
chapter 7

The dreaded day finally came. Matt flew in on a Friday afternoon, and took an Uber from the airport. Kelly and I had arranged for our friends to be there when he arrived, a welcome home party. It would give Matt a chance to see his friends after a six-month break. And having a room full of people when he saw Kelly seemed like a great idea. I really didn't want to face Matt alone when he saw how fat she had gotten.

It was close to seven in the evening when Matt arrived. Kelly wore yoga pants, which I knew were a larger size, and a loose blouse. Her breasts, which had grown enough that they stuck out about as much as her belly, held the fabric out in a drape. It draped down over her belly, hiding it to some extent. But not completely. Her tummy bulge showed as the fabric fell against it. Matt would see it immediately.

We had a dozen people there. They had drifted in over the previous hour and were on their second or third beers. Good, a party atmosphere was good.

The Uber driver pulled up, and someone yelled, "He's here! Matt's here!" Matt walked into the door, with a day's growth of beard. It's a long flight from Saudi Arabia. He looked tired, but he had a big grin on his face as he looked at the small crowd. I could tell that he was looking for Kelly. Kelly wasted no time. She jumped out of the crowd and gave Matt a big, full body hug. Well, she now had the full body to hug with. She had moved so fast that Matt hadn't really had time to get a look at her. But with her hugging him, I knew that he could feel her belly pushing against him. And with his arms around her, his fingers would dig into the softness of her new layer of fat. As they hugged he opened his eyes and looked around. I knew he was looking for me, and soon enough his eyes found me. He locked his eyes on mine and one eyebrow went up. It was part question and part accusation, in one small expression. Damn, damn, damn.

Fortunately, everyone had crowded around Matt, slapping him on the back and telling him welcome home. Once Kelly unclenched from him, all the girls hugged him and all the guys shook his hand. A few gave him man hugs.

Everyone wanted to talk to Matt, which was fine with me. Someone put a beer into his hand and soon the toasts started. We had plenty of beer and wine, and pizza for everyone to munch on. Matt was too cool to make a scene, but when he looked at me, the look said that we were going to have a serious conversation later.

Later came at about midnight. The last of the partiers went home, leaving just the three of us. Here it comes, I thought. I was right.

"What the fuck, bro," said Matt. "I asked you to keep Kelly slim, and look at what I come home to..." motioning toward Kelly.

"Hey!" Kelly shouted. "Don't yell at him! And don't talk about me like I'm not here! Jeff nagged on me just like you told him to. If you want to yell at someone for me getting fat, then yell at me!"

"Well, fine!" Matt yelled back. "You knew I didn't want you to gain weight, and look at you. You must have been stuffing yourself non-stop from the time I walked out the door. How much have you gained, anyway? Thirty pounds? Forty?"

"Forty-two," said Kelly quietly, looking down.

"Forty-two pounds! Well that's just great!" Matt switched his gaze to me. "I'll bet you just loved that, didn't you, Jeff?"

"Whoa, wait a minute, bro. I didn't fatten her up on purpose. Hell, if I'd been trying to fatten her up, she'd be twice that size!" I didn't mention how sexy I thought she'd be if she were twice her size.
We were all quiet for a moment. Matt finally spoke up. "I've been traveling for 22 hours and I'm whipped. We'll talk about this tomorrow." With that he went to his bedroom and closed the door.

That left Kelly and me alone with a guilty silence. "Well, we both knew he'd be pissed," I said, sounding lame.

"I didn't think he'd take it that hard," Kelly answered. "I figured he'd tease me some, but I didn't think he'd go off like that." She patted her belly, which sent a shiver through my nether region. "I'm going to have to get rid of this."

"You can be with Matt, or you can have a belly, but I guess you can't have both. I'm going to bed." As I started to turn, Kelly had a look of uncertainty on her face. "You aren't sleeping with me, Kelly. That would kill it with Matt." I headed for bed. It was up to Kelly if she wanted to sleep in Matt's bed or on the sofa.
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Jazzman 6 years
Loved the Story! Even the surprise ending.
Write a Sequel.
Fatforfun 6 years
I'm glad that you're all enjoying this. It's been a lot of fun writing it. Once I created these characters, they kind of started writing their own story. After chapter 14 there's one more chapter to go. I hope you like how Matt, Kelly and Jeff's story
Jazzman 6 years
Chapter 13.Fabulous!
Jazzman 6 years
This is Wonderful!
Jazzman 6 years
Nice turn of events.Great Story
Theswordsman 6 years
The only way i can see them becoming a couple without repercussions is if matt either gets caught cheating or doesnt come back but either way this is a good story.
Jazzman 6 years
And 6 more months coming.Wow! She has a closeted feedee vibe
GrowHerBelly 6 years
Damn good story
Rstlne 6 years
Can't wait to hear were she sleeps...
Theswordsman 6 years
Like the story cant wait to see how things go with Matt.
Jazzman 6 years
This is Perfect.Best story right now
Xavier311 6 years
girlfriend willingly participated, essentially just the inverse of a typical FA relationship. No offense intended, just my two cents. Great read though.
Xavier311 6 years
Really great story so far. Weird as hell scenario applied to real life but it works well for fiction. I personally don't think Matt is a heartless bastard for wanting his girlfriend to stay slim. I mean he was open and honest about his preferences and his
Karenjenk 6 years
Oh my gosh.. pelase keep going i love this
Jazzman 6 years
Great potential. Matt is a heartless pig and will get whats coming to him in spades I think.
Rstlne 6 years
I think I'm hooked.
Fatchance 6 years
This is a great start! Can't wait for more!