Sweet sarah

chapter 14

"You're right that shower does look like a tight squeeze... This is gonna be fun!" Jake said out of genuine enthusiasm. His teenage self would have been bursting at the seams right now, overwhelmed by the sheer sexual tension that was present between him and Sarah, not to mention the heavenly sight of watching her engorged form stripping nude and entering the shower. Jake watched as sarah opened the door to the shower, stepping over the small lip and into the running water. The response in his dick was immediate, although it had already been rock hard, it was now throbbing, begging to be closer to Sarah's fat. Sarah immediately filled most of the shower, but Jake saw enough room that he could almost comfortably squeeze into.
Once Jake was in the shower with the enormous glutton he immediately began exploring her expansive rolls. He slid his hands between the wet fat, feeling as the warm water cascaded down her body, like rivers running down a mountain of fat. As Sarah faced the water to rinse her hair and face, Jake observed her massive ass from behind, each ass cheek was dangerously close to making contact with either wall as she stood in the shower, he placed his hands on the widest part of her hips, the backs of his hands touched the walls as he did so, closing the small gap. The feeling was glorious, her soft fat pressing against his hands, pushing them into the walls as it demanded more room.
Sarah blindly grabbed a bottle of body wash from the shelf near the shower head and handed it over her shoulder to Jake.
"Get busy hon, you've got a lot of ground to cover!" Sarah said in a sultry voice as the pillowy fat of her upper arm bunched together as she handed him the bottle.
Without a direct response Jake immediately took a generous amount of the body wash in his hands, the sweet scent of pomegranates and honey filling the air, it was the same enchanting scent that Jake had already associated with Sarah's soft fat, and now he knew the source. He began rubbing the body wash into a lather, and then applied it to her billowing rolls. He relished in the ease with which his hands slid between her lubricated rolls, the inherent heaviness no longer impeding him from sliding almost his entire arm under the main roll of her belly. She giggled as he slid his hands between her fat, loving the feeling of having a lover as devoted to and in love with her growing body as she had become.
"How... mhmm did I get so mmmm Lucky?" Sarah said slowly between soft moans as Jake continued massaging her abundant adipose. When Jake reached her wide ass he massaged the twin beachballs of fat, smacking them so that he could watch them jiggle from the sudden jolt. As he ran his hands under the fold that was formed by her round ass cheeks hanging over her enormous thighs Sarah instictively bent over, she rested her hands heavily on a granite shelf that was near the bottom of the shower for just such purposes. As she bent over her ass cheeks seperarated slightly her thighs shifted as well, the fat opening up to Jake. Jake could see Sarah's belly hanging between her legs, her wide stance just barely revealing the hanging mass of fat from behind as it just barely grazed the ground.
Jake slid his hand between the soft fat of her thighs, applying the smooth lather to Sarah's soft womanhood. He slid his fingers inside of her, cleaning every possible nook and crevice created by her abundant fat. Sarah moaned loudly as Jake continued to work on her engorged pussy. Her body vibrated with pleasure as he brought her to the edge of orgasm.
"Does that feel good for my little piggy?" Jake asked playfully, the answer already clearly visible and audible in Sarah's response to his touch.
"Mmmmmmhhmmm yea....."
"How about a little snack after this for my little piggy?" Jake asked as he breathed heavily, partially from the exertion of lifting Sarah's endless folds of fat to clean her adequately, and partially from the excitement of having such an obese babe on full display in front of him.
"Mmmmmhmmm pppplllleassse!" Sarah moaned.
"We're gonna keep you so well fed! Feel how close your hips are to touching the walls!" As jake said this he pushed on her right side, which caused her left asscheek to quickly make contact with the glass door, he then repeated the action with the opposite side, she yelped just a little bit as her right side pressed against the cold tile wall. "Soon enough your ass is going to be pressed against both sides with force! Pretty soon you are going to be too fat to even pull the door shut!" Jake declared this as he toyed with Sarah's clit.
"OOOOOHHHH yesssss!!!! PLEASSSSE!" Sarah screamed as her body shook violently, her orgasm tearing through her, leaving her muscles weak and depleted in its wake.
Sarah's knees began to buckle as she came, the jiggling causing her to nearly lose her balance, overwhelmed by the pleasure and unable to focus on keeping herself upright she leaned heavily on her arms as they began to tremble, the atrophied muscles in her upper arms struggling to keep her stable. She suddenly collapsed to her knees, her belly bunching up in front of her as she fell forward on top of it, collapsing in to a helpless pile of fat.
"Oh my god Sarah are you okay?" Jake asked, shocked by her sudden collapse.
"HEhehehe mmmhmmm yea...." Sarah giggled and moaned as she laid on her belly, the water still crashing over her tingling fat.
