Dream dungeon

Chapter 19 - after part 3

The chocolatier tour, Rebecca, the earring....

I shook my head. What would the connection be? That maybe Rebecca had my earring? What would she even do with it? It made no sense.

"Actually, it was the Beijing trip that made me come over yesterday," Heather said with a sign. "It felt wrong going without you. So I finally just said 'f*ck it, I'm heading over whether she wants to see me or not.'"

"I wanted to see you."

"Oh, please. You wanted to slam the door in my face."

I signed, she wasn't exactly wrong.

"Heather. I really can't express how thankful-"

"Jess, you don't have to. Again, I'm your friend, I'm here for you. Now, let's jump in the car before you're too late for work."


"Please, take care of yourself. I'll be back soon and we'll get this all sorted out," is what Heather had said as I exited her car.

I reflected on it as I looked out my office window into the short downtown below. I watched people going about their lives; hopping in cars, entering buildings, going about their lives.

I had my third cup of coffee in my hands, hoping that with enough of these I'd keep awake.

On the drive over, Heather had promised she'd skype me in the evenings, which meant when she first got up in the morning thanks to the time difference. She clearly picked up on how desperately I felt I needed her support.

I hoped it was enough.

Still, that feeling of light at the end of the tunnel returned. It was only five days. My head felt clearer than it had in months, my confidence was returning. Even if I slept, Rebecca couldn't really be upset when I returned. She was a dream. She had to be. What else could be true.

'Yes, I am real. I am Rebecca. I come to you to make sure you are taking care of yourself *almost* as well as I do...' I heard my mistresses voice echoing in my head from our last session and shuttered, closing my eyes as I did. It just couldn't be true, it couldn't.

My stomach growled wimpily, but I ignored it. I hadn't eaten yet that day, my talk with Heather this morning taking up the time I usually spent on breakfast. The first thing I did when I came into my office was dump all the snacks I had in my office in the big kitchen trash bin. It had taken two trips, but it was worth it to feel free of them.

Of course I'd have to eat eventually, but for now conquering my hunger felt like a rebellion against my mistress, it made me feel like I was taking something back.

I was stronger than I had been acting all this time.

I took a deep breath and watched as a cute young couple walked down the street hand in hand.

I heard a bang and snapped around in surprise.

My once closed door had slammed against the wall.

Rebecca stood, silhouetted in the doorway.

Her face was livid.
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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LitMistress 5 years
Thanks DoughyBoy! I'm like my stories with lots of romance, glad you enjoy that too!

Thanks so much Wannablarge! I hope to give many goose bumps when I write smiley
LitMistress 5 years
Well, JonMxwll, that's always the hope smiley Are you talking whole story or is there any one part you particularly enjoyed?
Theswordsman 5 years
Glad to help
LitMistress 5 years
Thanks so much for the kind words Pu7! I'm glad you feel it's still delivering smiley There's always that fear it doesn't end up as good as I hope...

Theswordsman, actually, YOU gave me the idea to give her a bigger role! So thanks!
Theswordsman 5 years
I knew there was something happening with Heather
Wadegain 5 years
Every chapter you write just makes me want to read more! Keep up the great work
LitMistress 6 years
Well, I hope you enjoy it anyway, Theswordsman! Thanks for reading.

Thanks so much GrowingLoveHandles! I really appreciate the complements, it modivates me to get more out!

Thanks girlcrisis! You write such fantastic stories yourself, a compliment f
Girlcrisis 6 years
What a brilliant read. I really love the expert blending of fantasy and realism.
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Really enjoying this story. You write very well. I like how you have structured this and chapter 8 is very nice.
Theswordsman 6 years
No i thought it was heather because the way she acted hurt at that one point made me think that she knew about the dreams.
LitMistress 6 years
Thank you DoughyBoy073 and LevelUP! kittymoshign, that is such a kind complement, it means a lot! Theswordsman, were you right?!

Next chapter is up!
Kittymoshing 6 years
omg this is by far the best story I read on here ... seriously .. will you PLEASE continue? 😍
Theswordsman 6 years
I think i know who the mistress is but i dont think you want any spoilers.
LitMistress 6 years
Badhansel, yes I will! I am a little under halfway through the next chapter now. I am planning to write this story to completion smiley The only thing that might keep me from posting as fast as I want to is when I work in my other story smiley
Badhansel 6 years
Brilliant story well told! Will you continue?
LitMistress 6 years
Thanks so much for the compliments, GrowHerBelly! I do what I can,

Ianmoone, that is so kind of you to say. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much and hope you continue to enjoy the story as it unravels...
Ianmoone 6 years
By far the best story I've ever seen on here. I've been trying to put something like this into words for a long time, and you did it perfectly.
GrowHerBelly 6 years
Really great story so far! The descriptions and pacing are done really well, there's a great balance of description and action, and it's formatted perfectly. Can't wait for you to update!
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