Dream dungeon

Chapter 12 - revelations part 4

I was alarmed, my time in the dungeon had always seemed controlled, even when I was punished. That had felt sloppy and angry.

I looked up to see my mistress towering over me. Her eyes were tense, they looked glazed over with what could only be seen as fury. Her knuckles were white around her crop and her chest was heaving.

She suddenly lunged for me, throwing the crop to the side. I let out a yelp and pulled away out of instinct, but my collar made me jerk and keep in place.

She slipped between my legs and ran her hands over my bloated, massive, swollen, tender belly. I moaned in both pain and pleasure but kept my eyes on her. She stared at my girth, captivated by it. I couldn't see anything beyond my stomach, it had raised too high and solid to allow me to look over it from where I lay on the floor. I could only see her slight form looming over my thick blubber.

She adjusted herself, slipping her legs over my thunder thighs to straddle me. She aligned herself over my midsection, arms now on either side of me.

She again slipped her strap-on inside of me and I howled.

She leaned back, brining her hands to rest on my still aching stomach. She began thrusting and from my place on the floor I could only see my stomach coming towards me and away in time with her pounds as she rode me in ecstasy.

I huffed as she moved through me. I wasn't moaning, I wasn't being brought away somewhere magical.

Instead, I was noticing something. It seemed... it seemed as if she was fully focused not on me. No. She was f***ing my belly. She was taking all the pleasure from its size and feel. She was soaking joy from its girth and movements.

I saw her face tip up, eyes closed, her mouth open and those red lips curling in a smile as she grunted. I saw her breasts heaving, her hat tumbled from her head, and her red hair cascaded over her shoulders.

For a moment I didn't know how to feel. Suddenly, it was like I was an object, a toy. It wasn't the two of us finding nirvana together, it was her taking it from me.

My ass was hot where she had slapped it, my gut was sore and felt pushed beyond its limits.

Then she whimpered.

It was soft. It was vulnerable. It was pure.

It was so slight, so tender, that I knew I was getting a fully uninhibited view of this woman I knew so little about.

And power swept through me. I was making her feel this way, making her exposed. My body was all she was thinking about. Her hands were gripping my bloated gut, her legs squeezing my widened hips. This is what I had wanted; I was her everything in this moment.

At least, that's what I told myself I felt.

And it worked; I began building again, with every thrust that came into me.

And we saw stars together.
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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LitMistress 5 years
GrowHerBelly - Thank you endlessly for your kind words and support! You've been so supportive from the first day I posted this, I hope you know it's appreciated!

justenjoy - Glad you enjoy it so much! I'll be sure to keep it going.
Justenjoy 5 years
Glad to see you’re still updating! This is my favorite story at the moment, I check back every day!
GrowHerBelly 5 years
Thanks for the update! This is easily one of the best, if not the best story I've read in this genre. The plot is unique and interesting, and has the perfect balance of captivating drama and erotic writing. And I was caught off guard by how funny some of
LitMistress 5 years
JennaStuffedFeedee - Thank you! Glad you are enjoying so much.

alicerosemoss - Me too! I didn't mean to take so long between chapters. Glad you enjoyed the twist! I had it in my back pocket from the first word I wrote, so glad people like it
LitMistress 5 years
krollmeister - She is indeed! The story will continue, so you will learn what becomes of Jess...

Handyman - Glad you are enjoying it so much!
Krollmeister 5 years
what a unique twist, the mistress is really some sort of soul stealing/sharing entitity, but what will she do with the real Jess now I wonder?
LitMistress 5 years
justenjoy - Thank you for your patience, I hope it was worth the wait!

Pu7 - Thanks for the compliments! I'm glad you are continuing to enjoy
Wadegain 5 years
Great to see you continue this story! Amazing work as always and I can’t wait to read more!
Justenjoy 5 years
Patiently awaiting more of this story!
LitMistress 5 years
Shinigami - Thank you! I really appreciate the kid words! I'm so glad you are enjoying my story!

2steppinfa - Hmmm, you all have been patient and I suppose I could reward with the next installments... once I write them smiley They're coming, I promise
2steppinfa 5 years
LitMistress 5 years
Thanks GrowHerBelly! I appreciate you following the story smiley You've been reading since the beginning, no? Thank you!!! I'm honored.

Thanks Solid7ony, I'm thrilled you enjoyed it so much! Yes, there will be more! I hope you continue to enjoy!
GrowHerBelly 5 years
Great work as always, your writing is fantastic and the story is one of the most well-written and engaging I've ever read. Can't wait to read more!
LitMistress 5 years
Jigerif, thanks so much! I'll certainly be continuing, I've already started writing the next chapter! Look for it on Friday!
LitMistress 5 years
Thanks fatlantis! I really appreciate you kind words and your continued readership! Honestly, means a lot.

Theswordsman - [Spoilers if anyone cares..] I'll explain this more in future chapters, but the short story is her body is now with the mistress.
Theswordsman 5 years
If she's asleep then is her body still at her place or was she being abducted
Th3f4t5ide 5 years
Just wanted to comment and say I love this story, I love your style, and I love the characters. You're doing an excellent job and I can't wait to see where it goes!
LitMistress 5 years
Thank you, Pu7! I really appreciate your continued readership and comments! It's so nice to get kind comments on my work smiley

rickeb, I'll post the next part soon. I'm glad you enjoy it enough to want to continue the tale!
Rickeb 5 years
What happens next???
Wadegain 5 years
Great addition to the story! I’ve enjoyed this story from the very first day you’ve released it and I feel like it’s only gotten better. Can’t wait to read more!
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