"You scared the shit out of me!" Jake exclaimed, he had feared that Sarah had slipped and hit or head... or something to the effect. "Well lets get you on your feet my little piggy!" Jake said, relieved that she was alright, immediately calling names again returning to their playful mood.
After a considerable amount of maneuvering, and thanks to the advantageously placed ledges, shelves, and handles, Sarah was able to make it to her feet. Jake dried her off; the towel that hung next to the shower was huge! Jake didn't even know they made towels that big, it looked more like a full sized blanket, it was so big in fact, that Sarah could wrap it nearly all the way around her, providing extra comfort in the cold winter months when getting out of the shower was nearly unbearable. She had complained enough about not having a big enough towel that Jess had finally ordered her a couple of the ones Jake now held for her. With the fatty adequately swaddled in her towels she waddled to the bed.
"Oh goodness... Jake... that was incredible!" Sarah said breathily as she reached the edge of the bed. She felt her thighs tremble as they supported her weight, still recovering from the amazing orgasm in the shower.
"You're incredible! Now how about that treat we talked about?" Jake said, not missing a beat in keeping Sarah's food supply near constant, the goal of having her hips be too wide for her to fit in the shower still in the forefront of his mind.
"Hehehe you... get me sooo well!" Sarah responded, as she sat on the edge of the bed. She didn't want to get comfy until she knew whether or not she was going to have to get up again to go somewhere, the effort of getting out of bed wasn't impossible by any means, but it was still an unnecessary expulsion of calories that she wanted to avoid at all costs.
"Alright then sweetie, what do you feel like?" Jake asked as he drew closer to Sarah, jiggling her stomach as he spoke.
"Hmmmm... how about... a dessert crawl?!" Sarah said excitedly, jiggling up and down a bit from the excitement as she spoke.
"A what now?" Jake responded, 'dessert crawl' definitely wasn't a term he was familiar with, but it sounded like exactly the kind of concept Sarah would be an expert in.
"Hehe.... So its like a thing Jess and I came up with back in high school..." Sarah giggled as she spoke, half from excitement and half from Jake's puzzled reaction. "So we figured out all the best buffets... with the best-stocked dessert tables, and what we'd do is go from place to place, and I'd eat desserts to my heart's content until I felt like I couldn't fit another bite, and then we'd move on to the next place, where I'd start again until my limit was again reached!" Sarah bounced up and down on the bed "Oh Jake, its the best please!!!" Sarah pleaded as her mouth watered, the thought of having so many sweets on hand already sending her appetite into overdrive. 'Man, I'm really letting go... I mean i've always been one to go on binging sprees, but that's all I've thought about since I met Jake... I'm gonna get so fat...' Sarah thought to herself as she waited for Jake's response.
"Of course! That's the best idea I've ever heard!" Jake responded enthusiastically, floored by the lengths Jess and Sarah had gone to in order to satiate her sweet tooth, although they never actually succeeded in completely satiating it, despite their inventiveness... the girl was just in a league of her own when it came to helpless gluttony. "Let's get you dressed then... are we gonna need knee pads for the crawling part?" Jake joked at the name of Sarah's idea.
"Yaaaay! And no silly, there isn't typically any actual crawling... unless I get too full to walk... so maybe we should pick some knee pads up on the way just in case!" Sarah responded playfully, winking at Jake as she spoke.
"Alright cutie, so where do you keep your bras and panties?" Jake asked as he laughed at Sarah's flirting, assuming he'd be the one to retrieve the gluttonous girl's clothes, not wanting her to have to go through the effort.
"Ah you're so sweet, in the top drawers over there." Sarah said, her pillowy arm fat hanging from her upper arm as she pointed, a curtain of fat jiggling in the wind as she extended her arm toward the dresser on the other side of the room.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 4 years
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CoffeeMug 1 year
Late to this but would love to see where it goes from here!
Bruinsean 6 years
This is a great story. 23 and as big as she is? That is remarkable and rare.
Pd500 6 years
Can't weight for chapter 19! Love this!
NoviceFA 6 years
By Jake's estimation she is somewhere in the 600 pound range, but not even Sarah knows exactly... they'll find out soon though. smiley
Bruinsean 6 years
How much does she weigh?
Jolene 6 years
Beautiful story~ keep going!!!
Imurfeeder 6 years
Best read so far, please continue to add chapters can't wait to read what happens next
Story Consul... 6 years
wonderful romantic story.
I like the descriptions.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
NoviceFA 6 years
Thank you for all the feedback everyone, I love hearing it! It's great to see that people like my story! smiley
NoviceFA 6 years
Thanks for the heads up. I guess that's the last time i try to publish a chapter from my phone on the go haha. It will be fixed shortly.
Nept13 6 years
Good start, would love to read more.
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a great start. Keep going.
Arctictiger 6 years
This story definitely needs to be continued smiley
Theswordsman 6 years
Please continue its good so far