Dream dungeon

Chapter 9 - revelations part 1

I was afraid to ask her.

I wanted to, but it was like each of my realities was a perfect bubble and I was worried if they touched, they would both pop.

At night, I was being pleasured and loved beyond anything I had experienced before.

During the day, my boss was raving about how I had nailed down one of the biggest businesses in the city. Which meant she was off my back about how spacy and unfocused I still was.

One bubble that had burst was my will power to eat light during the day. Many days I planned to return to my routine, but every day I found myself heading on to GrubHub to order something I knew I shouldn't have at lunch. A burger with large fries and a milkshake or a burrito with chips and guac... And I always left my plate clean.

Rebecca came by about once a week. Always right after lunch. Perhaps my mind was playing tricks on me, but I could have sworn her face filled with satisfaction when she noted the empty food containers on my desk as she walked in. I still blushed and pushed them into the trash none the less.

Every day she left, I was aching to know if it was my mistress or if it was my imagination gone wild. On the nights after she visited my office I was tempted to ask but soon was distracted by pleasure and the feeling of my mistress' fudge slipping into my mouth, filling it with flavor, and sinking into my desperate stomach.

It was building in me, this need to know. Every week it became more and more necessary to find out. I still felt that asking was risking it all but I couldn't handle the uncertainty.

What would it mean if it was true? What would it mean if Rebecca was my mistress? Would it mean my dreams weren't dreams? Would it mean I had been actually going somewhere every night, that I had actually done - had actually eaten - all that I had when I thought I was simply slumbering?

It was eating away at me. Anxiety began to ripple into my days. Snacks became constants. It started with just the carrots, then a bag of chips out of the vending machine in the break room. Next I started buying little packets of things at the store but when I began opening more than one of them at a setting (eventually eating all the packets in one go), I caved and just bought big bags of cookies, chips, and anything else that sounded amazing in the moment.

I had thought the weight was pilling on before, but now I grew with a vengeance. In another month, I found my scales tipping over 200 (after I leaned forward to look around my ballooning gut). The vast majority of this new weight, these now more than 80 pounds, was ever going to my belly. Even when standing, it was beginning to resemble a full, round water balloon just waiting to pop. I had even gotten some congratulations from strangers who assumed I was pregnant. I was too embarrassed to correct them.

Life was getting... harder. Walking a block had my chest heaving to get air, no chair seemed ready for my wide hips, stairs (which I avoided whenever I could) left me feeling like I had just run a marathon with a backpack full of rocks.

I had gone through an endless stream of clothes as I expanded. Nothing from three months ago could hold me anymore. It felt like every other day a shirt would be riding up over my belly, a button would pop, or a pair of pants couldn't be zipped.

After another month - and another 20 pounds - I started getting looks. Side eye glances with a lip curl that betrayed disgust. People began avoiding me or they turned to their side and sucked in their stomachs as I passed in small hallways to let me through, scooted chairs a little farther in their desks or tables to allow my body enough space when I walked by.

It was all another reason to not mesh my two worlds. I wanted to keep the one where my body was loved and glorified as my own safe haven. I wanted to still deserve that kind of pleasure.

But I had to know. Sooner or later, I would have to bring these worlds together.


When I awoke in the dungeon and slowly went to move my arms, I was surprised to find nothing constraining them. It seemed I was just laying on my side on the floor. I moved my legs, nothing was restraining me there either.

With a great huff, I sat up and was confronted with myself sitting before me.

I let my eyes wonder my body, finding it in a lacy black bra that seemed a tad too tight as rolls of fat under my arms were reaching over it and its straps dug into fleshy shoulders. My belly, filled with the latest carton of ice cream that had become my excuse for a diner, reached out before me, tight and unrelenting. It seemed proud to be there, it wanted to be on display.

I watched a meaty arm opposite me move up and it's chunky hand began to rub that belly. I dug my fingers into my flesh and enjoyed the audience view of how deep they could go.

I wanted to stand, to get the full view of myself and found I had to roll to all fours first. As I did, I watched my considerable girth ever reaching for the ground. It rolled and bulged, getting in the way of my limbs progress to move. I then pushed myself up with considerable effort and a loud grunt, finding I had to give myself time to find my center of gravity.

I watched for a moment as my body jiggled into place.

I was in a strange piece of lingerie. There was a pair of lacy panties to match the bra and they were attached to each other with thick fabric strings that crossed each other. The strings were stretched to my sides, however, though two of them crossed at the center of my pelvis. My belly was pushing through uninterrupted, framed by the black, silky material. It made it seem all the more prominent, all the more massive. I knew I was just over 220 pounds, but I felt huge - like a hippo dressed in Victoria's Secret.

I heard a sigh of pleasure and turned around. I realized I was surrounded my myself, by six giant mirrors that did nothing but put my body on display. As my head moved, I could see my back where large rolls were forming on either side. My rear had expanded, looking round and heavy, with love handles folding over the tops of my thick thighs.

"You like the view?" One of the mirrors moved and my mistresses slipped slowly, deliciously, one step at a time into the circle. A smirk on her face as she pulled the mirror flush again. "Because I do. I really, truly do. Darling, you are beautiful."

