Dream dungeon

Chapter 15 - benefits part 1

In my surprise I stumbled back against the wall, my eyes wide. Her lips were soft but insistent, pressing against mine with a need that I didn't understand.

Her eyes gently fluttered open and I saw realization slowly dawn in them.

She ripped herself away and clapped her hands over her mouth, eyes widening in horror. She backed up several feet, never loosing eye contact. I stared back at her, my mouth slightly agape.

After a moment of neither of us speaking, she slowly brought her hands from her mouth.

"Jess. Jess, I am so sorry. That was absolutely uncalled for, I know. I crossed a line."

I blinked then slowly began shifting my weight back onto my feet as I realized how much I was leaning against the wall.

"Jess, please say something. Really, you gotta know, that wasn't- I'm not- I didn't mean-" She let out a growl of frustration and squeezed her eyes closed as she tapped her fists against her forehead. "Honestly, I just wanted to spend the afternoon with you. I just wanted to be there for you *as a friend.* I hadn't seen my best friend in months and I just wanted a day for us to, you know, be friends again. Please, you have too... I think it was just the beers and my excitement of spending time with you. I just wasn't think-"

I swallowed her next words as I press my lips against hers.

It was her turn to step back in surprise.

I pulled my lips away and gazed into her deep blue eyes, not knowing what was going to happen next, just waiting for her.

And then her hands were cupping my face and we were kissing again.

Not lightly, not experimentally, we were fearlessly expressing our need for each other.

I wrapped my arms around her, tracing my hands up her thin back, rising along her soft neck, into her silky, blonde hair.

Our mouths opened together and I felt her sigh into me. We melted together, our lips moving in sync, holding each other in our arms. For that moment, she was my everything. My mind left me and all that mattered was her and expressing without words what she meant to me. And it seemed she wanted to do the same.

I don't know how long we stood there before the thought intruded.

I realized how much I wanted this. I realized how much I had been yearning for this. I had been satisfied in so many ways... but my mistress never kissed me. Not on the lips. Not once.

I felt myself frown and stiffen.

Heather must have sensed my sudden change because she pulled a few inches away and looked me in the eyes. "What is it?"

I kissed her again so that I didn't have to answer, this time being sure to keep my mind on her, on what we were doing, on what we were feeling.

After a few more minutes, it occurred to me that we were sucking face outside of my front door like a couple of teenagers on a first date. I reached into my back pocket without coming up for air, grabbing out my keys. I then unlocked our lips and quickly opened my door.

"Come on," I whispered with a wink.

Before the door fully shut us inside, our lips were together again, our arms wrapping around each other once more. It was like our bodies were too desperate to be apart for even that moment. Now that we were inside, I noticed Heather was kissing me harder, shedding more of her inhibitions, as I lead her deeper into my apartment.

Shoes were lost somewhere in the living room with a speed that can only occur when a person has a cute girl in their arms. Then I pulled her into my bedroom, flicking on a lap to its dimmest setting.

I sat on the end of my bed, pulling her with me. To my delight, she sat down on my lap, straddling my legs.

Again, our movements changed. Instead of desperate and deep, they became long and slow. It was like we both realized that this wasn't fleeting, that we didn't have to soak each other up before we were gone, that we could take the time needed to thoroughly enjoy one another.

Heather placed her hands on my chest, spreading out her fingers then pushing them into my flesh. She pressed her torso into me, her thin frame leaning into the mass of belly I had joining her on my lap. My stomach was still full from dinner and so it resisted her slightly, making her press harder, which made me moan into her.

I felt her smirk slightly as we continued to kiss, enjoying my reactions. She drifted her hands to my sides and let them gently fall down to my hips. She brought her fingers just under my shirt, grabbing the fabric.

She pulled her mouth from mine with a light gasp and opened her eyes to look into mine. "May I?" she asked.

I nodded.

She smiled again and began lifting my shirt up. It was a little too tight to be done as gracefully as possible, but real sex wasn't like porn or a romance novel, it was a lot more messy and awkward.

Still, she scooted it up gently, revealing the round stomach underneath. I lifted my arms and she tugged it all the way off, tossing it to the floor. She kissed me again, placing her hands on my hips once more then dragging them slowly up my back, my body shuttering as she did, to the strap of my bra.

Her lips broke from mine again.

"This too?"

"Yes," I hissed with a deep breath as I felt a stirring between my legs.

Her deft hands quickly undid the clasp and my bra joined the shirt on the ground.

