Sweet sarah

chapter 22

The duo hit the taco truck with force, Jake ordered enough food for himself to have made the chefs roll their eyes at the enormous order, his large stature demanding food after his fast. And Jake's order was nothing considering the football-field long receipt that had to be printed in order to list all of the things Sarah ordered. By her justification, she had started with the enchilada-style burrito, but then wanted to know what their true enchiladas tasted like so she had to order one with each different meat and the two different sauces, just so she could be sure, but then she thought that it sounded like a lot of sauce, so she added a couple tacos that she could eat between to cleanse her palate. Jake watched in awe as the corpulent cutie craftily ordered her meal, his dick responding to the display of greed, which he quickly concealed.
"MMMMhmmmm! It all looks so yummy!" Sarah said as the couple found a table to sit at in front of the truck, the sun just beginning to set as they began their meal.
"I'm telling you, the food here is great!" Jake said as he bit into one of his tacos, watching as Sarah quickly took bite after bite of her enormous burrito, obviously wanting to confirm Jake's claim, but also just obsessed with stuffing food in her mouth.
"Mmmphmm... yea... itfs great!" Sarah said, unable to take a break from eating to say the words in a more dignified manner, Jake didn't mind though, in fact he loved it.
The couple chatted as they enjoyed their meal, Jake finishing rather quickly compared to Sarah, who's pace slowed due to the engorged state of her belly the result of near constant eating over the whole weekend. Even if Sarah had kept up her initial pace, her food would have outlasted Jake's by a longshot.
"Okay cutie, I think it's time we get you home... and I've got work bright and early!" Jake said as sarah leaned back, rubbing her enormous belly, trying to grant it a little extra room.
"Ahhh.... *urp*... okay... I guess...." Sarah responded with disappointment. Even though they had been together practically all weekend, she didn't want to leave Jake's presence. She felt like an enormous queen deserving of worship in his presence. Like a girl whose only concern was her own pleasure and leisure, like a goddess deserving of as many temples mankind could erect in her honor-- and she loved it.
"Sorry honey, but maybe I can bring you dinner tomorrow night after I get off?" Jake asked excitedly as he thought of the idea. Besides, he didn't want to be away from sarah for too long, because he needed to be in her presence just to believe that she wasn't some elaborate figment of his imagination, and he didn't trust Jess to keep her adequately stuffed full of food, not like he could at least.
"Oooooh! Yes! Please!" Sarah responded giddily at the thought of having Jake over for dinner the next night, and he'd be bringing it, which meant all she needed to worry about was stuffing her face, and hoping he brought enough. And given their first weekend together, Sarah was fairly confident that she needn't have any worries about Jake bringing her enough food.
"Sounds good then, why don't we get you home?" Jake said as he stood, and walked around the table to help Sarah up. Jake cherished every moment he was able to touch the corpulent cutie's soft fat as he helped her waddle to the car.
Once Jake arrived at Sarah's he explained that he'd be no true gentleman unless he helped Sarah to her room. Which was really just an excuse for him to find himself pressed up against Sarah's fat on her bed, his hands drawn to her fat anytime they had any hint of privacy, Jake also had to make sure that he left her with an overstuffed belly: to hold her over until the next morning. With Sarah satisfied and full Jake kissed her goodnight before showing himself out.
"OH MY GOD THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!" Jake screamed out loud as he drove away, his head spinning from everything that had happened over the weekend, he was finally alone to process it all. "She's just so unbelievably perfect!" Jake continued as thoughts of Sarah jiggled around his mind. Every roll and curve of her body flashing through his thoughts as he tried to pay attention to the road. As soon as he got home Jake began planning out his dinner surprise for tomorrow, trying to find a restaurant that looked good and that he could order plenty of.
Sarah's mood was similar, all she could think about was Jake, which led her to think of food. As soon as she woke up from the pleasure coma Jake put her in before he left she began looking for food, needing to stuff her face with food to be able to fully experience the beautiful memory of Jake. She ate on her bed as she thought of Jake, she ran her hands over as much of her endless body as she could, feeling the soft rolls of fat that he adored so much. All she could think about was eating and being cared for by him. It's all she wanted.
The next night Jake showed up with armfulls of bags of food as he had promised. Jake watched Sarah eat for a while as they chatted, until Sarah got too tired or too lazy to feed herself at which point Jake would take over, and push her past her limit. The weeks progressed like that, with Jake bringing dinner pretty much every night, and the couple spending the weekends together forcing Sarah full of as much food as possible.
