Untitled 2

Chapter 8

The four of them got up as if they were machines all of the sudden, it was then I knew that getting into their computer last night to spy on the conversations, while it might have been interesting, was pretty much pointless over all. Everything was pretty easy to see, I know make this dorm room sound massive, but in reality it's not even close to that, it was just crowded a lot of the time, but we dealt with it. Now I could see them in the kitchen, if you could call it that, near the fridge that was indeed filled with all kinds of food. I was impressed just how powerful this entity was.

I knew, for a fact, that I shouldn't be doing this. This is usually the part in every story where the hero comes to his senses to deliever the last minute save. Not today, like I said. I am no hero, nor have I ever pretended to be one. I was going to let this continue. I suppose if anybody else saw me or was in my situation they would have stopped this madness at once, before it ever got this far. Oh, I suppose you want me to continue on with my story, well alright then.

The four of them stood around the cold box as if it were some kind of holy monolith from the heavens, it was their dead expressions on their faces that seemed to be most disturbing though, I didn't want to look upon them too closely, if only because I thought that it would have inspired me to end this by any means possible. It wasn't long though before the main event began.

It was then when Amanda started off the frenzy, just as the guy from the town said it started. The mindless eating that took place when no one could see, slowly for days at a time was going to take place all at once right here infront of me. All four of them could have been cheerleaders, but they were not exactly the athletic type, they were more into the easier side of life, drugs and barely skating by in life using their looks alone. Not that they weren't intelligent, they just didn't need to be. These were the people everybody else was jealous of.

I had no idea what they could have gotten to eat, I really didn't get to see it. Their mouths and hands were moving at seemingly superhuman speeds, like they had never eaten in their lives. Just like a cartoon, with each bite it seemed like their bellies were pushing against their clothes, shirts slowly started to bulge out, but the rest of their bodies seemed to follow it, the equality of the gain was far better than I had imagined it would be, but my imagination was stopped when I heard something tear, it was only twenty minutes into the process.

Angela's clothes were the first to be shredded, the flimsy shorts she was wearing split at the seams, it was amazing, but soon the other three followed the pattern. I didn't dare get close. Heeding the warning in the second part of the guy's story, I didn't want to become lunch for this band of merry eaters.

The less they saw of me, the better as far as I was concerned, but I wish I could have been closer for some reason. The thought of encouraging them to eat more sounded good to me, but I decided against it. It was now forty five minutes into the process, I couldn't really tell, but it seemed that most of the food was gone at this point.

I was right, but then it worried me. As soon as the eating came to a close and the silence returned once more, the four of them stood up, their once loose clothes had been so tight that they just broke at the first few movements, and fell off.

I was pretty much astonished. Their once lean bodies had each turned into the exact opposites of what society considered to be acceptable, but hey, this was a new thing for me, and I decided to go against the grain of what society said this time, despite their zombie like state, they were pretty hot. "Well, it seems my magic is still pretty effective, but for this to work like it's supposed to, it's time to return them to their normal state of mind, well I don't have to do this I suppose, but it's fun." Umzaro's voice returned to the radio once more. I forgot it was even on.

They snapped out of their trance, and confusion lasted about ten seconds, then the truth came came to them all as they realized what had happened, and that is when the screaming began. Their bodies, to them must have looked like bloated, hellish versions of what they used to be. Somehow, I knew the invisible eyes watching this enjoyed their plight, and so did I. Somewhere I figured they deserved this, I didn't know why though.

"Why, what happened to us.." Was all one of them was able to get out. I don't even remember who it was at the time. They started to walk towards me, it was obvious that they were still under their own control, but that didn't last long.

It was as if the fat on their bodies came to life all at once and slowly forced them to move closer together, so that was the purpose of the eating. Their eyes grew wide and almost immediatly filled with terror. Aware of what was going on and fighting against it seemed impossible, as all their new weight was forcing them to come closer together. Ah, the screaming. I remember it well as they fought against themselves.

Try as they might, it was no use. The living fat on their bodies was dedicated to coming closer. Their cries for help, well, I heard them. But I was curious to see what would happen next, then it happened, my memory was broken. Earlier in the story I said there were four women.Their arms touched and instead of just rubbing, the fat on their bodies began to merge into one limb, this must have been very painful because they were screaming and pulling in horror against themselves, was this my reward, what i was meant to watch, oh well I was to enjoy it. So I did. The fat was alive, they became slaves to their own bodies, soon all four of them had no choice but to come together. Oh sure, it looked gross, their screaming became less, and less. Flesh melded together as one form, a semi liquid almost.

Before long it four had become one massive ball of flab, quivering and transforming. It seemed they were still trying to escape their situation, but as if it knew what I was thinking, a singular body began to form. This transformation was stunning as it was terrible, and I knew that the living body of Umzaro had been born, and it was all because of me, and my curiosity. Now I had no idea what to expect next, but what came next surprised even me.

The body of the demoness reborn, was not one of hideous features and nightmare inducing images, she was flawless, actually, I would later learn she was a shapeshifter and could appear as anything she wanted to be. "Well, what do you think?" had been her first words to me. I expected to die at once, not fully thinking through this whole idea of mine. She didn't want to kill me. I lived to write this story down and post it on a website some many years later. This was the first adventure I had, Ipos, as she likes to be called now, and I travel the country, building up her following and spreading the joys of the larger body. She still hates women, and inspires them to "destroy" their looks, I have grown to enjoy this process of destruction I get everything she leaves behind. It's turning out to be a pretty good arrangement.
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Amatrix 14 years
Loved it!
I liked the non-typical approach to WG.
J- you write like I eat. Full on, and no regrets.
BBWcreator82 14 years
I write what I'd like to see. Thanks for the comments. Weird is a compliment, thanks. Maybe I'll make more, maybe not. We'll see. You'll notice some details are lacking, this is because I don't like to spoon feed people, use your imaginationsmiley
Newspaper 14 years
I love the build up. Pretty well written too!