Sweet sarah

chapter 18

As the couple reached the SUV Jake surprised Sarah by pressing her against the car, embracing her in a passionate kiss before she had the chance to realize what was happening. Jake savored the feeling of his body melting into Sarah's warm fat as he sank into the squishy adipose that was attached to Sarah's front. Sarah on the other hand tried to hide her pained reaction to Jake leaning against her stuffed stomach. The feeling quickly subsided however, Jake unknowingly advantageously adjusting as he found a better angle to kiss her plump lips. The slight pain gone Sarah melted into the kiss, the feeling of fullness compounding the pleasure of being so close to her new beau.
Jake pulled away for a moment to stare into Sarah's sparkling eyes as she looked back into his with desire. "God you're perfect!" Jake said as he slid his hand under the waistband of Sarah's pants, tracing the bottom fold of her stomach as far as he could, before the roll descended out of reach in its journey toward the ground.
"Hmmmmmhmm Thank you...." Sarah moaned as she stared into Jake's eyes, the feeling of his hard dick pressed against her soft stomach driving her wild.
"Alright cutie, let's get you in this car so you can rest a little!" Jake said as he opened the door next to Sarah's bulk that was still pressed against the car. She eyed him up and down as she breathed heavily from the exertion as well as the excitement.
"Such a great feeder... always making sure... i'm taken care of!" Sarah said in a sultry breathy voice as she waddled into position for Jake to help her into the car.
"Let's just say you have me under your spell!" Jake responded as he rubbed Sarah's massive rear for emphasis. "Now on 3! 1... 2... 3...!" Jake and Sarah both strained as Sarah's fat left the ground, Sarah pulled hard on the handles, thankful that she had a lower step and handles installed by every door, not just her's for just such occasions.
Sarah plopped down into her seat, breathing heavily and sweating a little bit due to her overstuffed state.
"Man... that was... tough!" Sarah said, throwing her head back and taking exaggerated breaths to underline just how much the exertion had tapped her out.
"Well yea... look at how much of you there is to haul around!" Jake said as he motioned to Sarah's expansive form, similar to a game show prize model motioning toward a new car, trying to emphasize just how huge and great it is.
"Yea... and my muscles... just can't keep up!" Sarah said as she lifted one of her heavy arms, jiggling the fat back and forth, the antithesis of some health nut flexing to show off their hard earned muscles. The sight nearly caused Jake to jump on top of Sarah and take her right there in the parking lot. Instead he pressed his hard member a little more forcefully against the soft fat on her thigh as he stood next to her as she sat in the car.
"Well it's not like you even give them a chance! I mean, you spend all your time growing all this glorious fat, have you ever even tried to work out when you weren't being forced to?" Jake asked out of genuine curiosity.
"Well...." Sarah paused for a moment, trying to remember a time when she had exercised out of sincere intent to burn fat or build muscle. "I mean... I dont know okay! I think... maybe I used to swim sometimes..." Sarah said, realizing that she really couldn't place a time in her life when she had actually set out to exercise or lose weight in any way shape or form, for her happiness was always eating yummy food and lots of it, thoughts of exercise or diet were always far removed from her thoughts.
"You're funny, so you used to swim a little, did you think that was gonna help you carry around all of this fat?" Jake asked, floored by the lazy girl's response, he found it intensely erotic just how sedentary and devoted to sweets Sarah's life had been. Simply for the pure love of sweets she had ballooned out to her size she was at now. Breathing heavily and sweating from the short walk to her car now, everything about her revealed just how little she had paid attention to diet and exercise.
"Hehehe, well I didn't really know back then that I'd get this fat!" Sarah responded happily as she inspected her enormous body. "But hey... you said yourself that not only you wouldn't mind if I got too fat to move, but that you'd love it... so I'd say i've done you a huge favor there bud!" Sarah winked as she said the last part, sending electricity through Jake's body as he admired his devoted little feedee.
"Hahaha you're right! And thank you for that!" Jake said as he jiggled Sarah's belly. Jake then kissed Sarah on the lips passionately for a minute before closing her door and running over to the other side of the car. "... So cutie, did I do a good enough job to earn a little reward before our next stop?" Jake said as he got in the car.
Sarah had honestly written the next stop off altogether, ready to let Jake have his way with her for as long as he wanted, especially in light of the sheer amount of food she had just devoured. She didn't want to tell Jake that though, lest he think she wasn't a committed enough feedee, so she put her best feedee-face on and played it cool.
"Oh yea! Of course you did you handsome mister! I don't think i've ever been that full in my life... or at least not in a while!" Sarah said as she hid her surprise at Jake's assumption that they would be continuing the dessert crawl.
"Cool! Well, do you know Red River Buffett? They have a really good dessert table, right?"
