Dream dungeon

Chapter 10 - revelations part 2

She began to move, her hips driving into my rear, her chest pressed against my back. My belly reached out even farther as I took on her weight and leaned forward just so. It was like she was a puzzle piece that fit in perfectly to my form, that I had been waiting to accommodate. She kissed me on the neck, and I almost lost my grip on the bar above me as my whole body slackened. Her arms closed in around me, her hands drifting back to my belly where she squeezed me again, this time with her whole body.

"You are a delight to explore," she whispered into my ear. "Your body, your belly, your everything is tantalizing to me."

I moaned again, my eyes closing in bliss, but I opened them as soon as I got a hold of myself, not wanting to miss a second.

"I've a little surprise we get to play with." I made eye contact with her in the mirror and her eyes twinkled mischievously.

She moved one of her hands, drifting it around my hips once again, down my ass and then under until I could see her fingers between my thick thighs. My eyes widened as I figured out where she was going and my womanhood pulsed with eagerness.

And she slipped inside me. I breathe in sharply then groaned, going slack again, my grip on the bar loosening. She tightened the hand that was around me with a chuckle of delight.

"Now, now, Dearest," she chastised with a smir. "I am nowhere near strong enough to hold you up. Not when you've become this heavy." But I could tell by the smile on her face she was thrilled.

A finger pressed and toyed with my clit, sending more pulses through me, and two more explored my vagina. I shuttered, moaned, and gripped the bar as hard as I could for fear I might fall.

My panties must have had an opening, they must have been designed to allow entrance without being taken off.

"Yes, I think this will be great fun, don't you?" she asked as she removed herself, making me moan and feel some disappointment. Whatever device she slipped in me before was incredible, but it was nothing compared to her.

She kissed me again, on the back of the head, distracting me from my disappointment as I whimpered.

"Well," she coxed, "don't you?"

"Mistress?" I don't know where it came from, that urgent plea. Everything I had been feeling must have finally bubbled over; My anxiety to keep my two worlds separate, but my desperation to be her everything, even in those waking hours... if I could. Suddenly I knew, if she was Rebecca, I needed to go to her, to let her have me when the sun shone high above us. Not just in the dark of the dungeon.

"Mistress, please, may I... may I ask a question?" It was a whisper, it was all I could get out.

She raised an eyebrow. I could tell she wasn't sure what to think. My words seemed unexpected and not exactly well received.

"I usually don't like my pets to speak unprompted," she hissed as I frowned at the word 'pets.' Were there others?

But I shook my head to focus myself.

"Please," I begged again.

She pushed away from me, I felt immediate disappointment as she did, feeling cold and vulnerable without her body against mine. I regretted speaking, but I couldn't go back now.

She began to circle me from the edge of the mirrors. I followed her with my eyes sheepishly, noticing my body from the different angles of the mirrors as I did.

"Alright. If you must. One question." Her words were short, not playful or eager. I was being a chore.

I gulped. "Have you been... are you... are you Rebecca Simmons? Are you real?" I asked, all the desperation leaking out of me making this question seem like a plea. I again felt so vulnerable. Even though I knew I could let go of the bar and move as I pleased, I gripped it tighter. I was giving myself to her and I needed her to accept me. This felt like a test, and I was terrified I was about to fail.

She stopped pacing before me. Her eyebrows slowly raised and I prepared emotionally for her anger.

She tipped her head back and laughed. It was deep and real, not a chuckled but almost a laugh of relief. It was as if she had expected me to say something terrible and my question had taken the world off her shoulders.

"You were simply not growing fast enough." She composed herself and smirked at me, that red lipstick glorifying her lips. "I expected you to move along much faster. It couldn't have been anything on my end, I was able to push you when I needed to, you still busted through your corset."

She began to pace again, looking suddenly distracted. A smug smile rested on her face, she seemed to be reminiscing on something she was proud of.

"So it had to be something else, something in the time I didn't control. Thus, I came to you, and to my horror, I found you eating CARROTS!" She paused her pacing, looking at me with the same appalled look she had given me in my office that first day. "And that was it! For lunch, you were eating a miniature sized baggie of vegetables! No wonder you weren't growing as expected!"

Then, her face softened again. Her smirk returned and she began walking again. "That's when I did some quick thinking. A business lunch, how easy! Those happen all the time, no one would bat an eye. I just had to be sure to order enough for you to really indulge yourself.

"I was concerned, at first, I was pushing too far. Never had I visited a pet so early in the process." Again, she mentioned other 'pets'. Was I not her one and only? "I was worried you'd be suspect, you'd start rejecting me when we were here. Especially when I had to command you to eat at the restaurant. You could have said no and then where would I have been? I had already invested so much in you."

She had walked around to my front again, my eyes following her in the mirrors as she circled. She turned to face me and gave me a smile that made my heart flip. It melted my mind, it was so genuine, meant just for me.

"But you were perfect. You were everything I could have wished for." Her voice was light and joyful. She walked up to me and took my face in her hands. "Dearest, you ate and ate and I had the most wonderful pleasure of watching you do it. That meal could have easily fed us if your boss, receptionist, and even the waiter joined. It was a delight I have never had the joy of experiencing before, watching you gorge yourself in public. It's something I'll have to try again sometime."

It was as if she had kept all this inside of her and once she started talking, it all tumbled out. She was in her own mind, excited to continue.

