Sweet sarah

chapter 16

"Hey stop, alright I like the color, it's cute!" Sarah said with her hands on her wide hips, trying to combat Jake's teasing.
"I know, salmon isn't exactly in your favorite food group either!" Jake responded. "Alright, its my turn, right?" Jake paused looking to sarah for approval before continuing. "Okay... uhm... favorite animal?"
"Hehehe... piggies! I just identify so much with them! You?" Sarah responded giggling and grabbing at her huge belly, referencing her gluttonous lifestyle in relation to the typical stereotypical "piggy" as she called them.
"Too cute, haha... I don't know, I guess a polar bear." Jake responded, feeling like he was back in middle school with the get to know you game, but enjoying getting to know more about Sarah nonetheless.
"Nice! Big and strong like you!" Sarah said, grabbing Jake's bicep as he drove. "How about your favorite movie, handsome?"
"Oooh... I'd have to go with Saving Private Ryan. How about yourself? ... and don't tell me it's Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs!" Jake responded, teasing the girl about the theme of her picks.
"Thats a good one! And no it's not Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs... you little stinker. It's Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory! There's not enough candy in Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs!" Sarah said, wielding her undeniable cuteness as she drove Jake up a wall with her adorable antics.
"Hahahaha That would have been my next guess!" Jake laughed heartily as he admired Sarah, her fat jiggling with every bump in the road.
"Hey, its a great movie, with lots of great life lessons!" Sarah responded, trying to defend her pick against Jake's playful scrutiny.
"Yea, like don't be a greedy little girl and eat whatever you want, or you'll become too fat to walk, not taking that one to heart, eh?" Jake made sure to place plenty of emphasis on his light-hearted tone, not wanting to upset the girl that he was in reality still getting to know, despite their shared experiences.
"Hey, who says that was a warning, I happened to enjoy that part, and took it as a valuable life lesson in achieving new levels of fat! Oh and the boy, augustus, they painted him in such a bad light, I'm sure we'd get along in person, without the hollywood fat shaming!" Sarah said cutely, satisfying Jake's scrutiny. She took Jake's teasing in stride, even seeming to enjoy it, which he loved. "Alright, What's your birthday?" Sarah asked, continuing the game.
"I'm sure the two of you would be best pals in another life! And my birthday is June 15th, y-"
"No way! Mine is June 21st! Summer babies!" Sarah interrupted before Jake had the chance to ask her, her excitement taking control for a second.
"That's really cool! Both Gemini's then right?" Jake asked, not familiar enough with Zodiac signs to know for sure, but the proximity gave him a good enough idea to ask.
"Funny you should ask, I was born on the 21st, which is the day Gemini ends and Cancer begins, I don't know the exact rules, but I've always just claimed both!" Sarah responded smiling "I'm just so special I get two signs!" Sarah continued, framing her fat face with her hands, resting the backs of her hands under her cheeks in a dainty pose, to emphasize how special she was. "And that counts as your question! So how old are you?" Sarah asked, cheekily 'stealing' Jake's turn.
"You little stinker... haha, I'm 29. How about yourself, cutie?" Jake asked, eager to know just how young Sarah was, the impressive fact that she had gotten so fat, was even more impressive considering how young he thought she was, but he wanted to know for sure.
"Oh wow, almost hittin thirty already, huh? You old man!" Sarah played. "Hehe, I'm 23!"
"Wow, only 23 and already such a food-addicted fatty, huh?" Jake responded, returning the playful teasing.
"Hehehe yep!" Sarah said, lightly slapping the side of her exposed belly, sending a ripple through the fat. "Oooooh yay! We're here! Speaking of food addiction, I was starting to get worried we wouldn't make it before I just withered into nothingness!" Sarah said as she noticed the restaurant's sign from across the intersection.
"Oh, yea, that was definitely a close one!" Jake responded jokingly, Sarah could truthfully probably survive for months on end with nothing but water, she had enough fat reserves saved up to make a hibernating bear jealous.
The couple walked hand in hand from the closest stall they could find. Sarah had been offered a handicapped placard by her doctor a year or so ago when he noticed how out of breath she was from walking from the waiting room to the examination room, but she had refused, she enjoyed what mobility she had for the time being, and actually enjoyed a few extra steps on the rare occasion she did leave the house,besides, she thought, she wasn't handicapped, just fat. The offer had been immediately followed by the doctor's spiel about weight loss and healthy habits and all that mumbo jumbo, not that the impression be made that he somehow approved of Sarah's diminishing mobility by facilitating a closer spot.
Jake awkwardly tried to hold the double doors open, quickly realizing the folly in his logic as he had to let go of one of the doors to make a path for Sarah, the door started to close, until it made contact with Sarah's wide hips, propped open by her bountiful fat.
