Sweet sarah

chapter 24

“I know, now try to pull the door closed!” Sarah replied as she felt her hip press against the tile wall, trying to get a true gauge on how wide she was. Jake reached between Sarah’s massive folds of fat and grabbed the door, pulling it toward him before it made firm contact with Sarah’s hip, the door nearly slipping out of his hand as her fat bounced it away from her.
“I told you we’d do it!” Jake said excitedly, referencing their first experience in the shower when they had first met.
“Oh god Jake, I’m too fat for my own shower!” Sarah said as she saw the puddle that was collecting in front of the door.
“I know, it's amazing!” Jake said as he explored her obese form. He felt how her thighs were pressed slightly firmer together, how her belly hung just a little bit lower on her legs than when they’d met, how her soft hips had become even softer, the fat begging to be touched as Sarah moaned under her breath, relishing the feeling of being Jake’s fat queen.
“Mmmhmmmh…. Then feed me… make me fatter!” Sarah responded as she desperately tried to reach past her huge belly to reach her swollen pussy. Consciously she knew that she couldn’t reach, but her sex-crazed mind didn’t care, all she could do was desperately grab at the fat that kept her womanhood out of reach, leaving her to rely on Jake for any pleasure she needed.
“You fat greedy piggy! You just finished all the take-out i brought you, and you’re already begging for more food!” Jake said as he bent Sarah over from behind, replicating the maneuver from their first shower since it had worked so well. “If you don’t slow down, you’ll outgrow that scale in no time!” Jake said, referencing the scale’s half-ton limit.
“Mmmmhmmm!” Sarah moaned as she felt the water run down her body, focusing on Jake’s touch as he slid his hand between her soft thighs, pinching and rolling the fat between his fingers as he went. “Jake my legs are… tired!” Sarah said with a yelp as she felt her thighs trembling, she’d never make it to climax before her legs gave out, her stamina had been so diminished by the extra weight, combined with Jake’s pampering, of course.
“Oh.. alright.. Okay…” Jake said as he tried to calm himself, desperately wanting to plunge his hand back between her fat as he pulled it out. Part of him wanted to see her helplessly piled on the shower floor like she had been the first time they showered, to humiliate her and tell her what a fat piggy she was, but he resisted. “Let’s get you in bed so I can take my time!” Jake breathed into Sarah’s ear, his excitement clearly apparent in his voice.
Jake and Sarah had to step through a huge puddle as Sarah waddled toward her bed, wrapped in her extra large towels. After that experience, Sarah’s shower went essentially unused, except for the occasional shower Jake took at her place. Sarah had to resign herself to baths only, her roommate’s extra large bathtub had been a selling-point for the apartment and Sarah was glad they had opted for it, otherwise she wasn’t sure how she’d stay clean.
The next few months passed by in a similar fashion, Except Jake began staying over with Sarah more and more. He hated leaving her alone all night, and most of the next day, leaving the poor fatty to fend for herself for almost 24 hours, which the feeder in him detested. True to his nature he would always leave her with plenty of fattening treats, in fact, most days it was enough for Sarah to stay full all day until he got home, allowing her to lay in bed and snack. Eventually Jake was sleeping at Sarah’s more than his own apartment. This added to Sarah’s growing laziness and dependence on him. She no longer worried about anything, Jake took care of it, If she ever needed anything he was quick to jump to his feet and retrieve it for her, assuring that she stay on her widening ass as much as possible, adding to the fatigued state of her muscles. Being cared for so well caused Sarah to essentially drop everything, giving herself over to Jake’s loving care. She slowly stopped logging on for her customer service job, the appeal of staying in bed and eating far outweighing the benefit of the extra spending money, she didn’t need it anymore. Jake took care of it.
It had started slowly, but Sarah had begun using Jake sleeping over as an excuse for the duo to treat her to a late-night binge. “I always wake up soooo hungry!” She had argued, making the case that the time between her pre-sleep binge and breakfast was far too long for her to stand. In truth, hunger wasn’t a concept that Sarah’s body was familiar with anymore. She was always full of food of one kind or another, the only thing she knew was the absence or presence of the undeniable pleasure that accompanied her gluttonous binges. Sarah didnt know that though, she had forgotten what true hunger felt like, if she wasn’t glutted to capacity, she was ‘hungry’ and she made it known, and if she started to feel a little bit of what normal people would consider hungry, she was like a woman gone mad, demanding food until she received enough to put her into a food coma. Jake of course was more than happy to oblige her request for middle of the night food runs. And eventually these late-night binges became the norm, as Sarah always had some reason to explain why her daily feast wouldn’t be enough to hold her over to the next day.
“Jakie, wake up!” Jake suddenly felt the warmth of Sarah’s soft fat pressed against him as he woke. “Jakie, I’m hungry!” Jake smiled as he opened his eyes, grateful to be next to the bountiful babe he had come to love.
