Sweet sarah

chapter 23

“Oh wow, you’re right! I mean, was this roll there when we met?” Jake responded, pinching a small roll of fat on her bicep.
“Hehe… I don’t think so!” Sarah giggled.
“Hey, well how about we find out for sure?” Jake replied mysteriously.
“What do you mean?” Sarah responded as she took a bite of orange chicken.
“Well, you know, we’ve been talking about getting a scale that can hold your weight…” Jake said as he walked toward the door. “Hold on, I’ll be right back!”
When Jake came back through the door he was struggling to carry a large square box. Sarah saw the words “Industrial Scale: capacity 1,000 lbs” printed in bold letters on the side of the box and her heart lept.
“OH my GOD! Jake is that! Is that a scale that can hold me?!” Sarah said with genuine excitement as she watched Jake set the box down.
“Hahaha, yea, it is! At least for the time being!” Jake responded as he wrapped his arm around Sarah’s soft belly, feeling the growing fat.
“OH yay!!!!” Sarah responded as she struggled to scoot forward on the couch to get a better vantage point on the box on the floor.
“Now let’s get the rest of this food in you and we’ll set it up in your bathroom.” Jake said as he sat next to Sarah lifting a potsticker to her mouth. Sarah ate it with force as she excitedly began shoving food into her mouth, obviously motivated by the prospect of knowing just how much she weighed.
Jake assisted in her frenzy of feasting, handing her plate after plate of rice and meat as well as noodles and some vegetables. As Sarah finished the last plate she put her fat arms in the air and belched triumphantly, as if the victor in some super heavyweight bout.
“Alright you chubby little champion, let's get you to your bedroom so we can see just what a fat piggy you are!” Jake said in response to Sarah’s declaration of victory.
Jake grabbed Sarah’s fat hands as he helped her shuffle her enormous ass to the point where she was ready to stand from the sagging couch. He pulled with all of his strength as she let her belly fall from her lap in front of her to give him some extra assistance. Sarah’s fat ass slowly raised for the couch as she breathed heavily, her belly hanging in front of her. Jake held her from the side as she waddled toward the hallway, having to let go and let the burgeoning babe waddle down the hall on her own, the space not wide enough for him to even dream of walking alongside her. Sarah braced her hands against the wall occasionally when her legs felt especially weak and ready to give out.
Once they reached her bedroom Sarah sat on the edge of her bed, her chest rising and falling dramatically as she tried to collect herself.
“God you’re sexy!” Jake said as he watched the out of shape girl’s fat body expanding on the bed, seemingly ready to melt into the soft mattress, never to stand again.
Jake pulled the large scale from the box, revealing a large black square at least 4’ by 4’, roughly the same size as the box it came in. The large black square had a plug coming off of it that Jake plugged into the bathroom wall. The scale came to life, ready to gauge the weight of anything that was placed on it, or in Sarah’s case, anything that waddled onto it.
Sarah struggled to her feet as quick as she could, eager to see the scale that would hold her enormous bulk and give her a measurement of her gluttony for the first time in at least 6 months, since she’d been to the doctor last.
Jake grabbed Sarah’s arm and helped her as she rose to her feet, her belly falling in huge rolls in front of her. Jake knew that Sarah had clearly gained weight in the few months they had been seeing each other, nearly every waking moment they were together consisted of either Jake or Sarah plotting their next move that would grant Sarah access to enough food to fill her belly past it's capacity.
“Oh… Jake… I’m excited!” Sarah breathed as she waddled the few steps into the bathroom, once again seeing the black square come into view. She inhaled sharply before lifting her right foot just barely high enough to slide it onto the textured surface of the scale. She rested for a moment before repeating the action with her opposite foot. Stairs had become all but impossible for Sarah, even the slight ledge she had to overcome to get on the scale was a challenge.
“Me too honey, now I’m going to let go, just try to stay balanced, it's pretty accurate no matter what but just try to hold still!” Jake said as he released his hold on Sarah’s flabby arm, stepping away to look at the display on the scale. 3 digital dots bounced in succession as the scale prepared to reveal the fatty’s secret.
“Oh my god Sarah!” Jake said suddenly as Sarah tried to move various rolls and bulges out of the way enough to see the screen he was looking at. “How much did you say you weighed when we met?” Jake continued as he stared at the screen.
“Whats… it say!?” Sarah replied demanding an answer as she grew impatient with Jake withholding the number from her.
“Sarah… you’re 694 pounds!”