"Hahaha, sorry about that, I guess in my mind you still had a way to get past my arm!" Jake made fun of his own lapse in judgement, Sarah giggled in response, her breathing too labored to say very much, her focus was on finding a seat as quickly as possible. "Go ahead and find a table hun, I'll pay for our buffets in the meantime!" Jake said as he noticed the difficulty Sarah was having, and immediately wanting to expedite the process.
"Okay... Thanks cutie!" Sarah responded sweetly as she waddled into the seating area while Jake approached the front counter. As he walked away from the counter toward the tables he heard the sound of a table quickly scraping across the floor, the memory of their first date at Rio's immediately coming back into his mind.
Jake caught up to Sarah just as she settled in to a roomy booth with a table that was a considerable distance further away from the seat than all the other tables seemed to be, immediately Jake's suspicions about the noise's origin were confirmed. Sarah didn't seem too embarassed, maybe it was the security of having a guy with her who loved her body, or maybe it was the hectic atmosphere of the buffet that caused the sound to fall on mostly deaf ears, Jake being the only one familiar with the sound to know it's origin.
"Man, that... was quite the... walk!" Sarah said as she regained her composure. "Alright, we're losing daylight, let's get started! First... I want at least 4 slices of their chocolate cake with the chocolate frosting, a plate of assorted cookies, a plate of the apple crumble and a huge bowl of ice cream with lots of fudge and sprinkles!"
"Sounds good, anything to drink, cutie?"
"Oooh yea! A glass of whole milk and a glass of chocolate milk please! Oh! And they have a Build your own shake machine! Can you make me an Oreo shake?!"
With Sarah's order vaguely bouncing around his head Jake began making trips back and forth to the dessert table. When he retrieved her drinks he noticed a dispenser labeled "Cream" Next to the ones labeled "Whole Milk" and "Chocolate Milk" With a twinge of devilishness Jake secretly cut her whole milk, mixing it with half cream, as a little boost to her calorie intake, in the long run it wouldn't make much of a difference in the long run, but the thought nevertheless excited him. Besides, he was certain the slightly sweeter taste wouldn't go unappreciated by Sarah, whether she said anything or not.
Sarah tore into the delicious desserts as fast as Jake could bring them to their table, Luckily they had beat the lunch rush, allowing Jake unimpeded access to the assortment of treats.
Sarah ate almost nonstop for close to an hour before showing any signs of reaching fullness, her pace remaining constant as she practically tried to inhale the desserts. As she began to slow down, Jake surveyed the pile of dishes they had purposefully held onto, stacking them on the end of the table as a testament to how much she had consumed. Jake counted at least 20 plates in a quick estimate, each one having been loaded to capacity with calorie-laden confections.
"Okay... wooo... I think I'm too full to eat anymore right now..." Sarah said leaning back in the booth and clutching the closest roll of her tummy in proximity to her hands.
"Alright then, off to the next one!" Jake responded eagerly, thoroughly convinced of the 'game's' godly origins, and ready to continue stuffing his gluttonous goddess.
"Okay... yea, you're right! ....woo.... Let's go!" Sarah said, trying to ignore the fullness that she had stuffed into her stomach. "You're gonna have to help me up though sweetheart!" Sarah said, cutely sticking her arms toward Jake as a declaration of her dependence on him.
Jake replicated his move from their first date, quietly sliding the table away from his prize piggy, to allow him room to help her to her feet. With a bit of maneuvering and quite a bit of groaning and moaning from Sarah due to her inundated state, they worked on getting the gluttonous girl to her feet. They had begun to draw quite a few stares as they maneuvered the Sarah's obese form into an upright position. Finally on her feet, Sarah rubbed her belly, relishing in the fullness that she loved as she absentmindedly began following Jake's lead, like a glutted pig being led to the auction she waddled behind her caretaker.
Once they were in the car Jake asked Sarah where the next destination was, which she revealed to be another homestyle buffet about 20 minutes away, enough time for Sarah to digest some of the food.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 4 years
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CoffeeMug 1 year
Late to this but would love to see where it goes from here!
Bruinsean 6 years
This is a great story. 23 and as big as she is? That is remarkable and rare.
Pd500 6 years
Can't weight for chapter 19! Love this!
NoviceFA 6 years
By Jake's estimation she is somewhere in the 600 pound range, but not even Sarah knows exactly... they'll find out soon though. smiley
Bruinsean 6 years
How much does she weigh?
Jolene 6 years
Beautiful story~ keep going!!!
Imurfeeder 6 years
Best read so far, please continue to add chapters can't wait to read what happens next
Story Consul... 6 years
wonderful romantic story.
I like the descriptions.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
NoviceFA 6 years
Thank you for all the feedback everyone, I love hearing it! It's great to see that people like my story! smiley
NoviceFA 6 years
Thanks for the heads up. I guess that's the last time i try to publish a chapter from my phone on the go haha. It will be fixed shortly.
Nept13 6 years
Good start, would love to read more.
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a great start. Keep going.
Arctictiger 6 years
This story definitely needs to be continued smiley
Theswordsman 6 years
Please continue its good so far