"Oh yea! They are on the list of stops for the dessert crawl! They have the best fresh baked cookies in town!" Sarah responded, her eyes lighting up at the suggestion.
"Awesome, well it's right around the corner from my place, so how about we go to my apartment for our little break, and then we can get you some of those cookies!" Jake suggested as he toyed with the roll of fat on Sarah's thigh that he seemed constantly drawn to.
"You're just the man with the plan!" Sarah replied smiling "As long as you promise to be gentle at your place... my tummy is just oh so full!" Sarah said as she rubbed at her distended stomach.
"I promise! Now let's get going before I jump on top of you right now!" Jake immediately began driving, thoughts of Sarah being splayed out in front of him with all of her glorious fat waiting to be touched driving him wild.
Once at Jake's place Jake helped Sarah out of the car, taking every chance he had to grab onto and jiggle the endless rolls that came spilling out of the car when he opened the door. Jake held Sarah's hand as he led the gorged piglet to his apartment.
"This complex... is so... nice!" Sarah said simply as she struggled for air, she had done so much walking today that her legs were screaming at her to lay down and never get up again.
"Thanks cutie, sorry about the incline!" Jake replied as he noticed Sarah struggling slightly more as she waddled up the extremely subtle incline that led to his apartment door. In truth, he hardly noticed the slight grade most days, but watching Sarah struggle made it clear that cursing the incline was all that was going through her mind. Even the slight upward battle left her nearly gasping for air as she reached Jake's door.
"No... problem... let's... just get... inside!" Sarah said between breaths as Jake slid his key in the door and she leaned heavily against the wall, which prompted Jake to jiggle her free-hanging stomach, he then enjoyed the sight as the heavy fat shook back and forth, a slight slapping sound could be heard as roll crashed against roll underneath the fabric of her loose dress.
"Such an out of shape little piggy!" Jake replied as he opened the door and smacked Sarah's jiggling rear as she shuffled over the threshold. The cooler air immediately spilled out of Jake's modest apartment, refreshing Sarah's sweat-covered face as she waddled inside.
Sarah made a beeline for Jake's couch as soon as the cushiony resting spot came into view. She knew that once she sat down it was going to be extremely hard to work up the motivation to get back up and moving, but she didn't care. All she could think about was sitting down, letting her belly hang between her legs and laying back so she could make enough room for her engorged tummy as possible.
"Sit down and relax cutie, I'll get us something to drink!" Jake said, wanting to take a little bit of the guilt Sarah felt about being so constantly focused on being idle. Now it wasn't just her who was looking out for her fat body, instead she had a partner who she could blame for her decisions, someone next to her encouraging her to take it easy, to have another bite, to stay in bed... to get fatter. She smiled as she heard him encouraging her to sit down, to do the only thing that came natural to her anymore... to sit and be tended to.
"Thanks... I'm getting... so out... of shape! Especially... when I'm so... full!" Sarah said as she turned around to face her wide ass toward the couch. Her ass reached from the armrest closest to the kitchen over two full sized cushions, her left asscheeks in position to cover two thirds of the couch, with extra rolls of fat encroaching on the third cushion, as if conducting reconnaissance before her ass officially claims the territory as its own.
With her ass properly in position she began sitting back, trying with all of her strength to control her butt's descent toward Jake's couch. Unfortunately for Jake's couch her thigh muscles were not in any shape to prevent Sarah from free-falling toward it. As soon as she began lowering herself she felt her muscles give out as she fell quickly, her ass meeting the cushions with force as she felt her weight pull her hard toward the earth.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 4 years
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CoffeeMug 1 year
Late to this but would love to see where it goes from here!
Bruinsean 6 years
This is a great story. 23 and as big as she is? That is remarkable and rare.
Pd500 6 years
Can't weight for chapter 19! Love this!
NoviceFA 6 years
By Jake's estimation she is somewhere in the 600 pound range, but not even Sarah knows exactly... they'll find out soon though. smiley
Bruinsean 6 years
How much does she weigh?
Jolene 6 years
Beautiful story~ keep going!!!
Imurfeeder 6 years
Best read so far, please continue to add chapters can't wait to read what happens next
Story Consul... 6 years
wonderful romantic story.
I like the descriptions.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
NoviceFA 6 years
Thank you for all the feedback everyone, I love hearing it! It's great to see that people like my story! smiley
NoviceFA 6 years
Thanks for the heads up. I guess that's the last time i try to publish a chapter from my phone on the go haha. It will be fixed shortly.
Nept13 6 years
Good start, would love to read more.
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a great start. Keep going.
Arctictiger 6 years
This story definitely needs to be continued smiley
Theswordsman 6 years
Please continue its good so far