Dream dungeon

Chapter 23 - spiral part 2

I think I lasted a day.

I think that because at some point things got dark. And then at some point they got light again. Perhaps it had happened multiple times. Perhaps the light was just from the moon. I couldn't say.

The whole time, I just lay there. I stared at the same point on the wall, watching the light change against it. There was nothing there, but still I stared. In my mind, I repeated my mantra, "She had to.... She had to..." until I forgot what it even meant.

My mind was so tired it was like it turned off.

And my stomach seemed to collapse more and more in on itself.

I was so hungry. I felt starved and empty. I felt powerless and weak. I just wanted to eat. Food would fix this. I was so, so hungry....

I blinked my eyes and I was in the dungeon.

My mind was instantly clearer. Not completely there, but my exhaustion was gone, my limbs felt like they could move again.

The only thing that remained was my hunger. And it was flaring through my body,

I blinked again, my eyes beginning to adjust.

I found myself crumpled on the floor again, but not in the fetal position like I had been at my apartment. I lay against the wall as if thrown there, laying on my side with the limbs spread. I was back in my lacy bra and panties, but with no ceremony to it.

I pushed myself to my hands and knees with a moan. Instantly my stomach flinched with hunger and I gasped as I curled my arms around it, tears pricking my eyes.

Panting lightly, I looked around the room and saw that the lights were wrong. Fluorescents blared down instead of the dark mood lighting that normally lit the room.

It looked so different in this light; so bland and plain. I was so used to it feeling energized and suspenseful, like the room itself was eager to play. Now it sat as if sleeping, as if dead. It didn't help that the room looked a mess. Things were pushed to the side or knocked over. Chains were strewn about, chests were pushed over and even busted open, whips and crops littered the floor. It looked like someone had thrown a tantrum.

As I looked around the various chains, instruments, boxes, and toys, I noticed the long tube hanging low and lifeless.

I scrambled towards it, eager for relief.

I wasn't wearing my mask, so I simply grabbed the tube and brought it to my mouth. I sucked at it, my tongue darting into it viciously. I was met with nothing but air, but still I sucked as hard as I could praying that the liquid would eventually flow if I tried hard enough.

Eventually, I gave up with a moan. I felt like a child; I was endlessly upset when I knew it wasn't logical to be. I felt abandoned and alone, sitting there in my misery with no idea how to fix it. I nearly felt like just crying pitifully from where I sat on the floor.

My eyes wondered up the tube, looking up to where it hung seemingly from the heavens. My eyes squinted and adjusted as they looked up towards the light and I realized the tube was hanging through a metal grid, a grid from which the chains that had so often hung me must have always been attached to.

Everything looked so industrial. It felt so structural and mechanical and I began to understand how much it took to make this room work. As I made sense of the shapes I was seeing above me, I realized the tube bent above the grid and continued out towards a wall. When my eyes got to where it disappeared, I looked down and noticed a door.

This must have been where my mistress entered.

I crawled towards the door, one arm around my starving stomach, whimpering slightly in pity for myself.

When I reached the door, I tugged it open to find a dark staircase. I groaned in annoyance before beginning my climb up, still on my hands and knees.

The stairs opened into a hallway. I looked right and left down either end, pouting when I realized my brain was too fried to make choices.

There was a door right next to the stairs. It seemed like the choice that would take the least mental work, so I went in.

I found myself in what looked like a control room met a security office. There were large screens that were black and various buttons and levers before it. An office chair sat before the controls.

But the room smelled incredible.

I knew exactly the smell. I just had to find where it was coming from.

I breathed deeply as I looked around the room, my stomach churning unhappily like it knew it's prize was just out of reach and wasn't thrilled to have to keep waiting.

Glancing around the room I saw in the corner, next to the control desk, was a giant vat. It was sunk into the floor, a large metal wheel sitting on a door that was just over waste high.

I crawled towards it, my eyes wide with anticipation.

I reached it and placed my hands on the wheel. It took all my diminished strength to turn it.

I heard the clunk of metal.

I leaned back and let the door open, the direct smell of whatever liquid my mistress always fed me hitting my face, making me groan in anticipation.

The vat was full of the stuff.

It must have had a four foot diameter, I had no idea how far down it when but I knew it must have been a few feet long based on how high it was.

But I wasn't thinking about how much there was. I was just thinking about how there it sat, thick, creamy, and delicious.

Perhaps, if I had eaten in the past 24hrs and hadn't just been through the most stressful few days of my life, I may not have looked at this vat of unknown substance as if it was liquid gold.

But in that moment, it was the only thing I wanted. And I wanted it with all of my being.

I quickly stood and leaned forward, bending over the bottom of the doorframe to lean my face forward, my pump belly meeting metal. I dipped my hand in and brought a handful of the liquid towards my face. I quickly slurped it down, shuttering as something finally entered my empty stomach.

I leaned my other hand forward, going on tip toe to push myself as far in as possible, bending as low as I could to reach my treasure.

