Sweet sarah

chapter 15

"Okay how about these?" Jake said as he opened the left drawer and retrieved a piece of fabric, holding it in front of him. He was amazed at the size of the white and pink panties, his hands held out in front of him at about shoulder width, the garment still having a lot of slack between his hands... and by the looks of it the garment was still going to have to stretch an astronomical amount in order to conceal Sarah's enormous ass.
"Perfect! And, why don't you grab me one of the bralettes from the next drawer?" Sarah said, forgetting that guys aren't always well versed in girl's clothing.
"A what now?"
"Hehehe you'll see them, instead of clasping they are just a fabric bra that gives just a little bit of support, kinda like a less supportive sports bra." Sarah replied, the description sounded off to her, but she was trying to use terminology Jake would be familiar with.
"This?" Jake said, holding a piece of clothing that loosely fit what Sarah had described.
"Yea! Good job!" Sarah said, placing a little extra charm on her praise, like trying to reward Jake verbally, so he knew just how much she appreciated him retrieving the clothes for her so she didn't have to. "These aren't really intended for girl's with boobs as big as mine..." Sarah said as Jake placed the bralette next to her on the bed. "But I think they're adorable, and the bras I have to wear to support these girls" Sarah heaved her massive breasts as she spoke, the fat hanging from her hands as she lifted "cut into my shoulders so bad, and the underwire presses so hard into my poor tummy, I can barely eat anything before my tummy feels full..." Sarah said, half pouting, with a playful touch as she spoke. As Sarah said the last part Jake thought back to their first date a few days before... he remembered undressing her in the park... she definitely had an ultra supportive bra on, and she had definitely eaten more than he ever thought possible that night; yet here she was claiming that she could barely eat anything with a normal bra on, the thought excited Jake.
"Hey, whatever you're comfy in is great as far as i'm concerned, If it were up to me all you'd need to wear is a dress with plenty of room to grow!" Jake winked at Sarah, practically making her melt into the bed. He was still having such an effect on her, he was so perfect.
"Ah thanks, I don't know... I mean I love my fat body, but if there were one thing I'd change... the girls would be a bit perkier..." Sarah said, rubbing her massive tits as they rested on her fat belly. Her breasts were perfect by Jake's standards. Firstly, they were huge, bigger than any he'd ever seen, besides maybe the massive fake ones you see in ripley's believe it or not, he shuddered at the thought of the unnatural looking breasts, how fake and stiff they looked. Secondly, she had nice sized areolas that capped the soft collections of fat, her tan skin taking on a slightly darker hue at the ends of her breasts, each one capped by healthy sized nipples that were erect more often than not, especially when Sarah was stuffed to capacity. Finally, her breasts laid heavily against her stomach, which to Jake was perfect. Contrary to Sarah's thoughts about an ideal breast, Jake relished in the inherent softness and heaviness that came along with Sarah's massive boobs. He loved the way they fell lazily to her sides when she laid down, the fat being pulled toward the earth, to him, her breasts were perfect just the way they were.
"Oh stop right now!" Jake replied as he watched Sarah's gaze avert from him toward the floor as she revealed one of her greatest insecurities. "Sarah, your breasts are perfect, I love everything about them... Seriously, I think they look great the way they are! Boobs as big as yours aren't supposed to stick out straight ahead, they just don't look good like that in my opinion! I love the way they rest on your tummy, and I love the way they look! Seriously!" Jake encouraged Sarah, stooping to meet her gaze. He caressed her soft breasts as he spoke, toying with the sensitive nipples, eliciting a smile and a giggle from Sarah.
"Oh Jake, I'm so happy you think so!" Sarah responded, wrapping her heavy arms around Jake, her boobs actually brushing against Jake's erect member as she leaned over to hug him. "If you keep talking like that, you might just get me to give up on traditional bras altogether! Having them custom made gets expensive anyway!" Sarah said, already adding a few pros to the theoretical pro/con list she was forming in her mind to decide the fate of the collection of oversized bras in her drawer.
With that the couple got Sarah dressed, true to his word Jake found Sarah a dress in her closet that left her plenty of room to grow. He also found her some sandals that would show off her swollen feet, while also circumventing any difficulties having to tie her shoes would present... little did Jake know that even if he had been set on finding the cute fatty shoes with laces, he would have searched in vein, Sarah hadn't kept the cleverly disguised torture devices in her wardrobe in over a year, not since the day that her shoes came untied while she was out and about, and Jess wasn't there to tie them for her. She was helpless to reach past her enormous belly to tie them on her own, so she was forced to walk around with her shoes untied, the laces slapping against her swollen ankles with every step, reminding her of just what a helpless fatty she was becoming. That night she had unceremoniously thrown all of her shoes with laces into a garbage bag and dropped it off at the nearest thrift store; surely her collection of expensive designer shoes that she had custom ordered to fit her swelling feet would be quite the surprise for some other fat woman who happened upon them in the thrift store.
