A creamy punishment

Chapter 3 - epilogue

They were only actually able to go for three solid days. Afterall, she hadn't had any of the medical procedures they would normally prepare on a subject before setting this type of feeding up. Her body wasn't a "perfect unit" and hadn't had what they were jokingly calling "the princess prototype", so nicknamed by their CEO Jennifer's brilliant niece Belinda. But it gave them a wonderful opportunity to see how far they could go with this type of treatment before the procedure. The scientists on the team were thrilled with this new data. But a few of them were upset. Not because it was someone they had seen around the office. not because it was messy. But because they didn't think the 8 pounds she gained in 3 days was enough. They knew she and they could do better.

One was really pissed because he had bet 100 dollars on a 9 pound gain and had also lost the bet on the number of orgasms. He had way underestimated how turned on Tina would be both naturally and with the lube and stimulants.

And Jennifer throughly enjoyed hearing Tina beg them to stop, watching all the pain she was in and the humiliation that came with having to deal with those bodily functions. She gave Tina a choice. Four more rounds of this without the procedure and they would simply take her to a regular holding cell, treat her like a regular prisoner, stop all of this experimentation. All se had to do was get through four more rounds and walk out the door. Or she could beg, on her hands and knees, beg for the procedure and let them finish what she had started doing to herself.

She begged.

And when she came out of the procedure she discovered she was back in the chair. Jennifer had images of Tina on the mirror in front of her. Of the pretty curvy girl who started there. Of the times she thought she was secretly getting away with sneaking food. Of her gorging at home. Of the first time she ate at a buffet to glorious excess. Of her skirt ripping. Of her belly unknowingly poking out of the top of her skirt as she bent over to grab a donut, even though her face was puffed out from the other one she had shoved in her mouth.

Tina strained, eyes frantic. She had thought they would be using one of the kinder systems to fatten her up. She had accepted that, she thought she wouldn't be back intros horrible (and wonderful) terrible (she was getting turned on again) nightmare (dream) of a chair.

Jennifer gazed down at her grinning as she hefty the first jug and put it on the robotic arm.

"I know what you're thinking. But we never promised to NOT use the chair. And the gang is too looking forward to seeing how well you do this time. They still have a goal of getting this unit to work for 6 weeks straight" she stroked Tinas hair then reached to squeeze and lift her substantial belly apron. She smiled as the the clit prod slid into place and she heard the whirring of the prod coming out of the bottom of the chair and entering Tina. Jennifer kept the belly lifted enjoying it's hefty letting it sit heavy and fatty in her hands she played with it, squeezing it none to gently. She watched Tinas face control as she tried to hide the pleasure that was starting to stir throughout her body. "I think we can go for more." Jennifer whispered.

She dropped the belly with a satisfying smack.

3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Read this for the first time and really enjoyed it immensely. You write revenge erotica so excellently. Thanks. I’m going to have to read your other stories as well.
Karenjenk 4 years
I love this.
Dom stories are my fav
LoraDayton 8 years
I've always had a soft spot for revenge fattening, and especially in a setting like this, but don't often read the stories anymore for all the tropes and poor writing. This is great!! Thank you smiley
Biddygal 8 years
Mmm more like a possible sequel? All my stories so far are connected to the same world, same characters, same company. There is a very good chance of you seeing what happens a few months after this smiley
I'll see about the prequel. I'm trying to finish All
Vagosmoust 8 years
is there by any chance a prequel?
Angerday 8 years
Hot damn this story is spot on (and I'm gay) Please keep going and don't ever stop! smiley