A creamy punishment

chapter 2

The woman sighed and with a longing stroke of Tinas belly, walked away.

"And now we have to do it this all the hard way. All cloak and dagger, paperwork and silly cover ups. But it will all work out. I get my before and after, and then who knows where you will end up." She smiled flashing straight white teeth.

She came back over with a large black funnel and a tray covered with a cloth. She showed them both to Tina before she put them on a table situated behind the chair. Then she took the blindfold up and began to put it on TiIna. Tina shook her head and tried to squirm back. A quick slap to her chubby face from the woman stunned her long enough for the blindfold to be retuned and secured.

"Just relax" her voice said. Tina felt a quick sting in her neck as she was injected.

Tina knew what was coming. It was one of the many hundreds of things she had thought could happen once she realized where she was and who had her.

She shouldn't have gotten greedy.

The new pressure from the funnel was noticeable, it slid a bit down the tube pressing her tongue down. Her throat was starting to get tingly, relaxing.

The chair began to tilt back and she heard a mechanical noise as the panel in the front of the chair opened. She knew what was coming but it was still a shock to feel something poking at the front of her belly. The woman chuckled and lifted Tinas belly apron up.

"You prepared yourself so well for us and didn't even realize it. Did you know what you were doing Tina? We pride ourselves in not abusing our employees. Unless they abuse our generosity as you did. We didn't put a damn thing in your food, no subliminals, no medical changes, nothing. Yt I know you blamed us from time to time. Thats why we did you the kindness of getting you new clothes, even if it was in secret. TO hep out and protect your pride you know. Clothes are so expensive these days. And you did always have top taste"

With her bell apron lifted and being massaged by both of the woman hands, the poking object moved further under her belly and touched right at her pleasure spot. Not to gently, the woman dropped the belly down causing Tina to grunt.

And to get wet.

"And now..."

Tina heard a mechanical churning noise.

She knew the ceiling had opened and a series of tubes had fallen. She heard the sound of wheels and knew a cart was being wheeled over.

The cart sounded heavy on it's wheels.

The pressure on her face increased.

And then it started.

A large jug of something was being tipped over the edge and down the funnel.

Cream. Chocolate cream. She could do nothing but swallow. Her throat reacted, swallowing, she could not choke, that was what the injection did. It ensured that she would be safe Safe being a relative term in this case.

She couldn't make a sound. The cream was so thick, so steady. She hardly had time to breath.

She felt her chest heaving her body trembling. She knew what came next. The soft pulsing of the mechanism in front of her. She felt it warm and tingle, felt it open just enough to squirt some special lube on her. It began to pulse back and forth on her, making her wet, making her belly shudder. She gave her best impression of a groan as the bottom part of the chair opened and she felt a thick shaft begin to enter it. It didn't go very far, maybe half an inch inside her.

She struggled to lift her torso away but she felt her muscle tense and give up and it slide the rest of that inch in.

Even blindfolded Tina has a good idea of what to expect next. She had seen the schematics for this set up, the proposed statistics, the hypothesized results.

Her lower body begins to tingle as she swallows more and more of the cream. It slows down, the jug must be near empty. And despite mentally knowing that she probably had a gallon or more of cream funneled into her body, her stomach still feels empty. It's starting to feel warm though, her whole body is.

There isn't much time between the first jug of cream and the second. This one isn't chocolate, it's vanilla. Delicious and creamy. She can taste it even though her tongue is being held down. Her belly seems so pleased to be getting filled more. She had drunk two gallons of mostly melted ice cream once a month or so ago. Bloated herself with the squishy melty contents. She had been unable to believe what she had done in a moment of pure unadulterated gluttony. That was the day she had decided to try and get out of her contact, steal something to make some get away money. The place had to be making her do this. It was what they did.

Now she was being punished for her greed, and in reality it was 100% all her.

She was crying through the blindfold, her stomach was slowly filling, puffing out, her rolls smoothing as a third jug was lifted.

She had no idea when it would stop.

Then the pulsing started again in ernest. Against her will her pelvis thrust forward as the prod hit her sweet spot, it was lubricated with a special gel that increased sensations and the ability to have multiple climaxes. She shudders as the probe that had been just one inch inside of her began to slowly move up and inside, up and down, a bit further in each time. She tried to resit the urge to move her body harder on it, but that didn't last long.

The cream kept flowing down the funnel, back to chocolate, a fourth one. Her cheeks were bulging as the cream flowed faster then she could swallow. The strap on her chest made it so she could only really move her belly and pelvis. Her thighs strained, her belly thick with fat and now cream in between them. It made her so hot. She could feel herself swelling. Filling with fat. She was starting to make moans and grunts, animal like sounds as the probe went deeper and faster, and the prod hit her harder with more vibrations.

She knew someone else must have come in, because the cream kept flowing, but now someone was attaching her breasts to something.

She hadn't remember that part of the schematics.

It was like two suction cups attached to the upturned nipples on her droopy breasts. Tina gave a muffled cry as they were stuck on and then felt her breasts being lifted and dropped several times. And then it was like an electric pulse went out. Like someone was tweaking her nipples and sucking on them all at the same time.

She moaned as best she could through the swallowing.

She was a sight to behold.

Her body was moist with sweat and arousal pooled between her legs coating the chair and it's toys. You couldn't see much of it since it was obscured by heavy ripply thighs and a belly jigging with movement and being filled. Even her arms were straining, her hands desert to grab on to something. maybe even to grab onto her self. Her head was thrashing as best as it could, her mouth open wide over the black tube that held the funnel in place. A metal arm from the ceiling had come down with the tubes and was holding the jug over the funnel, perfectly coordinated to make sure no drop was wasted despite the thrashing.

And the woman watched. Pleased.

Tina was filling and juggling, and finally coming. The woman laughed. Without the pleasure checks in place the woman didn't need to be totally filled to orgasm. She was going t enjoy seeing how many times this not so little sneak came from being stuffed and tied down.

She knelt down and stroked and pinched and slapped at the large belly in front of her.

"My god" she said "I can sink my hand to the wrist into this" she said. The captive woman moan a squealing moan again. "You attended yourself up like a good little piggy for the slaughter." she laughed at the red tone the woman pale skin was taking. She walked over and removed the blind fold.

Tina looked and could see a mirror overhead now, she could see everything. Her belly was swollen and her stretch marks were standing out. The her body was a heaving sweaty mess. She felt so full, so good, it was almost too much.

The pulsing and pounding and pouring continued. She glanced with frantic eyes to try and see how many jugs were left.

Then she realized she couldn't see where the line of them ended. She didn't know if or when it would end. She vaguely recalled someone saying that if they really pushed it, were very careful and had the perfect balance of controls and supplements, that this could go on for days, weekend even.

She suddenly recalled someone saying something about their ability to aim for a continuous month and a half of this.

It made her come again.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Read this for the first time and really enjoyed it immensely. You write revenge erotica so excellently. Thanks. I’m going to have to read your other stories as well.
Karenjenk 4 years
I love this.
Dom stories are my fav
LoraDayton 8 years
I've always had a soft spot for revenge fattening, and especially in a setting like this, but don't often read the stories anymore for all the tropes and poor writing. This is great!! Thank you smiley
Biddygal 8 years
Mmm more like a possible sequel? All my stories so far are connected to the same world, same characters, same company. There is a very good chance of you seeing what happens a few months after this smiley
I'll see about the prequel. I'm trying to finish All
Vagosmoust 8 years
is there by any chance a prequel?
Angerday 8 years
Hot damn this story is spot on (and I'm gay) Please keep going and don't ever stop! smiley