Sweet sarah

chapter 12

"On that note I'm probably gonna hit the hay, I have work in the morning!" Jess said as she stood from the couch. "Nice meeting you Jake, now you feed that hungry girl whatever she wants, you hear me?!" Jess said, doing a poor impression of some intimidating mobster she'd seen on TV.
"Got it boss!" Jake responded, keeping with the set theme.
"All the food in the kitchen is free game, like 90 percent of it is Sarah's anyway!" Jess added as she walked down the hall toward her room.
"What the heck Jake?!" Sarah said as soon as Jess was out of earshot, feigning annoyance at her boyfriend. "I thought I told you to help me keep from stuffing my face at dinner! You did the opposite! Hehe." Sarah giggled slightly as she tried to maintain her annoyed facade.
"Haha sorry cutie, I started out with the best of intentions... but then you started looking at me with those puppy dog eyes! You looked like you were about to start withering away, so I just had to help you out..." Jake said, pleading his case before the jiggly judge.
"Hehehe yea you're right, I did use the eyes...." Sarah said as she giggled, pleased with her apparent ability to convince Jake to stuff her full of food no matter the situation. "Now lets get some pizza or something!" Sarah said, doing her best impression of the look they had just described.
"Alright you cute little piggy, lets get you some pizza." Jake agreed, a slice or two of pizza sounded like the perfect snack for himself, and a couple pizzas sounded like the perfect treat for Sarah.
"Here just use my phone, call Giani's Pizza, its in the contacts... Just give them my address when you call and they'll have my order already in their system..." Sarah instructed, handing Jake her phone, she couldn't bother with calling herself, which she made clear by immediately beginning to unwrap a pastry that had been left on the couch from her pre-dinner snacking.
When Jake heard the price of the pizza on the phone, he knew it'd be a large order, but he wasn't prepared for the feast that arrived. About an hour after the call was made a delivery boy showed up at the door with a stack of pizzas that looked like it was tall enough that the guy could have just as easily delivered it to a huge superbowl party, and there would have been plenty. In a quick count Jake saw at least 6 pizzas as he signed the receipt and sent the delivery boy off with a generous tip.
"Holy cow... this is quite the... tall order!" Jake said, pausing for effect as he delivered the pun, referencing the huge stack of pizzas he was carrying. Sarah simply giggled with glee at the humor as her excitement for the impending feast mounted.
"MMMMHMMM! It smells so yummy!" Sarah said reaching her pudgy hands out toward the food, desperately trying to lean as far forward as possible. Her belly had been completely freed from its confines, and Jake noticed that as she leaned forward it came incredibly close to resting on the floor, only about an inch or two of light visible between the hanging bulge of fat and the floor.
"Alright my gluttonous goddess, he said there are 2 meat lovers, 2 hawaiian with extra canadian bacon, and two of their supreme pizzas with extra everything... so how do you want to start?" Jake said as he sat the pizzas on the coffee table, disappearing into the kitchen for a minute before returning with a 2-liter of pepsi. "Something to whet your whistle!" Jake announced as he placed the 2-liter within reach of Sarah on the couch.
"Uhmmm... I think I wanna start with one of each!" Sarah announced, her mouth watering as she spoke.
"Sounds good!" Jake responded as he began to remove a slice of pizza from each of the three different varieties of pizza.
"No silly! One pizza of each kind! You can put the other three in the oven on low to keep them warm for a few minutes!" Sarah said as she grabbed one of the boxes from Jake, it was one of the meat lovers. She removed a piece from the box and immediately began chowing down, grease dripping from the slice as she took a bite. "Mmhmmm" Sarah moaned as she chewed, her eyes opened to find Jake staring at her, still a little surprised by Sarah's greedy eating habits.
"How did I get so damn lucky?" Jake wondered aloud as he watched his enormous girlfriend tear into the food.
Sarah was too busy eating to respond to Jake's question, especially since it didn't necessarily demand an answer.
Jake did as instructed an placed the pizzas in the oven on its lowest temperature settings in order to capture some of the latent heat and keep the 3 boxes fresh while Sarah devoured their counterparts.
By the time Jake's short trip to the kitchen was over he came back to find that Sarah had eaten 2 or 3 slices from each box, steadily chewing and swallowing as small moans escaped her lips, the binge obviously satisfying her need to stuff her belly. Jake took his place on the couch next to his curvy queen and inspected her exaggerated curves as she continued to eat.
"You know I've been searching since I can remember for someone as perfect as you?" Jake said as he admired the burgeoning beauty who had decided to allow him to call her his girlfriend. She cooed in response, barely taking a break from the pizzas to flash Jake a star-struck look, the compliment adding to her growing confidence.
