Sweet sarah

chapter 13

"Wouldn't mind? I'd love it!" Jake responded immediately, the thought immediately causing his dick to throb against Sarah's soft fat that seemed ready to envelop him completely.
"Hehe... it just seems... so... crazy!" Sarah said, silently exploring the prospect of being too fat to get out of bed. Is that really what she wanted? She loved food, and she loved being fed by her lover... but to be too fat to move?
"Of course it does, its not really in a normal person's nature to be confined to a bed." Jake said frankly "But you're not exactly 'normal', are you Sarah?" Jake said jiggling Sarah's stuffed stomach, then referencing the six pizza boxes stacked on the table in front of her with a hand motion. "You like being so fat that you can barely move... you like being able to eat insane amounts of food... if it were up to you, you'd eat non-stop, wouldn't you?"
Sarah felt her pussy tingle as Jake frankly assessed her food addiction. He was right, she really did love food, and she loved the feeling of encumbered fullness that came when she had eaten herself past simple fullness and into glutted bliss. She was essentially a slave to her appetite, her only passion being food, and the softening effect it had on her body. She loved watching as new rolls appeared on her frame, each pound expanding her growing form outward. She did want it. She wanted to be so fat that Jake would have to do everything for her... so fat that her only concerns would be food and Jake, anything else being beyond her sphere of influence, namely her bed.
"Yea...." Sarah said breathily as Jake kissed her neck, not waiting for a response to his questions, he knew she wanted it. He could tell from the first time he saw her eating at the restaurant. All she cared about was delicious food, and eating as much of it as her stomach would allow. "I just... feel so... complete... when I eat..." Sarah said between breaths as Jake continued to explore her body.
"You love eating until your stomach makes it almost impossible to move, don't you?" Jake asked, he loved hearing Sarah reflect on her gluttony, the sound of her admitting her that her relationship with food was consuming her every desire.
"It just... feels so good... to be so full, so painfully, blissfully full..." Sarah said as she watched Jake's head disappear over the crest of her bulging belly. She felt his warm breath on her skin as he kissed and inspected each roll.
"Tell me you want it..." Sarah heard from over her enormous stomach as Jake began sliding his hand between her thighs, the fat pressed so tightly together that he had to work his hand in, forcing it past one fold at a time. Sarah spread her legs as much as she could, giving her belly more room as it hung lower, trading a little more wiggle room for jake's hand for another obstacle, her imposing belly as it hung in front of her womanhood. Jake's arm disappeared into the collection of fat as Sarah leaned back, snacking on the pastries that were within arm's reach.
"I want it..."
"What do you want Sarah?"
"I want... to be too fat to move!" Sarah declared, the end of her sentence was a little higher in pitch as Jake found her desperate pussy, yearning for attention. Jake began toying with her clit as she continued. "I want to be so fat that I can't stand! So fat that I can eat all day every day with no breaks! So fat that people make documentaries about me! So fat..." Sarah moaned as she spoke, the words overwhelming her. "Please Jake.... Feed me! Make me fatter!" Sarah practically screamed, forgetting that her roommate was just a few rooms away. Luckily for her Jess had passed out almost as soon as she reached her bed.
"I'm going to feed you until your belly reaches the floor when you stand, I'll make you so fat that even if you could walk, you wouldn't fit through any doors or hallways, so fat that all you do it eat!" Jake responded as he continued to pleasure Sarah. Her body convulsed as he spoke, her lips pursed tightly together as she fought back screams of pleasure. Eventually Sarah began jiggling violently, she quickly grabbed a pillow from the couch and covered her mouth as she screamed into the pillow, her muffled moans like music to Jake's ears.
Eventually Sarah recovered enough from her pizza binge and orgasm to attempt the trek to her bedroom. Her pastry snacking had just barely been maintaining the blissful full feeling, as the painful overstuffed feeling began to wane, so she was still encumbered by her saturated stomach, but just barely mobile enough to make it to the bedroom with Jake's help. Jake helped her up from the couch and watched from behind as she shuffled down the hall toward her bedroom, her fat almost brushing the walls on either side of the hallway as she labored toward her room. Jake occasionally embraced her from behind when she looked particularly unsteady, his arms slid under the pillows of fat that had replaced her upper arms long ago, offering her a little support and balance. Finally Sarah collapsed onto her bed, her body jiggling as she settled into the comfy mattress. Jake noticed the clock on her bedside table read 2AM, time sure flew when he was helping Sarah binge, he thought to himself as he admired the behemoth beauty who was breathing heavily, clutching at her distended stomach, staring sweetly into his eyes.
