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Chapter 7

The voice seemed to be true. What else could I say or do? I figured every living creature deserved a chance to live, maybe the demon needed a hero. People often liked to do the right thing because it was expected of them, but not everything was so easy to see. There was always two sides to every story, and maybe, just maybe there needed to be a chance taken. After all I was being used for what I could do, the spirit had no body and anybody you ask would tell you demons are usually not to be trusted for any reason. Then I smiled, took a corner on to the main road and was fifteen more minutes or so away from the dorm once more. "What the hell, let's do it." At the time, It seemed like an easy choice. How many times do you get to talk to a demoness who is desperate anyways?

With that the CD player kicked on, music returned to my speakers returned. It was true, these people really didn't mean anything to me, did they? Too many heroes in the world anyway, the demoness was right. I hit the city limits sign, I was on my way to something very new to me, and for the first time in a long time I was excited, although I didn't quite understand why. Maybe because I was going against everything that was seen as wrong in the natural world. I had no idea just how much it against the grain it would actually be.

It wasn't long before I pulled up to the dorm, It was late afternoon now, and the sky was still a dead shade of gray, rain fell the same as I left the dying little town. The car came to a stop from the same place, coming full circle it was time to face the future. This time I wasn't afraid of what I might see. Although the memories of the horrible visions of the recent past returned to me, I shrugged them off, due to lack of sleep and over active imagination.

Walking to the door, I opened it silently, the same dim lit hallway greeted me once again. No fear this time as I marched down to my final destination.

I made my way to the door, and took a breath to pull my self together. I opened the door and to my surprise, it was a typical afternoon, the radio was going, and the chatter of meaningless conversations was filling the air just under the sounds of odd music, stuff I didn't listen to obviously, so maybe it was just odd to me, and between the four of them, not one snack in sight, but they didn't seem at all out of the ordinary. I was confused.

It didn't take long for me to be noticed, and they were all happy to see me. I remember it well and the one feeling that seemed to appear from nowhere, was regret. I suppose it was easy to be so dismissive of them when I didn't have to face them directly, but you know how these things go. Sometimes you just have to stick to your original intentions. Besides, I couldn't let the lies get in the way of the truth now could I, no way!

"So, you came back. Did you bring us anything interesting?" Amanda seemed to be eager for my stuff I usually brought with me, the others too, but they didn't say anything. "Oh, I brought something, but I'm not sure you are gonna like it," I knew what was coming, and through the radio at that exact moment came the ear shattering shriek. It wasn't intended for me, but it made my blood run cold for a minute. It was truly inhuman, and impossible. The four ladies went into silent attention. "Well, its about time...er..Umzaro, you know that's a really stupid name, can't we call you something else?" I seemed to talk to nobody.

"Names are not important, you know. I just chose it because it sounded interesting for the times, but if you have something better in mind, let's talk about it later, face to face. Until then, let's get started. We'll need food, I ordered the hosts to stock the fridge. I would have started this process already, but I wanted you to see it first hand, think of it as a reward," The voice said quickly, and with a speed that made it tough to understand, but I got it. "Well, thanks. Do your stuff. I'll be here," was all I could say in return.

Once filled with life and and free will, the women were instantly transformed into puppets, but I didn't see any strings. The thought of so much power, I had to admit was kinda arousing. But I knew it wasn't mine to wield. I was abit conflicted but the show was mine to watch alone. I did feel special all of the sudden, nobody else would see this. I had no idea if I was going to live or not after the show was over, or even all the way through it. So I just sat down on the nearest chair and waited for it.
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Amatrix 14 years
Loved it!
I liked the non-typical approach to WG.
J- you write like I eat. Full on, and no regrets.
BBWcreator82 14 years
I write what I'd like to see. Thanks for the comments. Weird is a compliment, thanks. Maybe I'll make more, maybe not. We'll see. You'll notice some details are lacking, this is because I don't like to spoon feed people, use your imaginationsmiley
Newspaper 14 years
I love the build up. Pretty well written too!