Sweet sarah

chapter 17

"Oooof, all that yummy food... was sooo.... Yummy!" Sarah said with glee as she reflected on the successful binge. "I'm soooooo amazingly full!"
"Do you need a break, I have something in mind we could occupy ourselves with for a little while..." Jake responded as he rubbed Sarah's soft thigh suggestively.
"No! That's the whole point of the dessert crawl! You have to go from one buffet to the next as fast as possible, the change in dessert variety helps me stuff myself even more than normal, the new tastes just motivate me so well!" Sarah said, explaining the mechanics of the dessert crawl that Jake hadn't quite grasped yet. "BUT" Sarah emphasized the word "If you are a good little feeder, I might be able to make an exception between this next buffett and the one after, but you gotta earn it mister!" Sarah said jokingly, loving the enamored look on Jake's face whenever she revealed a little bit about her growing appetite.
Jake stared at the beautiful girl, absolutely captured by her feminine beauty that was compounded by the hundreds of pounds of softness and curves that she had collected. Even though Jake had always had a thing for fat girls, he was fairly convinced that even if Sarah had only been a meager 180 pounds in the grocery store, that she would have still captured his attention. There was simply something so strikingly beautiful about her appearance that, for some guys, shines through despite her extra bulk, but for Jake it was absolutely magnified and amplified by the abundance of fat Sarah had gained.
"Ohhhh, sorry cutie, I didn't know the rules would be so strictly enforced!" Jake replied jokingly, laughing at the cute expressions Sarah made. "Let's get going then!" Jake said, determined to meet the 'good little feeder' condition that would grant him more open access to Sarah's fat after their next stop.
At the next buffett Jake followed through on his commitment. It was a sight to behold. Both Jake and Sarah were seemingly hopelessly obsessed with stuffing as much into the glutted girl as they could possibly manage. Jake made trip after trip to the dessert table, occasionally cheating and grabbing some heartier options from the main course line-up, things like mac-n-cheese, mashed potatoes with plenty of gravy, and deep fried chicken were used to cleanse Sarah's palate between different varieties of desserts. Sarah met her capacity relatively quickly, by her standards at least. She estimated she'd been eating for almost 45 minutes straight by the time she started to feel painfully full. But that had been almost 20 minutes ago, yet she watched as Jake dropped a plate with 3 or 4 slices of cheesecake off along with a plate loaded with various flavors of cake. Before she could give any indication of her impending demise via belly bursting, or at least that's how she felt if Jake didn't slow down, Jake was off again, the trip completed with new confections laid out before the corpulent cutie. Sarah felt her pussy tingle as she watched him, so laser-focused on feeding her, he hurried around retrieving calorie-rich foods. His hurrying didn't appear frantic, he maintained his composure as he rushed from tray to tray, taking generous portions of the treats before moving on to the next.
Finally Jake came to a slow stop as the table was laden with plates full of food, Sarah's eyes staring at the mountain in front of her, with a quiet determination building inside of her to eat every last bite her feeder sat in front of her. Jake noticed the look on Sarah's face, one of overwhelmed determination, suddenly he realized that maybe Sarah hadn't been kidding when she had said she was feeling full 20 minutes ago.
"Oh no, did I go overboard?" Jake asked, the expanse of food seemingly growing before his eyes as he realized just how much food he had retrieved for his 'little' feedee.
"Hehehe, Kinda! But I like it!" Sarah said as she too surveyed the near endless amount of plates. "And guess what?! I'm gonna eat it all!" Sarah said with a wink, not giving Jake a chance to guess before she immediately began digging in to the tasty treats sprawled out on the table.
She felt her stomach ache as she slowly swallowed one bite after the other, her determination remained steady despite the feeling of fullness. Sweat formed on her brow as she finished one plate after the other, occasionally glancing at Jake to receive his approval. He always met her gaze with quiet encouragement, occasionally vocalizing his desire for her to feed herself more and more.
After nearly 30 minutes Sarah finished the last plate of what she typically could have finished in about half the time, her fullness causing her to pace herself.
"Oh... god... Jake... I'm gonna... pop!" Sarah said as she laid back in her chair, thankful that she had elected for the non-restrictive bra. She was a gloriously glutted princess, her prince charming making sure that she reached her absolute limit.
"Sexy is what you are Sarah!" Jake replied as he moved from the chair across from Sarah to a chair he pulled up next to her. He rubbed her distended stomach through the thin fabric of her flowy dress as she moaned and groaned, trying to find a position where she had as little pressure on her stomach as possible.
"OOooff.... Mmmhm.... I'm glad... you think... so!" Sarah said as she smiled sweetly at Jake.
