Dream dungeon

Chapter 21 - consequences part 2

For a moment I was still.

I stayed plastered to the window, my heart pounding, my cheek still burning, my hand still resting against my jaw.

Then, slowly my muscles began to soften and I began sliding down the wall below the sill until I sat on the floor.

My whole midsection heaved with breaths, my stomach expanding and receding deeply.

Did I do it? Did I resist? Or did I make it worse?

There was no question in my mind now that somehow my dreams were real. Painfully, jarringly, terrifyingly real.

Somehow that wasn't actually terrifying me though.

It was almost a relief to know; to have it confirmed that I truly wasn't crazy. I wasn't imagining my nightly weight gains, I wasn't projecting onto a client my dreams and seeing what wasn't actually there. As impossible as it would seem, there was simply no question that everything that was happening was really and truly happening.

Now that I knew that for certain, I could deal with it.

I hoped.

But what was my next move? How do you escape someone who comes to you in your dreams?

I looked around my office and just breathed for a moment. I waited until air entered and escaped my lungs calmly and evenly.

I decided step one was to get up off the office floor.

I reached up and curled a hand around the window ledge and grunted with the effort it took to heave my body off the floor. It was embarrassing how much strength it took just go get myself standing, and I felt a little out of breath again once I was up.

I stumbled over to my desk and plopped in my chair, leaning back into it. I tapped my fingers against the arms and tried to come up with a plan.

I wondered how much a plane ticket to Beijing would cost last minute.

There was a commotion outside my door, it sounded like it was down the hall. Then quick footsteps and heated voices I couldn't make out through the walls. More footsteps then my door banged open for the second time that day.

"Jessica!" Miranda seethed as she burst in the room. "We just lost Lumens."

I blanched.

"What in the *world* happened? You knew how big this was for us? You knew how much money was on the line?!"

"Of-of course Miranda," was all I could offer.

"What happened? Were you not wining and dining Rebecca? Tossing down the red carpet? This would have been our biggest client! How could you let her drop?"

"I... Honestly it was a unique situation..."

"Jessica, you have been out of it and spacy for MONTHS. You are constantly behind on paperwork and are missing meetings. I honestly was about to bring you in for review until the president of Lumens came in asking for you *by name.* This isn't acceptable, do you realize she was the reason I was even keeping you around?"

I felt my face reddening, my pulse quickening.

I saw the curious eyes of my coworkers peeking over the cubicles through my open door, which only made me feel more in the spotlight.

I looked down at my hands where they sat gripping the edges of my chair arms, my knuckles going white.

"No. I'm really so sorry-"

"Sorry isn't going to save this, Jessica. The board is going to be FURIOUS. I knew I should have handled it myself."

"If I can do anything-"

"You know what you can do. You can pack up your office and be out by the end of the day. I was serious, you were here because of Lumens. We lost Lumens, we no longer need you."

And with that, Miranda stomped out of my office, leaving the door open.

I sat there a moment, taking in what just happened. My insides seemed to sink within me, dropping to the pit of my stomach, my chest feeling like someone was squeezing it.

I started to hear whispering outside my door and looked up to see eyes being averted from coworkers who had clumped up to talk about what just happened.

I pulled myself from my chair and shuffled over to my office door to close it. Then I leaned against it and put my head in my hands.

I stood there a moment and just breathed.

I looked up across the room at the space below the window I had just done the same thing at not five minute ago.

Then I began packing up my things.
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Wizard101 6 months
dreams is so good. It’s such a shame this was never finished, and likely never will be due to the last update being 4 years ago. For all I know the author is dead. But yeah just great shit here.
Wizard101 6 months
So this one’s weird, because I’m no longer rooting for feedism here. Like I’m reading this as an actual story rather than a work of erotica. Also the supernatural stuff with whoever is controlling the
Spectral Loc... 3 years
Is this the feederism version of Sunstone that I didn't know I needed until now? Excellent story.
Adipose_lover 4 years
published this i would buy it in a heart beat. you are an incredible author and whatever you decide to do -- erotica or no -- i am 100% behind you. even if it means a pay wall.
Adipose_lover 4 years
this story is amazing. I adore every bit of it! The fantasy elements, the idea of shifting control and taking being a dominatrix to an entirely new level! You are an incredible writer. Sorry people keep complaining about paywalls and such. honestly if you
BBWcreator82 5 years
Not too bad.
LitMistress 5 years
Hey deepfriedgrits - Yes! I will be continuing this story! I still play to see it through to the end! I've been distracted by the other story I've been posting but plan to get a new chapter of this out in the near future smiley
Deepfriedgrits 5 years
Love this story! Do you plan on continuing it?
LitMistress 5 years
I understand your frustration. TBTH is always available to you if you would like to support it, but I understand not everyone is able to. I hope you continue to enjoy DD if you can't, as it will stay happily free through it's ending.
Justenjoy 5 years
I just wish you would have been more straightforward about it instead of teasing that the story would be free and then asking for money as soon as you release the update that everyone had been looking forward to. Like I said, I checked nearly every day.
LitMistress 5 years
Post 1/6: justenjoy - I'm so sorry that putting it on premium has made you feel alienated, that was not the intention. The reality is that I put a lot of time and energy into what I write and...
LitMistress 5 years
Post 2/6: ...I actually do want to be a writer as a career. Finding a way to be paid for a craft is a goal of any creative and I'm trying to make that transition.
LitMistress 5 years
Post 3/6: I'm sure you wish that all your favorite artists and authors of any kind could keep a roof over their head and have more time to create by making a career off what they do.
LitMistress 5 years
Post 4/6: I am endlessly grateful for my audience and promise to keep posting Dream Dungeon for free until it finds it's end.
LitMistress 5 years
Post 5/6: If you wish to receive TBTH in a way other than on FF, please message and I am working on a system to help my audience get it in a more agreeable way (though it will stay behind a paywall).
LitMistress 5 years
Post 6/6: Thank you endlessly for your support of my work and I hope that I can keep creating stories that you will enjoy.
Justenjoy 5 years
Why is Too Big To Handle on premium? Seriously? I’ve been checking every day for two weeks excited for an update and the second you do, you slap a paywall on it? Lowball move man
LitMistress 5 years
Theswordsman - We shall see if it does!

justenjoy - So glad you are enjoying! Let's find out if she can...
Justenjoy 5 years
I’m loving this! Hoping that Heather can still get fat despite this setback.
Theswordsman 5 years
Love conquers all
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