I looked forward to take my mirror self in again. I started at my toes and drank in my body as I moved my eyes up. By the time I made eye contact with my eyes again, she was there, right behind me.

She was dressed as she always was, her hat ending just above my head, her deep black jacket looking sharp against my white, exposed skin even in the low light. Between my legs, which were spread slightly to give myself a sturdy stance under my wider form, I saw heels placed perfectly perpendicular to each other, ever graceful.

"Arms up," she commanded and I obeyed immediately. My knuckles hit a metal bar I hadn't noticed before, the jangling of metal telling me how it was suspended. "Just hold it. I want to enjoy you."

My pudgy fingers grabbed the bar and gripped it. My arms were able to hang so that my mistress could put her head next to mine, her lips at my ear.

Her arms moved and then they were around me. Her hands, velvety soft, rubbed my belly slowly, taking in every inch. I heard her breach catch as her fingers moved, slender and deft. She sighed with pleasure as she took a large grip of flesh in each hand and squeezed.

"You're magnificent. You are turning out so beautiful." I shuttered as she ran her tongue over the small bulge of fat that sat upon my shoulder. Then I gasped as she lightly sank her teeth into it, making my whole body rock and something began to tingle between my legs. I saw my belly jiggle as I rocked, my mistress letting her fingers keep their grip as they moved with it.

She then ran her hands down and around my hips, putting just enough pressure to be sure that my form had give, and she squeezed my ass. I took a deep breath, my breasts rising as I did. She kneaded the flab she found there. A slight moan escaped her lips as she did and I shuttered, the chains above me jangling as I twitched.

She made her way up my side, watching her own movements in the mirror as she went, squeezing here and there until she stopped at one of the straps of fabric.

"When I first brought you in, these would have crossed your small little midsection. They would have only been a pattern against your skin. But look at you, they define your growth. They couldn't fit all the way around you if you wanted them to. They are the curtain around your stage."

Her hands followed the fabric up until she found my breasts, leaving a trial of goosebumps on my skin. She dug her fingers in, even her nails biting, and I groaned but I never let my eyes leave the mirror. I watched as flesh found its way through her digits, the black lace of the bra was fighting to get through. She massaged them, her breath gasping with every slow squeeze. My breath was deeper, more labored, but it matched hers. We were in sync, we were becoming one.

She grabbed again and then pressed herself against my back. I yelped in surprise. I had never felt her against me before. There was always some line between us, she always kept me at arm's length. Ever a snap of her crop, often a caress of her hand, sometimes a kiss somewhere off my face, but never before had she made any move to truly surrender herself to me.

And I realized, I desperately wanted her to. I wanted her to give herself to me. I wanted to earn her love and her body. I wanted to make her so, so happy. I wanted to be all she thought about, even when we were apart, the way she was for me. I wanted her. I needed her.
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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LitMistress 5 years
Thanks DoughyBoy! I'm like my stories with lots of romance, glad you enjoy that too!

Thanks so much Wannablarge! I hope to give many goose bumps when I write smiley
LitMistress 5 years
Well, JonMxwll, that's always the hope smiley Are you talking whole story or is there any one part you particularly enjoyed?
Theswordsman 5 years
Glad to help
LitMistress 5 years
Thanks so much for the kind words Pu7! I'm glad you feel it's still delivering smiley There's always that fear it doesn't end up as good as I hope...

Theswordsman, actually, YOU gave me the idea to give her a bigger role! So thanks!
Theswordsman 5 years
I knew there was something happening with Heather
Wadegain 5 years
Every chapter you write just makes me want to read more! Keep up the great work
LitMistress 6 years
Well, I hope you enjoy it anyway, Theswordsman! Thanks for reading.

Thanks so much GrowingLoveHandles! I really appreciate the complements, it modivates me to get more out!

Thanks girlcrisis! You write such fantastic stories yourself, a compliment f
Girlcrisis 6 years
What a brilliant read. I really love the expert blending of fantasy and realism.
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Really enjoying this story. You write very well. I like how you have structured this and chapter 8 is very nice.
Theswordsman 6 years
No i thought it was heather because the way she acted hurt at that one point made me think that she knew about the dreams.
LitMistress 6 years
Thank you DoughyBoy073 and LevelUP! kittymoshign, that is such a kind complement, it means a lot! Theswordsman, were you right?!

Next chapter is up!
Kittymoshing 6 years
omg this is by far the best story I read on here ... seriously .. will you PLEASE continue? 😍
Theswordsman 6 years
I think i know who the mistress is but i dont think you want any spoilers.
LitMistress 6 years
Badhansel, yes I will! I am a little under halfway through the next chapter now. I am planning to write this story to completion smiley The only thing that might keep me from posting as fast as I want to is when I work in my other story smiley
Badhansel 6 years
Brilliant story well told! Will you continue?
LitMistress 6 years
Thanks so much for the compliments, GrowHerBelly! I do what I can,

Ianmoone, that is so kind of you to say. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much and hope you continue to enjoy the story as it unravels...
Ianmoone 6 years
By far the best story I've ever seen on here. I've been trying to put something like this into words for a long time, and you did it perfectly.
GrowHerBelly 6 years
Really great story so far! The descriptions and pacing are done really well, there's a great balance of description and action, and it's formatted perfectly. Can't wait for you to update!
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