Untitled 2

Chapter 4

I will say what I read on the site:

"Back in 1984 television broadcasting stations all over the country would experience weird periods of what was known then as "Dead Air" for at least an hour. Many customers would complain about this to the stations but a cause could never be found. However, some places would report no disturbances at all."

"According to some a weird broadcast was sent out in this hour to select towns all over the country. This show was called the "Umazaro power hour!!" This television event supposedly featured strange music videos and cartoons that were made by seemingly nobody. It did have a host that appeared from time to time. The host was not a human, but an animated block of colors that would flash rapidly, and it introduced the upcoming segment."

"The UPH was not a widely viewed event, most people got the typical "Please stand by" message plastered on the screen for the duration of the hour, but at least thirty five people reported the odd programming, and complaining about the weird effects it had on the people who saw it, but after three weeks of broadcasting errors, the hour down time became less, and less, and eventually disappeared, never being seen from again."

"Just what was the Umazaro Power Hour? We may truly never know. Whoever was complaining about it seemed to never be heard from again, but some of the places it was seen are known, or at least they were said to be known to have been seen. But after twenty years, it's unlikely anything like this will ever happen again, maybe it's for the best anyway."

There was a list there then below the small entry. Just my luck one of the town they listed was close, thirty miles away, but it was closer than any other town. I decided that this would be my best course of action to take. I closed out of the screen then, but just before I did a message appeared on my screen. The library computer didn't have any kind of messenger system, but there it was.

Umzaro wants to send you a message, will you accept?

I blinked once, then again. I wasn't seeing things. Many things describe me, conflicted isn't one of them. So I basically stood up, and walked away from the computer. When I looked back, the message screen was no longer there, I smiled. I wouldn't be drawn in so easily, I needed to know more. It was time to take a road trip. Not what I wanted to do today, but a guy sometimes just has to do what needs to be done to get to the bottom of things, and this was one of those said things to solve. Off to the races.

The sky was a grimly lit gray, today. I think the sun was out earlier but I can't remember I suppose paying attention to the sky wasn't my top priority today. I got into my old, rust bucket of a car and took off. Where was I going, you might want to know but to keep things on the secret side, I won't reveal this name of the place I was going, or even how to get there. Not all secrets should be revealed to you. The trip seemed to take longer then it should have. Maybe I was just anxious, maybe scared of what I might learn. The road turned from pavement, and somewhere after a few turns, it changed into a gravel road that was taking me to my path.

Ah, there it was before me now. The entry to the town. The sign looked ancient though, worn and easily had seen better days, below that a police car, and the guy inside was watching me. I could only see the black shadow from inside the car, but I could feel the eyes upon me. I was obviously not wanted here, I doubt anybody was wanted in this town, great. I was driving into a typical "Town with a dark secret" the cop was the give away, but as I rolled past him, those lights flashed on behind me. I knew that was coming.

I pulled over, the brakes on the car squeaked a little bit as I did. It wasn't a long wait before the cop came out and walked up to my window. It was already rolled down to be ready for this stressful conversation that was coming. "Welcome to our little town..." The cop said. I hadn't even said anything yet. "Uh..thanks but..." I was interrupted again. "Hey, before you enter the town limits. I have to ask you to refrain from using any electronics, you know, radios and such?" He said with a smile, like this was perfectly normal. "Uh...alright but why?" I had to ask, you know anybody would. He just smiled, not the happy smile. It was the 'If you don't listen to me I'm gonna take you deep into the woods and shoot you' smile. "I understand, no radio. Got it." I nodded nervously, the cop just leaned back and began to walk to his cruiser once more.

I pulled back on to the road and headed on into town. It wasn't too much longer before I actually reached the place, and I didn't think anybody lived here. But they had to. I didn't come out here just to waste my time, but it would seem that it was going to turn out that way. This wasn't going to be easy, apparently I drove to a ghost town. Imagine my delight when I didn't find a single person around. I decided to get answers, little did I know is that the information I was seeking would come to me.

"Well, a stranger comes to out little to our little town, and he brings the eyes of the seeker of knowledge." An old man was simply there, behind be dressed all in gray, he was easily older than I was physically, but his words seemed to be simply ancient. "Yeah. I have a problem and my only lead brought me here, why did it bring me here."
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 14 years , updated 54 years
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Amatrix 14 years
Loved it!
I liked the non-typical approach to WG.
J- you write like I eat. Full on, and no regrets.
BBWcreator82 14 years
I write what I'd like to see. Thanks for the comments. Weird is a compliment, thanks. Maybe I'll make more, maybe not. We'll see. You'll notice some details are lacking, this is because I don't like to spoon feed people, use your imaginationsmiley
Newspaper 14 years
I love the build up. Pretty well written too!