Dream dungeon

Chapter 25 - homecoming part 2

Two pairs of hands grabbed at my arms and midsection and I was yanked back.

I tumbled to the floor, crying out then groaning as my heavy body hit hard ground.

"Damn it," I heard my mistress hiss. "Is she hurt?"

I must have gone limp after I climaxed, my head falling into the liquid. I took a sputtering breath, my eyes opening wide and taking big blinks, though the world around me took a moment to come into focus.

My mistress faded into view, looking annoyed above me with her arms crossed. Next to her was a squat, thick man with no chin and wide eyes.

He dabbed at my face with a towel, clearing away whatever of the substance was left.

I tried to sit up and groaned as my stomach pulsed with pain. It was clear I had pushed it too far. I was suddenly aware of just how stuffed I was, just how much I must have gotten into my belly. When I looked down, I could only see a round, bloated mass of a stomach. My feet could have been missing and I wouldn't have known. Even breathing hurt, as if my stuffed stomach sat crushing my lungs.

"Just lay down, Dearest," my mistress sighed, drumming her fingers against her opposite arm.

"What do you want me to do?" the squat man asked. "Is she going to wake up soon? How do you know if-"

"Quibly, I swear I will lock you in a broom closet for the day. Is. She. Hurt."

"Um, not from what I can tell, Ma'am. Other than maybe this." The man poked my belly and I groaned as pain echoed out from where he did.

"If she's fine then get off," my mistress said as she pushed him aside. Her fingers found my face and she gave me the proud smile she always did when our time together was about to end. "You did wonderfully as ever, Dearest. But you did scare me there for a moment."

Her hand traveled down my neck, over my breast, and lightly trailed over my belly. I winced as they did, my girth much too tender to enjoy her touch.

"Look at what you have done to yourself, Dear One," she smirked. "You are just too greedy."

"What should I do, Ma'am? Do you want me to, um, to, um....?"

I saw my mistress close her eyes and stick out her jaw in clear annoyance. "You are going to shut up. I am going to find out where my naughty pet has been these past few days."

Her hand traveled back to my face and she cupped my chin as she began leaning in, her eyes becoming soft. My eyes bulged as I realized what she was doing. My heart began to pound.

She was finally going to kiss me.

This woman had made me climax multiple times nightly, and yet I couldn't help but feel this was going to be the most intimate thing we had ever done.

My lips pouted, eager to receive her, and my eyes softened. My body seemed to tingle in anticipation.

"Ma'am! She's not ready! She's nowhere near big enough! What if you can't keep control-"

I felt my chest deflate as my mistress turned to glare at the man standing nervously behind her.

She must have stared daggers at him because he let out a whimper and backed away from us.

She turned back to me and her face softened again. She leaned forward, my heart seeming to try to launch out of my chest, and then our lips met.

It was everything I hoped.

It was bliss, it was vulnerable, it was mind-expanding.

She kissed with conviction. Her lips were strong and meaningful. I melted mine into hers, letting her take control and meeting her every movement. We began moving our lips slowly, I reached up to put my arms around her, desperate to have her closer.

But then my mind seemed to shift, suddenly it felt like it was trying to escape my head.

My arms fell to my sides and I began groping the cold, linoleum floor, trying to find something to hold onto that would keep me here. It was like I was being pulled away from the world, like something was dragging me from it... from the inside out.

I moaned against her lips, wanting this feeling to stop but still desperate to be so close to her.

Then my mind seemed to start to dull. Like there was something else overpowering it.

Whatever it was rushed into my brain like a wave hitting the beach. It spread out and splashed into its inner workings. It flowed between the nerves it found, quieting them as it surrounded their connections.

It was powerful, overwhelming. My eyes slammed open to try to see what was happening.

My mistress seemed to open hers at the same moment I did, her intense gaze flowing down into me. Her eyes were strong and penetrating as ever.

But they weren't quite hers.

They were changing.

Their blazing blue was dulling... they seemed to be filling with brown, a brown I recognized. A brown I looked at every day in the mirror.

I suddenly felt I was looking into my own eyes.

'What?' the thought, the single word ran through my mind. But it wasn't mine, I didn't think it. Someone, something else did.

But it used my mind to think it.

"She slept with another woman!" my mistress cried as she yanked herself away from me.

I gasped for air, watching her eyes quickly change back from brown to blue as I took deep breaths, one of my hand flying to my head to make sure it was still there.

My mistress stood swiftly, turned, and stepped away, making Quibly twitch and whimper.

My mind seemed to have quickly returned to its place, whatever force that had taken it over suddenly nowhere to be found.

I attempted to move, my limbs feeling like lead as they bent, but my belly again echoed with a powerful pain which made me groan and go limp. I felt suddenly pinned down by it... and I had no one to blame but myself. My mistress hadn't put a mask on me, I had willingly leaned into the vat to fill myself as much as I had, and now I was trapped under my own gluttony.

How had I let this happen to myself?

"She slept with another woman," I heard my mistress say quietly, as if no one else was in the room with her. She began pacing in front of me, throwing a steely glance my way every few moments. Quibly's anxious eyes followed her movements.

