Dream dungeon

Chapter 26 - homecoming part 3

I cried out in surprise as my mistress grabbed my arm, digging her fingers into the fat she found there. Quibly followed orders, grabbing my arm weakly, then whimpered as he attempted to pull up.

"Ma'am, she's too heavy," he whined.

"Quibly, I have no qualms doing away with you and making another to take you place. Besides, weren't you just whining that she wasn't big enough?"

Quibly sniveled and found strength somewhere. The two of them huffed as they lifted me up with their arms hooked under my shoulders. I cried out as they raised me, my belly feeling it was going to burst both from its contents and the pain it felt when I moved.

My mistress tugged me forward and Quibly instantly followed suit. Soon, we were out the door, my heels dragging on the ground as they hauled me backwards. I let out sorry, sniveling cries of protest, fearful of where they were taking me, but mostly just focused on the pain I felt in my bloated midsection as they moved me. I wanted nothing more than to be set down and allowed to lay there until my stomach no longer ached with pain at the smallest of actions.

I couldn't say how far we went. My mind was un able to process the path we took; it was too fixated on trying to bare the agony I was feeling from my heavy girth. But after what seemed like an excruciating amount of time, I was being dragged onto some kind of wide chair.

I moaned as I eagerly lay back into it, my eyes closing in pain. I couldn't help but stretch my body out, trying to relieve the pressure that pinned me down.

I hoped we weren't going to be moving again any time soon. I melted into the chair, letting out another groan, my breathing shallow and labored.

I felt my arm pulled forward and felt something wrapping around it. I opened my eyes to see my mistress pulling tight leather straps around my wrist, tying it to the thick arms of the chair.

"Quibly, get her other side."

Soon, a strap was around my other wrist as my mistress slipped a strap around my ankle, making it so I couldn't lift it from the large footrest my leg sat on. I tugged at them though I knew it was pointless.

As I struggled, I heard my mistress sigh. She came up to my side as Quibly locked my last free limb in place.

"I know, Pet. I'm sure you're nervous. I wish I could be more comforting but you've not made things easy for me the last few days and my patience does have an end," she traced her fingers down my face and I couldn't help but lean my head towards her. I knew I should be scared or angry or defiant, but I couldn't help but feel that all I wanted was for her to be praising me, rewarding me, loving me again. I felt like a child whose parent was mad at them; I just wanted her love, I just wanted things to return to what they were.

"I'm sorry, Miss. Please, Miss. I'm sorry," I whimpered.

"Oh, Dearest," she said without softening, making my insides sink again. "What a tease you are."

She turned and I saw her grab for something. When she was facing me again, she had a mask in her hands.

"Miss! Please, no! I'm too full. Please, let me rest!" I cried, tears nearly springing from my eyes as I thought of putting more into my bloated belly. I pulled fruitlessly against my restraints, making my belly jiggle and pain echo through me once more.

"Shh," my mistress' curtly admonished me. Her eyes were still steely as she put a hand to my forehead and roughly tipped my head back. "It's not for now. I just need to get you hooked up for later. This is a special room, it'll feed you when you are ready for it again and not a moment before, so stop your complaints."

I didn't have it in me to protest any more, my limbs releasing their tension and going limp. I didn't put up any resistance as she slipped the familiar tube into my mouth. Then she clasped it around my head and turned away from me.

Once she took her hands from the mask, she reached for my right ear. I felt something pull on the lobe and I winced. As her hand left my side, I caught a glimpse of a simple gold stud with a circle of jade inside.

"Quibly, take care of the rest," my mistress said as she strutted out of the room. "Get comfortable, Dearest. This room is now your new home.

"And in two short weeks, be ready for quite the surprise."
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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LitMistress 5 years
GrowHerBelly - Thank you endlessly for your kind words and support! You've been so supportive from the first day I posted this, I hope you know it's appreciated!

justenjoy - Glad you enjoy it so much! I'll be sure to keep it going.
Justenjoy 5 years
Glad to see you’re still updating! This is my favorite story at the moment, I check back every day!
GrowHerBelly 5 years
Thanks for the update! This is easily one of the best, if not the best story I've read in this genre. The plot is unique and interesting, and has the perfect balance of captivating drama and erotic writing. And I was caught off guard by how funny some of
LitMistress 5 years
JennaStuffedFeedee - Thank you! Glad you are enjoying so much.

alicerosemoss - Me too! I didn't mean to take so long between chapters. Glad you enjoyed the twist! I had it in my back pocket from the first word I wrote, so glad people like it
LitMistress 5 years
krollmeister - She is indeed! The story will continue, so you will learn what becomes of Jess...

Handyman - Glad you are enjoying it so much!
Krollmeister 5 years
what a unique twist, the mistress is really some sort of soul stealing/sharing entitity, but what will she do with the real Jess now I wonder?
LitMistress 5 years
justenjoy - Thank you for your patience, I hope it was worth the wait!

Pu7 - Thanks for the compliments! I'm glad you are continuing to enjoy
Wadegain 5 years
Great to see you continue this story! Amazing work as always and I can’t wait to read more!
Justenjoy 5 years
Patiently awaiting more of this story!
LitMistress 5 years
Shinigami - Thank you! I really appreciate the kid words! I'm so glad you are enjoying my story!

2steppinfa - Hmmm, you all have been patient and I suppose I could reward with the next installments... once I write them smiley They're coming, I promise
2steppinfa 5 years
LitMistress 5 years
Thanks GrowHerBelly! I appreciate you following the story smiley You've been reading since the beginning, no? Thank you!!! I'm honored.

Thanks Solid7ony, I'm thrilled you enjoyed it so much! Yes, there will be more! I hope you continue to enjoy!
GrowHerBelly 5 years
Great work as always, your writing is fantastic and the story is one of the most well-written and engaging I've ever read. Can't wait to read more!
LitMistress 5 years
Jigerif, thanks so much! I'll certainly be continuing, I've already started writing the next chapter! Look for it on Friday!
LitMistress 5 years
Thanks fatlantis! I really appreciate you kind words and your continued readership! Honestly, means a lot.

Theswordsman - [Spoilers if anyone cares..] I'll explain this more in future chapters, but the short story is her body is now with the mistress.
Theswordsman 5 years
If she's asleep then is her body still at her place or was she being abducted
Th3f4t5ide 5 years
Just wanted to comment and say I love this story, I love your style, and I love the characters. You're doing an excellent job and I can't wait to see where it goes!
LitMistress 5 years
Thank you, Pu7! I really appreciate your continued readership and comments! It's so nice to get kind comments on my work smiley

rickeb, I'll post the next part soon. I'm glad you enjoy it enough to want to continue the tale!
Rickeb 5 years
What happens next???
Wadegain 5 years
Great addition to the story! I’ve enjoyed this story from the very first day you’ve released it and I feel like it’s only gotten better. Can’t wait to read more!
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