Over the years

chapter 3

"I can hear that...", chuckled Mary with a devilish grin, "but it might be a better idea to put back a few of those donuts and get some propper food in ya, like some bacon and eggs"

Billy looked down, "Yeah, that sounds more nutrious but.... i gotta eat a dozen donuts."

"You gotta?", questioned Mary. "Hmmmmm, this is becoming intriguing. Some kind of bet, huh? "

"Yeah, you could say something like that."

"Okay then, twelve donuts and a bacon and eggs sandwich, coming up!"

"I cant.... I just..." stammered the hungry and horny Billy. The sleeve and ring were driving him crazy. He'd never remembered being either so hungry or horny in his whole life.

"No problem. It's all on the house."

"What? Well thanks but I don't know what to say?"

"You don't have to say anything Big Boy. I just like big men with big appitites. Just eat up. It'll be my.... pleasure", said Mary, with a wolfish grin. Billy couldn't help but to notice that Mary's eyes were locked on to his thick spare tire. It had started out like a motocross tire but had morphed into a monster truck tire over the past year. His once flat stomach was quickly turning into a truly proper fat man's belly apron.

The way Mary undressed Billy with her eyes and the terms "Big Men" and especially "Big Boy" caused Billy to grow even harder. He was so confused. He knew she was referring to him as a fat man, and he was and should have been quite embarrassed. Yet while his pride was hurt, Billy deep down inside yearned for Mary to call him another fat shaming name.

Trying to coax another term out of her, Billy grabbed the sides of his thick love handles and gave his gelatinous belly a good shake saying, "I feel like such a pig."

"Well then", said Mary, moving her own ample form closer to Billy, pushing her own thick midsection over on top of the counter. She reached out a chubby and manicured hand out towards Billy's plump shoulder. Gently she slowly moved her long finger nails down from his shoulders to his thick breast and over one thick and erect nipple, pausing before further running them over the top if his soft belly before saying "Go ahead Piggy, sit down and I'll bring you out you're order". After she said this, Mary pulled down the shades and turning the closed sign to face outwardly towards the public.

If Billy wasn't starving so badly, he would have paid attention to that fact. But the truth was, at this point with appitite enhancers, his food/sexual pleasures addictions, his naturally expanded appitite, and the pulsating device below had Billy almost sick with hunger. And the name "Piggy" drove him nuts.

His cock raged on so hard that he was afraid he would come. He wanted to so badly. He couldn't think of anything at this point except for food and wanting to masturbate or better yet fuck the ample Mary; Anything to relieve the pressure from his loins.

Bent over in the agony of hunger. Billy failed to notice the elaborate tray set before him. Nor did he notice that Mary had brought out sixteen donuts instead of twelve.

Billy looked up and saw the handmade delights before him. One after the next in a blind rage he devoured 4 donuts, within seconds.

Mary loved to watch people eat, it was the primary reason she opened her bakery. And over tge yesrs she'd seen her fair share of gluttonous men and women eat, but never had she seen anything like this before. What was clear to her now, was that Billy had lied for some reason. She didnt know why, but this man sitting in front of her was eating like a man possessed. She'd watched him put on a ton of weight over the past year. Mary loved watching him transform from fit, to an office chubster, to what he was now, a gluttonous executive. Mary had her suspicions about his rapid weight gain, but now she knew why.

Billy continued eating donuts and sloppily sloshing milk both down his gullet and all over his face and collar. His face was a mess, covered in confection sugar and milk. The corners of his mouth and even his chubby cheeks were smeared in chocolate and strawberry cream. His shirt was stained from his moobs down to his growing taught yet jiggly belly with jams that squeezed out of two or three donuts that were being crammed into his mouth at one time.

Mary wanted to take him right there. To her he was the "perfect prized hog". While not the fattest man she'd ever fancied. She knew Billy was special. Billy didn't look up or slow down til he'd finished every last donut. When he did look up, he was shocked to see the sexy Rubenesque owner sitting at the opposite end of the table. More surprisingly in front of her was the biggest burger/sandwich he'd ever seen. And even more unbelievable to his senses, Billy watched this sexy woman, apparently pleasuring herself. She paid no attention to Billy what so ever. Mary moaned and with her free hand pushed the huge plate laden with a gigantic egg and bacon burger and a mountain of fries. "For you piggy, eat up. Even a fat ass like you needs some protein from time to time"

He should have been outraged, "Piggy, Fat Ass". She wasn'teven being kind, she was actually bring quite cruel, yet Billy wanted more. Without hesitation he grabbed the giant burger and began cramming it into his face. His belly now swollen and pushed out stretched against the fabric of his clothes. He was so worked up.

