day to order a pizza from Dominos, and as soon as the tracker told him it was on its way, he ordered a second from Pizza Hut. He wanted to see if he could eat the Domino's pizza before the second showed up at his door. Naturally he failed the first couple of times, but by his third try he had done it, polished off a full large pizza before the second had a chance to show up at which point he'd dig into the second. Another game he'd been growing found of was what he called, 'eat the shelf'. Max would pull a chair up to the fridge, open the door and choose a shelf, then he would sit there until he ate everything on that section the fridge. At first he would just eat the made food and leftovers, but recently he found himself going after the condiments as well. The last time he played he had committed himself to eat the shelf no matter what was on it, including a jar of mayo, a jar of cherries and two full sticks of butter. He stopped and thought about what he was doing, he never imagined he would find himself here, teeth biting into a full stick of butter, stuffing himself like a man gone mad. But it gave him a thrill, knowing he had essentially lost control and given himself completely to his wife's fantasy.
Max continued to find little games to play on top of his meals and snacks. Emily insisted they also continue his fast food marathons, Max's new acceptance had meant they needed to add another couple locations to their normal stops because the challenge had started to lose its luster. But at his size, his gains were starting to slow, they hadn't plateaued but he was now lucky to pack on a pound a week sometimes. That's not to say he wasn't gaining though, after a year of marriage and doing little besides eating Max had glutted himself up to 585lbs. He had really tired to make it an even six hundred for their anniversary but he had fallen short. But he had an idea. On the night of their anniversary, he handed Emily an envelope. The same way she presented him with one a year ago tonight.
Emily opened the letter and pulled out a piece of paper, on it he had scribbled out, 'IOU 15lbs'
"I really tried baby, I wanted to be 600lbs for you tonight, to show you how much I appreciate the life you've given me. But I promise you I'll get there." With that Emily kissed him deeply and they made love, Max ate the entire time, making good on his promise. His little gift to her had awoken him with a new vigor, leading him to making the conscious decision to be as lazy as possible, some days he never even left the bed. He'd tell Emily he was feeling lazy and she'd bring in arm load after arm load of food into the room for him and pile it up around him on the bed, so he only had to reach over to grab his next snack. On days he would make it to the couch he would play his games, now pushing himself to gorge on three pizzas, one before the other arrived, or pick out two shelves of the fridge to pack in. The biggest change though was now he would slurp down his gainer shake with every meal, sometimes four or five a day, each one adding another couple thousand calories to his daily intake.
After three weeks of pushing his belly to new limits and consuming nearly anything he could get his pudgy hands on, Max heaved his leg off the ground onto the platform scale, then the other, not an easy task for a man of his massive girth. He held the read out for Emily and her eyes lit up at the site of digital numbers, '601'. Max beamed as Emily let out a little shriek of pleasure. She had a naughty little smile on her face as she helped Max sit back down on the bed. "Well say something," Max said half joking half worried. Emily went over to her dresser and pulled out a familiar piece of paper. "What's wrong Emily?"
"Oh nothing, its just you're a few pounds short." She said with a smirk, handing the paper to a confused Max, he looked at the note he had written her a few weeks ago but there had a been a small change. Emily had added a zero, so now the note read, 'IOU 150lbs'.
Max looked up at her, "just a few pounds, huh?" She smiled back at her hefty hubby. "If I packed on that much more weight I don't think I would be able to get out of this bed, with or without your help." Max said nervously.
"Exactly." Emily replied matter of factly.
"That's a big step Em, I'm not sure how I feel about that," he explained. "Would you really want a bed bound partner, too fat to stand up on his own? You'd have to do literally everything for me, and what about my health? I mean that would make me one of the fattest men ever."
"Exactly." Emily said again, presenting him with his fifth weight gain shake of the day. "Bottoms up big boy."
Six months had passed since that night, and Max had found himself yet again a changed man. He had managed to get over his plateau and was back in the habit of gaining nearly two pounds a week, sometimes three and now found himself weighing in at a staggering 654lbs. Emily encouraged him to drink as much of the gainer shake as possible, she would fill gallon jugs of it and made sure he drank a least a full jug a day. Max also found that he still liked playing his own little feedee games but now they were more akin to seeing how many days he could spend in bed without ever venturing past his bedroom door. His maximum was a full week, though it had an unintended consequence.
By his fifth day Max had been eating at breakneck pace, Emily had left for another fast food run when Max got naturals call. He had barely walked on his own in weeks, much less get up from bed, but he had to go now. So he did his best to roll over, sending a cascade of crumbs off his exposed belly onto his bed. But all his efforts were for not, he was too full and out of shape to manage this on his own, he had talked to Emily about installing support bars or ropes and now he had wished he'd pushed harder for it. He knew she liked to see how dependent he was becoming but this was no joke anymore. He did his best to roll over but it was no use and all the extra effort had caused him to lose his concentration and it happened. The room filled with the smell of his binges, and he felt a soft warm feeling spreading from his ass and out to either side of his massive cheeks. He felt defeated and disgusting, but he couldn't do anything about it. The worst part was his appetite was getting the best of him and by the time Emily got home he was snacking again.
She came in the room with several greasy bags of fast food to find her husband with tear stained cheeks, still chewing the last of his current snack. The smell hit her immediately and she realized what happened before he could say a word. She looked at him, gave him a reassuring smile and exited the room for a moment coming back with trash bags and towels. "Lets get you cleaned up sweetie, we don't want you getting a rash." She said as he just stared up at him
"Just like that?" Max asked worriedly, "you aren't angry?"
"Of course, not honey," She said helping him roll on to his side. She surveyed the mess, holding her breath for a moment. "You don't get an omelet without breaking a few eggs."
"Emily, I shit myself because I was too fat to get up from bed on my own." Max said bluntly.
"I know tubby," she tried to joke but realized he wasn't having it. "Listen Max, when I asked you to keep gaining, I knew this day would come, it was bound too. As you get bigger there will be less and less you'll be able to do on your own and therefore less control you'll have over situations like this. Its just going to be part of your life from now and you'll have to accept it. But we can make it easier with a few adjustments" She had finished cleaning him, and pushed him back into a sitting position. "Now, you work on these," handing him the fast food bags, "and I'll finish cleaning up"
Max did as he was told. He didn't like the fact that his wife had just cleaned up after him like that but the more he thought of it the more he realized that she had wanted this. So if it was going to keep happening, he might as well not get hung up on it. Within a couple of weeks Emily had helped install bars and pulls so he could better get up on his own and she had started putting a plastic sheet down when she knew Max was going to spend his entire day in bed. Those days were becoming more and more frequent, as he slowly gave into his impending immobility. He would sit in bed, watching tv and eating nearly nonstop, sipping his gain shake, and if he had to go, he just went. Even growing to like how Emily would have to clean up after him, like a secret little punishment for her loving his helplessness.
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BeSoft 6 years
hotter than HOT!
FS43 6 years
Wow, this is hot!!