"I have pleasured her every night, making her climax multiple times each session, and put over a hundred pounds on her. And she slept with another woman." She said it flatly, as if trying to digest these facts when they weren't making any sense.

"Never has a pet... Not at this point, not after so much time..." she mumbled, stopping her pacing to cross her arm and lean her chin on her hand, tapping a finger against her cheek, staring at the open vat in the corner.

I bit my lip. Something inside of me felt like it was sinking. I felt as if I had let her down, disappointed her. I wanted to scramble up and comfort her, to tell her I'd never do it again, that it was a mistake.

The rest of me thought that something was crazy for feeling that way. That part of me kept me silent and anxiously waiting.

"Well..." Quibly squeaked. "Well, she came back, didn't she? So she must still be devoted to you, right? When you send her back-"

"She can't go back!" my mistress boomed, her eyes filling with the same flame I had seen in the office when she got be fired. I knew that meant she was back on her feet, back in control, that she wasn't going to let anything else surprise her.

I cowered under her wrath once more.

"What... what do you mean?" Quibly asked, eyeing me nervously.

"I can't let her go back! She's staying here. I won't let her slip away again."

"Ma'am, you've lost girls before. You said yourself it happens sometimes, not everyone is worth-"

"I can keep whomever I wish, whomever I choose. No, she stays." I saw her jaw tighten, the fire spread from her eyes to her whole being, her rage emitting from her like heat from a flame.

"But Ma'am, if she isn't big enough, can you keep her yet?"

"I can do whatever I wish!" my mistress said with such force that both Quibly and I flinched, certain that she was right. My entire being instantly regretted everything I'd done. Why had I not slept? Why had I stayed away? Why did I poke the bear?

"I'll put her on an accelerated schedule. I'll fatten her up for two weeks. She'll know who's control she's under, she'll know she's mine," my mistress hissed, staring down at my from the end of her nose. I gulped and cowered, but I couldn't look away; I couldn't disappoint her again.

"In fact," a smile flinted across my mistress' face and she let out a laugh, throwing her head back. "I think I have a little plan that'll put everyone in their place quite nicely...

"Quibly, grab her."
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Wizard101 6 months
dreams is so good. It’s such a shame this was never finished, and likely never will be due to the last update being 4 years ago. For all I know the author is dead. But yeah just great shit here.
Wizard101 6 months
So this one’s weird, because I’m no longer rooting for feedism here. Like I’m reading this as an actual story rather than a work of erotica. Also the supernatural stuff with whoever is controlling the
Spectral Loc... 3 years
Is this the feederism version of Sunstone that I didn't know I needed until now? Excellent story.
Adipose_lover 4 years
published this i would buy it in a heart beat. you are an incredible author and whatever you decide to do -- erotica or no -- i am 100% behind you. even if it means a pay wall.
Adipose_lover 4 years
this story is amazing. I adore every bit of it! The fantasy elements, the idea of shifting control and taking being a dominatrix to an entirely new level! You are an incredible writer. Sorry people keep complaining about paywalls and such. honestly if you
BBWcreator82 5 years
Not too bad.
LitMistress 5 years
Hey deepfriedgrits - Yes! I will be continuing this story! I still play to see it through to the end! I've been distracted by the other story I've been posting but plan to get a new chapter of this out in the near future smiley
Deepfriedgrits 5 years
Love this story! Do you plan on continuing it?
LitMistress 5 years
I understand your frustration. TBTH is always available to you if you would like to support it, but I understand not everyone is able to. I hope you continue to enjoy DD if you can't, as it will stay happily free through it's ending.
Justenjoy 5 years
I just wish you would have been more straightforward about it instead of teasing that the story would be free and then asking for money as soon as you release the update that everyone had been looking forward to. Like I said, I checked nearly every day.
LitMistress 5 years
Post 1/6: justenjoy - I'm so sorry that putting it on premium has made you feel alienated, that was not the intention. The reality is that I put a lot of time and energy into what I write and...
LitMistress 5 years
Post 2/6: ...I actually do want to be a writer as a career. Finding a way to be paid for a craft is a goal of any creative and I'm trying to make that transition.
LitMistress 5 years
Post 3/6: I'm sure you wish that all your favorite artists and authors of any kind could keep a roof over their head and have more time to create by making a career off what they do.
LitMistress 5 years
Post 4/6: I am endlessly grateful for my audience and promise to keep posting Dream Dungeon for free until it finds it's end.
LitMistress 5 years
Post 5/6: If you wish to receive TBTH in a way other than on FF, please message and I am working on a system to help my audience get it in a more agreeable way (though it will stay behind a paywall).
LitMistress 5 years
Post 6/6: Thank you endlessly for your support of my work and I hope that I can keep creating stories that you will enjoy.
Justenjoy 5 years
Why is Too Big To Handle on premium? Seriously? I’ve been checking every day for two weeks excited for an update and the second you do, you slap a paywall on it? Lowball move man
LitMistress 5 years
Theswordsman - We shall see if it does!

justenjoy - So glad you are enjoying! Let's find out if she can...
Justenjoy 5 years
I’m loving this! Hoping that Heather can still get fat despite this setback.
Theswordsman 5 years
Love conquers all
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