She tented her fingers on my shoulders and began pushing, I let her bring me down until I was laying on the comforter. She twisted until her knees were resting on the bed and I gasped as her hips grinded against my belly.

She reached down, crossing her arms in front over her, and quickly pulled her own shirt off.

And there she towered over me, the only thing marring the perfect golden skin of her upper body being a small, deep purple, A-cup bra.

I smirked. I knew that bra. We had gone shopping at Victoria's Secret months before and I had told her she was going to blow someone's mind when they saw it on her.

I wasn't wrong.

I looked down her bare midriff, taking her in. She was smooth and lean, every line of her flowing gracefully together. It was amazing to watch her chest rise and fall deeply, in time with my own heavy breaths. Even the way her low ride jeans hugged her hips made my body spark with excitement. She was thin, tan, and beautiful.

She was everything I wasn't.

That thought made me pause as she leaned down to meet my lips once more. She leaned low, needing to keep her ass in the air to leave room for my gut. I didn't kiss her back, however. Instead I turned my head.

Heather immediately pulled back, concern on her face. "What's wrong?"

I scooted back, bringing my legs all the way onto my bed, my head closer to the pillows. I bit my lip, not knowing what to say.
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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LitMistress 5 years
GrowHerBelly - Thank you endlessly for your kind words and support! You've been so supportive from the first day I posted this, I hope you know it's appreciated!

justenjoy - Glad you enjoy it so much! I'll be sure to keep it going.
Justenjoy 5 years
Glad to see you’re still updating! This is my favorite story at the moment, I check back every day!
GrowHerBelly 5 years
Thanks for the update! This is easily one of the best, if not the best story I've read in this genre. The plot is unique and interesting, and has the perfect balance of captivating drama and erotic writing. And I was caught off guard by how funny some of
LitMistress 5 years
JennaStuffedFeedee - Thank you! Glad you are enjoying so much.

alicerosemoss - Me too! I didn't mean to take so long between chapters. Glad you enjoyed the twist! I had it in my back pocket from the first word I wrote, so glad people like it
LitMistress 5 years
krollmeister - She is indeed! The story will continue, so you will learn what becomes of Jess...

Handyman - Glad you are enjoying it so much!
Krollmeister 5 years
what a unique twist, the mistress is really some sort of soul stealing/sharing entitity, but what will she do with the real Jess now I wonder?
LitMistress 5 years
justenjoy - Thank you for your patience, I hope it was worth the wait!

Pu7 - Thanks for the compliments! I'm glad you are continuing to enjoy
Wadegain 5 years
Great to see you continue this story! Amazing work as always and I can’t wait to read more!
Justenjoy 5 years
Patiently awaiting more of this story!
LitMistress 5 years
Shinigami - Thank you! I really appreciate the kid words! I'm so glad you are enjoying my story!

2steppinfa - Hmmm, you all have been patient and I suppose I could reward with the next installments... once I write them smiley They're coming, I promise
2steppinfa 5 years
LitMistress 5 years
Thanks GrowHerBelly! I appreciate you following the story smiley You've been reading since the beginning, no? Thank you!!! I'm honored.

Thanks Solid7ony, I'm thrilled you enjoyed it so much! Yes, there will be more! I hope you continue to enjoy!
GrowHerBelly 5 years
Great work as always, your writing is fantastic and the story is one of the most well-written and engaging I've ever read. Can't wait to read more!
LitMistress 5 years
Jigerif, thanks so much! I'll certainly be continuing, I've already started writing the next chapter! Look for it on Friday!
LitMistress 5 years
Thanks fatlantis! I really appreciate you kind words and your continued readership! Honestly, means a lot.

Theswordsman - [Spoilers if anyone cares..] I'll explain this more in future chapters, but the short story is her body is now with the mistress.
Theswordsman 5 years
If she's asleep then is her body still at her place or was she being abducted
Th3f4t5ide 5 years
Just wanted to comment and say I love this story, I love your style, and I love the characters. You're doing an excellent job and I can't wait to see where it goes!
LitMistress 5 years
Thank you, Pu7! I really appreciate your continued readership and comments! It's so nice to get kind comments on my work smiley

rickeb, I'll post the next part soon. I'm glad you enjoy it enough to want to continue the tale!
Rickeb 5 years
What happens next???
Wadegain 5 years
Great addition to the story! I’ve enjoyed this story from the very first day you’ve released it and I feel like it’s only gotten better. Can’t wait to read more!
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