With each passing day Jake swore he could see Sarah getting just a bit wider, just a bit softer, and just a bit more out of breath. Sarah's belly began developing an extra roll as it sought new places to store the abundance of fat the duo was piling on her. Jake also traded in his clown car for an SUV, one that even exceeded Sarah's own in accommodations. He had gone to their city's premier auto customization shop to have the SUV fitted with anything and everything that would make Sarah's life just a bit easier. Handles, pullies, steps, extenders, anything possible was added that they could think of. Sarah had a custom seat built in the back that took up the entire row of seats, a throne for the queen was built fitted with extra cupholders, a couple of oxygen tanks on the back, and a massager, Sarah was ready to ride around like an obese babe with style in her new ride, even though she rolled her eyes at a few of Jake's ideas.
One night Jake showed up at her door with Chinese take out.
"I wasn't sure what you'd like, so I brought a little bit of everything!" Jake explained as he walked past the beautiful Sarah into her house. She was wearing only her panties, which had become the custom for their dates at home, Jake insisted that she be as comfortable as possible, and besides it had been getting really hard for her to get dressed by herself lately, so why go through the trouble when she usually ended up naked within the first hour anyway, Jake had reasoned.
"Yay!!! Yummy!" Sarah responded, her breathing seemed only slightly taxed, leading Jake to the conclusion that she had been somewhere in close proximity to the door waiting for him to arrive. His suspicion was immediately confirmed at the sight of the remnants of a recent binge on the couch, plenty of food wrappers and plates around, all cleared of their contents.
Jake watched as Sarah ate container after container of the chinese foods, only occasionally taking a break long enough to chat with Jake and ask him about his day and work. While they chatted Jake cleaned up Sarah's mess from before he arrived, if he didn't, the job would be left to Sarah, which meant it'd be left to Jess, and he wouldn't stand for that.
"Jess went on a date tonight, can you believe it?! A date on a monday?!" Sarah said in the middle of relaying the events of her day to Jake.
"Eh, Don't they have all kinds of stuff going on downtown now that fall is about to start, could be kinda fun!" Jake responded, thinking about what Jess and her mystery date could have been getting up to.
"Yea, I guess, I just feel like for a first date, a week night is kinda weird." Sarah responded as she lifted a huge fork of chow mein to her mouth, she slurped at the noodles that hung from her lips, causing them to slap against her chin before disappearing into her mouth.
"Hahaha, yea I know what you mean!" Jake responded laughing at the girl's messy eating. "So, you dropped out of college, but we never really talked about it, have you thought about any career plans?" Jake asked, changing the subject, he had been wondering what Sarah's plan had been. Now he was more than ready to be her provider, to work so that she doesn't have to lift a fat finger, and they both knew that clearly, but what if they hadn't met, what was she planning on doing?
"Uh... well... I don't know.." Sarah responded, twirling food around her fork as she spoke, feeling a little embarrassed at her lack of career plans. "I kinda do customer service from home, and that gets me by with the help of the money my dad gave me when my parents cut me off... but I haven't thought too long term lately..." Sarah continued to divert her gaze from Jake.
"Hey! Don't be embarrassed, you're fine! You're young and you've been having fun, there's no shame in that!" Jake responded, smiling at Sarah's slight embarrassment. He thought it was cute that she had so recklessly fattened herself up, not caring about what that meant for her career prospects.
"Yea, you're right... and besides the money from my parents is more than enough for me to buy a small house for myself." Sarah responded, feeling justified in the light of Jake's response.
"AND... you have me!" Jake replied emphasizing the 'and'. "And if you think you aren't going to be taken care of, you're mistaken hon!" Jake continued, rubbing Sarah's soft upper arm as he did so.
"Awhh, you're so sweet Jake! And good thing too, cuz I think I've put on a few pounds since we've been dating..." Sarah replied lifting her arm and jiggling it, looking to Jake to see if he agreed.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 4 years
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CoffeeMug 1 year
Late to this but would love to see where it goes from here!
Bruinsean 6 years
This is a great story. 23 and as big as she is? That is remarkable and rare.
Pd500 6 years
Can't weight for chapter 19! Love this!
NoviceFA 6 years
By Jake's estimation she is somewhere in the 600 pound range, but not even Sarah knows exactly... they'll find out soon though. smiley
Bruinsean 6 years
How much does she weigh?
Jolene 6 years
Beautiful story~ keep going!!!
Imurfeeder 6 years
Best read so far, please continue to add chapters can't wait to read what happens next
Story Consul... 6 years
wonderful romantic story.
I like the descriptions.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
NoviceFA 6 years
Thank you for all the feedback everyone, I love hearing it! It's great to see that people like my story! smiley
NoviceFA 6 years
Thanks for the heads up. I guess that's the last time i try to publish a chapter from my phone on the go haha. It will be fixed shortly.
Nept13 6 years
Good start, would love to read more.
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a great start. Keep going.
Arctictiger 6 years
This story definitely needs to be continued smiley
Theswordsman 6 years
Please continue its good so far