"And then, Dearest, and then you instantly seemed to understand what I needed of you. I didn't want to push too hard so I gave you a week before I returned. I was worried you might question, that you might think of going against me." Her eyes glazed and looked away from me, she looked genuinely concerned. But only for a moment before her face melted into another smile, turning back to gaze into my eyes. "But when I did return, I found appropriate meals on your desk. Perhaps not as big as the one I gave you, but you were doing it on your own and that's what I needed. And then the snack wrappers made their entrance and I knew you were indulging in more and more treats, from Oreos to cheetos then eventually whole jars of Nutella. You were truly magnificent. I was so proud.

"So yes, I am real. I am Rebecca. I come to you to make sure you are taking care of yourself *almost* as well as I do." She smirked, then took a hand off my face and ran it up my thigh, making me groan and pulse. "Though, only in some areas. It's my joy to take care of the rest." She whispered this at me, leaning towards me and snapping her teeth at me once she finished talking.

I breathed for a moment, enjoying her so close, taking in her words.

"M... Miss, does that mean-"

"Enough talking," she sighed, her story done she was ready to move on. She pulled her hands from my body and turned to walk away. "I haven't gotten to finish playing with my toy yet."

She stopped in front of me and took out her remote. She tapped the bottom button, the red one. The space between my legs flared in a Pavlovian expectation to be pleasured, but none came. Instead, the floor began to move. I looked down towards a soft hum that caught my ear and realized there was a trap door in front of me that was pulling to the side. Mechanical sounds of gears turning were coming from the hole and soon a small metal bin, what looked like a low animal feeding trough, began rising from the blackness below. In front of it was a metal hook, attached to the new floor. This new floor soon was clicked into place and the mechanical sounds stopped.

My mistress reached in the trough to pull out a large metal cuff and a chain.

"Kneel," she commanded without even looking at me.

With a grunt, I let go of the bar and fell to my knees, my girth jiggling as I hit the ground.

She stepped over to me, elegantly as ever, biting her top lip in anticipation.

When she got to me, she cocked her hip in front of me. I looked up to her, her face covered in shadow as a light shined around her.

She opened the cuff and slipped it around my neck, bushing back my hair as she did. Then she placed a shackle bolt that was hanging from the chain through the hole that kept the two sides of the cuff together. Once I was secured, she wrapped the chain around her hand and tugged, making me lean forward as the cuff pulled on the back of my neck.

I had to tip my head as far back as it could go to keep looking at her shadowy face.


"Yes, Miss."


"Yes, Miss."

She slipped a piece of fudge in my mouth making me sign with pleasure as its ever delicious flavor surrounded my taste buds.
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Wizard101 6 months
dreams is so good. It’s such a shame this was never finished, and likely never will be due to the last update being 4 years ago. For all I know the author is dead. But yeah just great shit here.
Wizard101 6 months
So this one’s weird, because I’m no longer rooting for feedism here. Like I’m reading this as an actual story rather than a work of erotica. Also the supernatural stuff with whoever is controlling the
Spectral Loc... 3 years
Is this the feederism version of Sunstone that I didn't know I needed until now? Excellent story.
Adipose_lover 4 years
published this i would buy it in a heart beat. you are an incredible author and whatever you decide to do -- erotica or no -- i am 100% behind you. even if it means a pay wall.
Adipose_lover 4 years
this story is amazing. I adore every bit of it! The fantasy elements, the idea of shifting control and taking being a dominatrix to an entirely new level! You are an incredible writer. Sorry people keep complaining about paywalls and such. honestly if you
BBWcreator82 5 years
Not too bad.
LitMistress 5 years
Hey deepfriedgrits - Yes! I will be continuing this story! I still play to see it through to the end! I've been distracted by the other story I've been posting but plan to get a new chapter of this out in the near future smiley
Deepfriedgrits 5 years
Love this story! Do you plan on continuing it?
LitMistress 5 years
I understand your frustration. TBTH is always available to you if you would like to support it, but I understand not everyone is able to. I hope you continue to enjoy DD if you can't, as it will stay happily free through it's ending.
Justenjoy 5 years
I just wish you would have been more straightforward about it instead of teasing that the story would be free and then asking for money as soon as you release the update that everyone had been looking forward to. Like I said, I checked nearly every day.
LitMistress 5 years
Post 1/6: justenjoy - I'm so sorry that putting it on premium has made you feel alienated, that was not the intention. The reality is that I put a lot of time and energy into what I write and...
LitMistress 5 years
Post 2/6: ...I actually do want to be a writer as a career. Finding a way to be paid for a craft is a goal of any creative and I'm trying to make that transition.
LitMistress 5 years
Post 3/6: I'm sure you wish that all your favorite artists and authors of any kind could keep a roof over their head and have more time to create by making a career off what they do.
LitMistress 5 years
Post 4/6: I am endlessly grateful for my audience and promise to keep posting Dream Dungeon for free until it finds it's end.
LitMistress 5 years
Post 5/6: If you wish to receive TBTH in a way other than on FF, please message and I am working on a system to help my audience get it in a more agreeable way (though it will stay behind a paywall).
LitMistress 5 years
Post 6/6: Thank you endlessly for your support of my work and I hope that I can keep creating stories that you will enjoy.
Justenjoy 5 years
Why is Too Big To Handle on premium? Seriously? I’ve been checking every day for two weeks excited for an update and the second you do, you slap a paywall on it? Lowball move man
LitMistress 5 years
Theswordsman - We shall see if it does!

justenjoy - So glad you are enjoying! Let's find out if she can...
Justenjoy 5 years
I’m loving this! Hoping that Heather can still get fat despite this setback.
Theswordsman 5 years
Love conquers all
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