“Oh…. MY… GOD!” Sarah responded slowly as she stepped down from the scale. She rested against the counter as she caught her breath, she had been so focused on balancing she hadn’t noticed just how out of breath she was. “Jake… I’m huge!” Sarah continued, suddenly hyperaware of her every inch of fat that was reaching out in every direction. She felt the top of her belly resting heavily on the counter, as the lower rolls spilled down the front, creeping down the cabinets toward the floor. She felt how wide her ass was, how hard it had been getting for her to squeeze through doors…
“I know, you’re enormous! How much did you weigh the last time at the doctors again?”
“643 pounds!... and that was only... like a few months before we met two months ago… Jake at this rate... i’ll be as big as a house by my 30th birthday!” Sarah said as she took deep breaths recovering from her brief exertion.
“Well, it's no wonder! You’ve been eating like a piggy getting fattened for the slaughter, are you really surprised?” Jake replied as he bit his lip, watching Sarah hunched over the counter so fat and helpless was such a turn on. All she cared about was eating and getting fatter, it didn’t matter how helpless she was getting.
“Yea, but 51 pounds in just a few months, Jake that's crazy!” Sarah replied incredilously, trying to assess if the amount of food she ate matched the new bulk that had been added to her frame… that only left her thinking that she probably came out a little lighter than she should have been, given the ungodly amount of food she stuffed past her lips every chance she got. “You promise you’re gonna take care of me, right?!” Sarah asked with a hint of fear in her voice.
“Of course, beautiful!” Jake responded enthusiastically. “I’m gonna be here, no matter how fat you get! I’ve been dreaming my whole life of having a dedicated little feedee half as pretty as you, do you really think i’d let you slip through my fingers?” Jake lovingly caressed Sarah’s bulging rolls of fat that collected around her back as he spoke, eyeing her massive belly as it hung toward the floor.
“Oh, thanks jakie!” Sarah responded just before Jake embraced her in a passionate kiss.
“So, do you think you can still fit sideways in the shower? Jake said with a smile after they broke up their kiss.
“Ooooh.. I don’t know, I’ve been using Jess’s bath tub lately, it's just too hard to reach everywhere in the shower!” Sarah replied, telling Jake what he already knew, in fact he had been the one to suggest she forgo the shower altogether when she began really complaining about how tight it was getting.
“Well let's see if you’ve eaten yourself too fat to shower!” Jake replied enthusiastically as he opened the glass door and turned the water on, making a quick evaluation of the depth of the shower wall, trying to see if Sarah would be able to pull off the tight squeeze. Jake bit his lip as he saw the size of the shower and how roomy it looked, but remembering just how tight it had been when Sarah and him had squeezed on a couple occasions.
When the water was warm enough Jake helped Sarah squeeze through the glass door, she had to maneuver her fat so that she could get through comfortably. Sarah could feel her enormous girth immediately fill the shower, her fat reaching toward every corner of the space. Jake watched from outside as Sarah shuffled under the water.
“Oh honey, this isn’t gonna work…” Sarah said as she watched the widest part of her hip sticking out past the frame of the door. She repositioned her hip against the tile wall opposite the door a couple times just to see if there was any angle that would provide her a decent amount of extra space, but no matter how she turned a bulge of fat stuck proudly past the frame.
“You’ve gotten so much wider!” Jake responded, remembering how there had been a bit of space on either side of the huge girl just a month or so prior. Sarah shuffled forward a bit to allow a little space behind her for Jake to squeeze between her squishy hip and the door. Once in the shower Jake stood in the corner surveying Sarah’s massive form as the water rolled over her expanded body. He saw new stretch marks on her hips that declared just how fast she had added fat to her body.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 4 years
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CoffeeMug 1 year
Late to this but would love to see where it goes from here!
Bruinsean 6 years
This is a great story. 23 and as big as she is? That is remarkable and rare.
Pd500 6 years
Can't weight for chapter 19! Love this!
NoviceFA 6 years
By Jake's estimation she is somewhere in the 600 pound range, but not even Sarah knows exactly... they'll find out soon though. smiley
Bruinsean 6 years
How much does she weigh?
Jolene 6 years
Beautiful story~ keep going!!!
Imurfeeder 6 years
Best read so far, please continue to add chapters can't wait to read what happens next
Story Consul... 6 years
wonderful romantic story.
I like the descriptions.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
NoviceFA 6 years
Thank you for all the feedback everyone, I love hearing it! It's great to see that people like my story! smiley
NoviceFA 6 years
Thanks for the heads up. I guess that's the last time i try to publish a chapter from my phone on the go haha. It will be fixed shortly.
Nept13 6 years
Good start, would love to read more.
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a great start. Keep going.
Arctictiger 6 years
This story definitely needs to be continued smiley
Theswordsman 6 years
Please continue its good so far