Once they were ready Sarah ambled to her SUV, allowing Jake to take the wheel upon his insistence, how could she adequately focus on the snacks she had brought along while trying to drive as well, he had argued, which she conceded, smiling at his unending persistence in facilitating a near constant binge for her.
"Alright, so whats the first stop on this 'dessert crawl'?" Jake asked, using Sarah's terminology, she was the expert, afterall. He adjusted his seat as he spoke, noticing that it was further back than the normal range of motion of the seat would have allowed, surely to make room for Sarah's formidable belly. Sarah wasn't tall though, Jake thought as his shins bumped against two objects almost on queue. Jake looked down at the pedals to find that there were extenders attached to the end of them, to meet Sarah's feet.
"Oh you can take those off, sorry I forgot to mention it!" Sarah said as she noticed Jake observing her pedal extenders, her face flashed red for a moment, she was so used to people reacting with thinly veiled disgust at all of the modifications her enormous girth demanded.
"Your fat little legs can't reach the pedals because of your huge belly, can they?" Jake asked, his voice obviously showing his arousal at the thought as he bit his lip and stared at the the billowy culprit through the thin material of the dress.
"Heheh... nope, tummy decided she was gonna just keep growing, no matter how hard it made things for me!" Sarah said, pulling her dress up to expose the expanse of tan flesh that rested between her meaty thighs, pressing against the glove compartment in front of her. 'Hopefully we don't get pulled over, otherwise that cop would get quite the show!' Jake thought to himself as he observed just how firmly Sarah's belly was pressed against the glove compartment, assuming that was where she kept her documents.
"Oh yea, tummy just decided that on her own, did she? Are you sure, you didn't have anything to do with it?" Jake asked, personifying her tummy just as Sarah had just done, as he tried to tease an admission of gluttony out of her.
"Okay fine, maybe I helped her out a little bit..." Sarah admitted cutely as she lovingly rubbed her belly. "Now, let's go! Jenny's Homestyle Buffet is first on the list!" Sarah said, her tummy emitting an audible growl at the words, growing impatient as Sarah and Jake spent time flirting instead of feeding her.
Jake immediately thought back to the last time he had been in the restaurant. It was alright, plenty of homestyle meals readily available, but he immediately knew why Sarah chose it to be their first stop. He remembered seeing the endless dessert table, constantly restocked with fresh, mouth watering treats from cakes to cookies, ice cream, apple crumble, cobbler, and everything in between that screamed of traditional American desserts.
"Sounds good to me, I remember they have quite the lineup of desserts, excellent choice!" Jake gave his little plump piggy's choice his approval, and drove toward the restaurant.
"Okay, let's play the questions game!" Sarah suggested as the couple left her driveway.
"The questions game?"
"Yea, hehe its like a get-to-know you game, like small questions people don't always ask! So first, I'd ask a question, since y'know ladies first and all that!" Sarah said cutely "You have to answer the question, then I answer my own question, and then it's your turn to ask!" Sarah hadn't actually ever played the game in person, due to her lack of experience in dating, but she had implemented it in more than a few online encounters.
"Sounds like a plan! Shoot!" Jake responded smiling at the corpulent cutie in the passenger seat.
"MMPh okay, so... what's your favorite color?" Sarah asked after stuffing a twinkie into her mouth, honoring the conditions of her being chauffeured in her own car.
"Wow deep question! ...Red" Jake joked.
"They're not supposed to be super deep, that's the point! Duh!" Sarah said with a wink. "Mine is salmon!"
"Wow, even your favorite color revolves around food!"
"Hey stop, alright I like the color, it's cute!" Sarah said with her hands on her wide hips, tryi
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 4 years
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CoffeeMug 1 year
Late to this but would love to see where it goes from here!
Bruinsean 6 years
This is a great story. 23 and as big as she is? That is remarkable and rare.
Pd500 6 years
Can't weight for chapter 19! Love this!
NoviceFA 6 years
By Jake's estimation she is somewhere in the 600 pound range, but not even Sarah knows exactly... they'll find out soon though. smiley
Bruinsean 6 years
How much does she weigh?
Jolene 6 years
Beautiful story~ keep going!!!
Imurfeeder 6 years
Best read so far, please continue to add chapters can't wait to read what happens next
Story Consul... 6 years
wonderful romantic story.
I like the descriptions.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
NoviceFA 6 years
Thank you for all the feedback everyone, I love hearing it! It's great to see that people like my story! smiley
NoviceFA 6 years
Thanks for the heads up. I guess that's the last time i try to publish a chapter from my phone on the go haha. It will be fixed shortly.
Nept13 6 years
Good start, would love to read more.
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a great start. Keep going.
Arctictiger 6 years
This story definitely needs to be continued smiley
Theswordsman 6 years
Please continue its good so far