"You're... mph ... too nice!" Sarah said between bites as she continued to make progress on the sizeable meal. Jake couldn't get over all her cute little antics... the way she curled her pudgy toes just slightly as she ate, her blissful expression as she closed her eyes and moaned when a bite was particularly flavorful, everything about her announced her love for food.
The rest of the evening went similarly, Jake watched as the pizzas disappeared into Sarah, occasionally feeding her and constantly probing the expansive rolls that were attached to Sarah's frame. After about an hour Jake retrieved the reinforcements from the oven, along with another 2-liter to wash it all down.
"Mmpmmm... My... arms are... getting tired!" Sarah said defeated as she dropped her arms to her side, the weight that constantly pulled at them proving to be too much for Sarah to continue eating. She had eaten about 4 and a half of the 6 pizzas by the time her arms gave out. Her stomach stretched out in front of her, a glorious full feeling beginning to settle in as she lay back feeling Jake explore her body.
"Oh uh uh!" Jake said in response to Sarah throwing in the towel on her monumental meal. "Not so fast fatty!" Jake toyed as he positioned himself next to Sarah, opening one of the boxes as he settled in. "If your arms are too heavy, then I'll just have to feed you myself!" Jake brought the heavy warm slice to Sarah's lips and she immediately took a huge bite, staring into Jake's eyes for approval as she chewed. "There we go! Now you're a growing girl and you need to finish your meal!" Jake spoke like a parent scolding a picky child, adding to the effect of him feeding the helpless girl.
Sarah smiled in response, a slight moan escaping her pursed lips as she chewed on the delicious food. She loved it when Jake fed her, she felt like such a little piggy, like his little piggy. She wanted him to feed her until she couldn't feed herself.
'Oh my god, I can only imagine how fat these arms are gonna get! If they get much bigger I'll have rolls of fat blocking my mouth when I try to feed myself, then he'll really have to take care of me!' Sarah thought to herself, sensing the heavy fullness of her fat-filled upper arms. The thought excited her, she loved to be dominated and the thought of being so fat and helpless drove her wild.
Jake continued to stuff slice after slice into her waiting mouth, her chewing became labored as her stomach began to reach its limits.
"C'mon sweetie you got this!" Jake said as he caressed the most prominent roll on Sarah's upper belly, the one that he imagined was probably closest to being over her actual stomach. "So fulll.... But its... so... yummy!" Sarah said as she breathed heavily, her mouth hung open after she finished the sentence, waiting for Jake to push another bite past her lips.
"You got this cutie, just a few more slices!" Jake's member throbbed as he said the words. 'Just a few more slices' had he really just used that sentence to illustrate how little sarah had left to eat? A few slices was a whole meal for a normal girl her age, yet here she was 5 and a half pizzas later, with just ' a few more slices' she was a glutton in every sense of the word.
Sarah chewed on the last slice as Jake fed it into her mouth, the fullness in her stomach had crossed over into pain with the last two or three slices as she neared her goal.
"You did it! That was amazing!" Jake said as he kissed Sarah's slightly messy mouth, he hadn't given her much time between bites to worry about wiping her mouth, even if it had occurred to her in her lust-driven binge, which it hadn't
"Ooooh... ooof yea! Mmmhm thanks!" Sarah breathed heavily and she occasionally winced as the contents in her stomach shifted with her movements. She laid back on the couch, her stomach stretching out in front of her, spilling over her knees even in her reclined position.
Jake began massaging her turgid center, the mass of food causing her soft rolls to take on a slightly firm feeling as it pushed against her stomach.
"So... you really.. Wouldn't mind me not being able to walk?" Sarah said as she closed her eyes, enjoying the attention, her mind focusing on the pleasure of being stuffed to the gills and having a handsome man appreciate her body.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 4 years
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CoffeeMug 1 year
Late to this but would love to see where it goes from here!
Bruinsean 6 years
This is a great story. 23 and as big as she is? That is remarkable and rare.
Pd500 6 years
Can't weight for chapter 19! Love this!
NoviceFA 6 years
By Jake's estimation she is somewhere in the 600 pound range, but not even Sarah knows exactly... they'll find out soon though. smiley
Bruinsean 6 years
How much does she weigh?
Jolene 6 years
Beautiful story~ keep going!!!
Imurfeeder 6 years
Best read so far, please continue to add chapters can't wait to read what happens next
Story Consul... 6 years
wonderful romantic story.
I like the descriptions.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
NoviceFA 6 years
Thank you for all the feedback everyone, I love hearing it! It's great to see that people like my story! smiley
NoviceFA 6 years
Thanks for the heads up. I guess that's the last time i try to publish a chapter from my phone on the go haha. It will be fixed shortly.
Nept13 6 years
Good start, would love to read more.
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a great start. Keep going.
Arctictiger 6 years
This story definitely needs to be continued smiley
Theswordsman 6 years
Please continue its good so far