“Of course you are sweetie, what’s new?” Jake said as he sat up and looked over at his enormous girlfriend. She was getting bigger every day it seemed. She seemed to struggle just a bit more with each passing day as standing on her own became increasingly difficult. Additionally, her waddle became more exaggerated as her thighs expanded. The jiggle in her ass also added some difficulty to walking normally, the undulations throwing off her balance. Luckily her huge ass was counterweighted by an even bigger and jigglier mass of fat in the front, her glorious belly. It hung well past her knees now when standing, making it even more difficult for her to walk, the sway of her waddle exaggerated the jiggling in her tummy due to its distance from her center. The fat ball of fat would lightly slap against her shins during particularly intense bouts of waddling, a sensation only someone as fat as her could grasp.
“Hehehe not much, but do you think you could just go pick something up? I’m so tired!” Sarah pleaded in her cute voice, begging Jake to bring her a feast in bed.
“Of course babe, I’ll go get something, I’ll bring you some snacks to hold you over!” Jake replied as he hopped out of bed, finding his slippers and heading out her bedroom door. Jake brought Sarah a massive amount of sweets to keep her satisfied until he got back, which she immediately began devouring after asking him to hurry home with the real food.
Jake returned almost a half hour later with armfuls of fast food, from Sarah’s favorite places. He had begun to learn her preferences so well, he didn’t even have to ask what she wanted anymore. If sarah was in the mood for something specific, she made it known, otherwise Jake was simply charged with buying enough yummy food of his choice to fill her greedy belly. This of course, hadn’t done anything to reduce her calorie intake, Jake made sure that he always chose the cheesiest, greasiest, or sweetest things on the menu, always adding extra of the calorie-rich ingredients like sauce, sour cream, or cheese. Sarah loved the additions, enjoying the tastes of the calorie-laden foods.
“Mmmhmm I’m soooo hungry!” Sarah said immediately once she heard Jake enter the room.
“Not so fast my little piggy, we’re gonna find out how much you weigh first!” Jake said as he placed the food out of Sarah’s reach.
“Heeey! Not Fair!” Sarah pouted as she crossed her fat arms giving Jake a pouting glare.
“Sorry sweetie, but I want to find out how much you weigh on an empty tummy, since you claim to be so hungry!” Jake replied, and it was true, he always thought they weighed her after she had been stuffing all day, so right now, at almost 3am was the perfect time to weigh her. He’d overlook the fact that she had been stuffing sweets past her mouth since he left, the relative weight of the sweets compared to the binges that usually sat in her stomach was nothing of note.
“Fine! Help me up!” Sarah demanded, slightly annoyed at her boyfriend for forcing her to have to get out of bed.
“HAha you little stinker!” Jake replied, loving his girlfriend’s insistence on being a lazy fatty. He helped Sarah inch her way to the edge of the bed, turning her legs so they dangled off the edge, prepared to catch her enormous weight. Jake helped Sarah slowly slide off the bed, her fat shimmying and jiggling as she moved. Finally on her feet and breathing heavily Sarah leaned on Jake as she struggled into the bathroom. It had been at least a couple days since she last stood, and close to a week since she had left her apartment, a thought that hadn’t occured to her until she realized how difficult it had gotten to walk. Nevertheless, she made it to the bathroom, even though she was a panting mess of fat by the time she got to the scale. “What were you last time?” Jake asked as he watched Sarah prepare to get her bulk onto the scale. He had to help her considerably more each time she had to step onto the small platform, her leg muscles losing strength as fast as she added more weight for them to carry.
“Oof… 732” Sarah said simply as she huffed from the exertion.
“That’s right, and that was like 3 weeks ago.. So let's see the progress…” Jake said as he waited for the display to spill the beans. “758! Sarah, you’re three quarters of a half ton!” Jake said with his jaw agape, his shock visible on his face.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 4 years
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CoffeeMug 1 year
Late to this but would love to see where it goes from here!
Bruinsean 6 years
This is a great story. 23 and as big as she is? That is remarkable and rare.
Pd500 6 years
Can't weight for chapter 19! Love this!
NoviceFA 6 years
By Jake's estimation she is somewhere in the 600 pound range, but not even Sarah knows exactly... they'll find out soon though. smiley
Bruinsean 6 years
How much does she weigh?
Jolene 6 years
Beautiful story~ keep going!!!
Imurfeeder 6 years
Best read so far, please continue to add chapters can't wait to read what happens next
Story Consul... 6 years
wonderful romantic story.
I like the descriptions.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
NoviceFA 6 years
Thank you for all the feedback everyone, I love hearing it! It's great to see that people like my story! smiley
NoviceFA 6 years
Thanks for the heads up. I guess that's the last time i try to publish a chapter from my phone on the go haha. It will be fixed shortly.
Nept13 6 years
Good start, would love to read more.
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a great start. Keep going.
Arctictiger 6 years
This story definitely needs to be continued smiley
Theswordsman 6 years
Please continue its good so far