Jake just couldn't get over how beautiful she was, the way all of her fat collected in her laying position was so incredibly sexy. She laid on her side facing him, her belly collected in front of her, forming what resembled a flesh-colored bean bag, round and full. Her leg that was on bottom was curled up under her other leg, the her massive thighs were full of soft rolls that collected and folded over each other. She had her head resting on her hand, her fat pillow arm resting on the bed to support the weight.
"God, you're perfect!" Jake said as he jumped into bed with her, ready to explore the endless playground of fat.
The next morning the couple lay in bed enjoying a lazy Sunday. Jake had made more than a few trips to the kitchen to retrieve various 'snacks' Sarah requested, and even ones she didn't. 'Man, its like she has her entire shopping trip cataloged in her mind!' Jake marveled at the preciseness with which Sarah demanded her food, specifying how much remained of each snack as she described what Jake was to retrieve. 'I guess when eating is your passion, you make note of what food is on hand!' Jake chuckled to himself as he retrieved a few packages of oreos and a gallon of milk from the fridge.
"Your my little sweets-savant!" Jake exclaimed as he returned to the bedroom, the line had occurred to him as he was retrieving the requested snacks.
"Hahha what the heck are you talking about?!" Sarah said as she snatched the oreos from Jake, her hunger overriding her manners once again.
"You're just funny, how you have pretty much the entire contents of the kitchen memorized, its cute!" Jake said as he settled next to Sarah on her bed, noticing just how relatively little of its surface area was available to him, the rest occupied by Sarah's expanding form.
"Oh stop! You're embarrassing me!" Sarah squealed as she tried to cover her face as oreo crumbs spilled onto her breasts at the sudden exclamation.
After Sarah was sufficiently stuffed full of sweets Jake suggested something that made Sarah's entire body tingle.
"How about we take a shower?" Jake asked as he absentmindedly caressed Sarah's soft fat.
"Oh Jake, that'll be a tight squeeze... but that sounds so hot!" Sarah said as she thought about having warm water run over their bodies as they explored each other. "I hardly fit on my own, are you sure you're up for the challenge?!" Sarah said in a sultry tone, as if trying to entice Jake with the thought of having no escape from her bountiful fat.
"Being pressed up against you? Are you serious? That sounds even better than having all the space in the world!" Jake took the bait.
"Hehehe I thought you'd like the sound of it... " Sarah giggled, relishing in the amazing feeling of having a man so enthralled by her body. "Why don't you start the shower so I don't have to burn any calories standing around waiting for it to get hot!" Sarah suggested, half as an attempt to turn Jake on, and half as a genuine aversion to wasting any energy she didn't absolutely have to expel.
"Sounds good cutie, be right back!" Jake said as he eagerly hopped out of bed and disappeared into Sarah's bathroom.
"Hey Jakie, there's a mark on the wall where the water is the best temperature! That darn handle is so finicky, anything else and you're either freezing or being boiled alive!" Sarah called after Jake just as he noticed the mark on the wall. The shower was quite large, despite Sarah's conviction that it was barely large enough for her.
Sarah heard the water begin running and started to maneuver herself to her feet, thankfully with her late-night pizza binge mostly digested she was regaining some of her typical mobility. Jake walked back into the room right as she slid off the bed and onto her feet. He watched as her belly jiggled violently back and forth, jarred by the sudden force of her feet making contact with the ground.
Jake helped Sarah as she waddled into the bathroom. With Sarah in view in front of the shower, it didn't look quite as large as he had estimated just a minute before. Her massive form made the shower look like some quasi-shower that they squeeze into the corner of a trailer as an afterthought.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 4 years
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CoffeeMug 1 year
Late to this but would love to see where it goes from here!
Bruinsean 6 years
This is a great story. 23 and as big as she is? That is remarkable and rare.
Pd500 6 years
Can't weight for chapter 19! Love this!
NoviceFA 6 years
By Jake's estimation she is somewhere in the 600 pound range, but not even Sarah knows exactly... they'll find out soon though. smiley
Bruinsean 6 years
How much does she weigh?
Jolene 6 years
Beautiful story~ keep going!!!
Imurfeeder 6 years
Best read so far, please continue to add chapters can't wait to read what happens next
Story Consul... 6 years
wonderful romantic story.
I like the descriptions.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
NoviceFA 6 years
Thank you for all the feedback everyone, I love hearing it! It's great to see that people like my story! smiley
NoviceFA 6 years
Thanks for the heads up. I guess that's the last time i try to publish a chapter from my phone on the go haha. It will be fixed shortly.
Nept13 6 years
Good start, would love to read more.
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a great start. Keep going.
Arctictiger 6 years
This story definitely needs to be continued smiley
Theswordsman 6 years
Please continue its good so far