With surprising speed for a full figurrd woman, Mary straddled the big man. To her he was perfect combination, a big hard cock and soft and jiggly everywhere else. Almost ready for climax herself, Mary whispered in his ear "I don't care that you're married, when you come in here from now on," she paused leaned in a squeezed hard on one of his moobs. As she did so she felt him squirm and his cock jump. "Whose piggy are you?"

Too shocked to say anything Billy just stared up into her lust filled eyes. Grinding her form into his she asked again, "In my bakery, whose piggy are you?"

"Im your piggy, I'm your piggy, I'm your pig...", before he could finish, she locked her lips on his and her hands pulled his tucked shirt from his pants. She undid his belt and the girth held in spilled out on to her skirt, complete with angry remarks from his tight clothing.

Mary grinded her own plush body into Billy's larger and softer form. While his entire body was extremely squishy, his sleeved cock was hard and push up hard into Mary's pantied vulva. Even though he was wearing the device, he could feel the wet heat pulsating from her pussy. Billy moaned in pleasure as Mary continued to ungilate in his lap. Her hands gripped, fondled, shook and occasional slapped at his love handles and gut.

"Come on Fat Boy, give me that hard cock and soft belly. I want you inside me for fucks sake. Now!"

Billy wanted to cum inside Mary so badly. He was sure that he would have already if it weren't for the tight cock ring securely encircling his balls. Her words, the food, and her body had Billy writhing in estatic pleasure. It felt so good it was actually hurting him a bit.

Breathlessly Billy admitted, "I cant".

"Fat Boy, fuck me!", demanded Mary.

"Still moaning in pleasure, Billy said in a hoarse manner, "Belive me, I want to, it's just that I cant."

Just then his phone rang. The song "Fat Bottom Girl" by Queen came blaring out of his pocket, putting their sexual romp on hold, at least for the moment. Billy looked terrified and motioned for Mary's silence. Mary acquiesced to his request but remained in his lap pulsing up and down on his manhood while teasing and tugging on Billy's hard and erect nipples.

"Hey?", Billy said, trying to sound as calm and nonchalant as possible.

"So, did you eat all of your donuts yet?", queried Linda and Mary leaned in her head to listen to the conversation.

A nervous Billy paused, before Mary grabbed and squeezed hard on his saddle bags, "Answer your wife", whispered Mary as she leaned her own plump form into his and began rubbing her relatively small breast across his face as a distraction.

"Yes honey, I ate all of the donuts and even added a sandwich to go along."

"Good for you Chubbs", said Linda.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm Chubbs?", repeated Mary in a mocking whisper.

"I NEED cum Linda"

Silence then, "Why are you so horny?"

"What do ya mean why?"

"Well, we haven't been fooling around or anything, why do NEED to cum?"

"I don't know?", said Billy half pretending that he didn't know why.

"Tell her that you want to be her piggy and that you'll grow fatter than she ever expected, but that she's gotta let you enjoy it"

Billy paused. He'd never even admitted his desires to himself, let alone to a wife and lover simultaneously. Mary tugged extra hard on both nipples as she drove her pelvis hard into raging member.

"I want to be your...." he paused.

Linda prodded him on gently whispering in his ear, "Go ahead piggy admit it. It'll be liberating".

"I want to be your.....piggy. I'll eat and grow fat for you. But I've gotta cum."

Now there was silence from the other end of the phone. "Okay, but I want you to be my Fat Bitch!", said Linda with emphasis on the last word.

"Okay", said Billy with a mixture of fear and excitement.

"Good then. Listen up my fat bitch. Get another dozen donuts. Finish them and then text me when you're done. Then, and only then will I let you cum", and the line went dead.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Exmademefat 3 years
D, all the above
Bbman30 4 years
Feedher3000 5 years
A, B, and C. They feminize him.
Sokotron 6 years
very great, hope to see chapter 5 updated soon! thanks!!
FS43 6 years
This was an amazing story, I loved every second of it! Please continue!
Aquarius64 6 years
I enjoyed this story immensely, but the word ‘constantly’ crops up three times in the first chapter. A person can walk a lot, but they cannot ‘walk constantly’. Watch out for that.
Growingsofter 6 years
Thank you. I'm willing to incorporate any suggestions you may have. Can't promise but if we share similar kinks, it could be really fun to write and hopefully just as enjoyable to read.
Feedher3000 6 years
Please continue. This is a great story!