I began using both my hands to quickly bring as much liquid to my mouth as I could. I gasped and panted in between mouthfuls, working as fast as I could to get all I could inside me.

I ate with abandon. It felt like I hadn't eaten for a month even when I knew it couldn't have been that much more than 24 hours.

I wasn't clean about it; I could feel droplets of liquid on my face, my arms were slathered with it. I could even feel some thick globs making their way down my chest.

Some part of me knew I should be ashamed, that I should be aware of the lack of dignity I was holding myself with. I ignored that part of me, trying hard to lean my weight more forward so I could bring myself as close to the substance as possible.

My belly soon felt the familiar full feeling, and I moaned with pleasure. Finally it had something in it again. I let that feeling comfort my whole body. It was like with every bite, all my stresses were melting away. Soon the familiar warmth between my legs began to spark and I was moaning not just out of pleasure from hunger relief, but from the fact that my body was stirring with sexual bliss.

As my belly filled, however, the fact that I was leaning on it to get closer to my feast became uncomfortable. As I panted and grunted, my belly began feeling suffocated by the metal it rested on. I began trying to adjust my hips, trying to move onto a more comfortable position.

I briefly looked away from my hands and realized it was being made even more challenging by the fact that I was actually making a dent in the liquid. I could see a ring around the inside of the vat where the original level was and I saw that it was nearly an inch below now. Not much, but for whatever reason it made me worried that it might eventually get out of reach.

And then it made me realize that I never wanted to stop eating.

I began wiggling my thick hips harder, my toes barely touching the ground, trying as hard as I could to get as close to the liquid as possible.

With one sudden wiggle, I slipped forward. I let out a yelp as my face fell into the substance.

Luckily, my hips caught on the doorframe. My belly no longer held the pressure, it was directly on my pelvis.

I reached my hands onto the frame to lean my face back, catch my breath, and get my bearings.

I shook my head trying to get some of the substance off, breathing hard and licking my lips as I did so.

My feet must have been inches from the floor, my ass high in the air as I bent over the metal frame. I wasn't sure how I was going to unhinge myself if I ever wanted to get out, what with most my body now being in the vat.

But I wasn't sure if I cared.

I leaned forward again, letting my face sink into the liquid. I slurped and sucked it down, my hands grasping the frame to keep myself from tipping my weight too far forward. My stomach was sending me the familiar signs that it was filled and I ignored them.

Instead I ate and ate and ate.

A familiar laugh ripped forth behind me, making me jump.

"Well, Dearest. Have we learned what kind of choice we have?"
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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LitMistress 5 years
Thanks DoughyBoy! I'm like my stories with lots of romance, glad you enjoy that too!

Thanks so much Wannablarge! I hope to give many goose bumps when I write smiley
LitMistress 5 years
Well, JonMxwll, that's always the hope smiley Are you talking whole story or is there any one part you particularly enjoyed?
Theswordsman 5 years
Glad to help
LitMistress 5 years
Thanks so much for the kind words Pu7! I'm glad you feel it's still delivering smiley There's always that fear it doesn't end up as good as I hope...

Theswordsman, actually, YOU gave me the idea to give her a bigger role! So thanks!
Theswordsman 5 years
I knew there was something happening with Heather
Wadegain 5 years
Every chapter you write just makes me want to read more! Keep up the great work
LitMistress 6 years
Well, I hope you enjoy it anyway, Theswordsman! Thanks for reading.

Thanks so much GrowingLoveHandles! I really appreciate the complements, it modivates me to get more out!

Thanks girlcrisis! You write such fantastic stories yourself, a compliment f
Girlcrisis 6 years
What a brilliant read. I really love the expert blending of fantasy and realism.
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Really enjoying this story. You write very well. I like how you have structured this and chapter 8 is very nice.
Theswordsman 6 years
No i thought it was heather because the way she acted hurt at that one point made me think that she knew about the dreams.
LitMistress 6 years
Thank you DoughyBoy073 and LevelUP! kittymoshign, that is such a kind complement, it means a lot! Theswordsman, were you right?!

Next chapter is up!
Kittymoshing 6 years
omg this is by far the best story I read on here ... seriously .. will you PLEASE continue? 😍
Theswordsman 6 years
I think i know who the mistress is but i dont think you want any spoilers.
LitMistress 6 years
Badhansel, yes I will! I am a little under halfway through the next chapter now. I am planning to write this story to completion smiley The only thing that might keep me from posting as fast as I want to is when I work in my other story smiley
Badhansel 6 years
Brilliant story well told! Will you continue?
LitMistress 6 years
Thanks so much for the compliments, GrowHerBelly! I do what I can,

Ianmoone, that is so kind of you to say. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much and hope you continue to enjoy the story as it unravels...
Ianmoone 6 years
By far the best story I've ever seen on here. I've been trying to put something like this into words for a long time, and you did it perfectly.
GrowHerBelly 6 years
Really great story so far! The descriptions and pacing are done really well, there's a great balance of description and action, and it's formatted perfectly. Can't wait for you to update!
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