The couple sat there for around 10 minutes chatting as Sarah digested enough for her to be able to walk to the car. She couldn't remember a time that she had ever felt as painfully, gloriously full as she did now, and she hadn't even made it past the second stop before Jake had stuffed her to the bursting point. He was showing some great promise as a powerful motivator for Sarah's gluttony.
"Okay, beautiful, we got this!" Jake said as he helped Sarah prepare to stand. "Here, let's make some more room for that cute little tummy!" Jake's understatement of Sarah's enormous belly was heavily contrasted as he subtly reached his hands under Sarah's dress. He felt how enormous her belly was as he reached over the fabric-covered rolls, reaching for the waistband of Sarah's adorable panties. After he reached his target, he pulled the waistband down over roll after roll, eventually tucking the waistband under her enormous belly.
"Hhehee you... naughty boy!" Sarah giggled down Jakes neck as she leaned into his touch, her bulk concealing the nature of his expedition under her dress. "Oooh, that... actually helped!" Sarah said as she rubbed her tummy, the lack of the waistband pressing against her stomach providing some relief.
"I thought it would, I mean I could see the indent it was causing on this soft belly of yours!" Jake replied, happy that his gesture was appreciated. And what he said was true; Sarah's belly was so soft and packed with malleable fat, that even the pressure from her panties' waistbands caused a visible indent in her supple skin.
"Well... thanks for looking out handsome!" Sarah smiled.
"No problem cutie, now let's get you on your feet!"
Jake took Sarah's hands as she adjusted her bulk to prepare to rise to her feet.
With Jake's strong hands in hers she rocked forward to initiate the momentum that Jake would use to pull her to her feet, the process already becoming a science between the two of them, one that would be refined through practice as Sarah continued to rely more and more on Jake for assistance.
Sarah's belly appeared especially jiggly as she began to stand, the mass of fat freed from the confines of her panties. Jake watched in awe as the expanse of flesh appeared to avalanche forward, rolling over and past her soft round thighs. The weight of her stomach falling forward off of it's fleshy perch gave Sarah a little extra momentum, assisting in pulling her enormous ass off of the chair. With Sarah on her feet the couple progressed toward the door, Jake holding Sarah from the side to help her with balance as she waddled slowly, making it very clear that she was not in any position to be hurried along, not that Jake would have rushed her anyway, especially not in light of the amount of desserts he had just helped her devour.
Once the doors were closed behind them, Jake immediately began telling Sarah just how much he had appreciated the spectacle she had just made.
"Sarah, that was seriously amazing! You must have eaten like 6 or 7 huge sheet cakes worth of pastries just now, not to mention the ice cream and everything else!" Jake said as he walked next to Sarah, examining each fold of fat as it bounced and jiggled with every step.
"Ooohf.... Yea... I know..." Sarah said slowly, one hand resting on the closest roll of her tummy while the other stuck out at an angle to assist in balancing. 'God, I really just need to give in and start parking in the handicapped spots!' Sarah thought as she waddled over the painted blue lines, still needing to amble around 10 more feet to reach her SUV. The extra steps were nice when she could enjoy the feeling of her tummy jiggling, but with so much food stuffed in her stomach, the jiggling actually cause a little bit of pain as her stretched stomach shifted with each step. As much as the slight pain annoyed her, the feeling of fullness nevertheless turned her on. The temporary discomfort was nothing in the face of the unbelievable pleasure she felt being stuffed to capacity.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 4 years
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CoffeeMug 1 year
Late to this but would love to see where it goes from here!
Bruinsean 6 years
This is a great story. 23 and as big as she is? That is remarkable and rare.
Pd500 6 years
Can't weight for chapter 19! Love this!
NoviceFA 6 years
By Jake's estimation she is somewhere in the 600 pound range, but not even Sarah knows exactly... they'll find out soon though. smiley
Bruinsean 6 years
How much does she weigh?
Jolene 6 years
Beautiful story~ keep going!!!
Imurfeeder 6 years
Best read so far, please continue to add chapters can't wait to read what happens next
Story Consul... 6 years
wonderful romantic story.
I like the descriptions.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
NoviceFA 6 years
Thank you for all the feedback everyone, I love hearing it! It's great to see that people like my story! smiley
NoviceFA 6 years
Thanks for the heads up. I guess that's the last time i try to publish a chapter from my phone on the go haha. It will be fixed shortly.
Nept13 6 years
Good start, would love to read more.
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a great start. Keep going.
Arctictiger 6 years
This story definitely needs to be continued smiley
Theswordsman 6 years
Please continue its good so far