A gaining odyssey

chapter 18 2020 & 2021

New Years was fun, but it just was like any other new year. Other than the fact that It was the first new years with the new Mrs. Damnity. It was surprising again how committed she was to give up drinking I almost felt bad because I could tell she enjoyed it back in high school and craved a beer at one of the many parties we had.
The cats and the dog bonded well over the months. Anna and I would take him on our jogs every week to the point when he would be panting and we were basically dragging him along. We got into a routine which was quite nice. We would both get up at seven am and workout then I would cook breakfast, which usually was omelets or red velvet pancakes with bacon or sausage. Then Anna would get ready for a photo shoot or consulting with a few local engineering firms which Anna did for fun, and she would leave for the day. I would just take a quick shower and go to my workshop and toy around all day coming up with ideas, and a rarely went into the office. Most days I practiced my German or Japanese, played with the pets, made prototypes, did common house chores, or hung out with my mom or Anna's mom. Then We would have dinner and repeat. Also, part of the routine was a guy's night and girl's night every other week, and a big party once a month. It was pretty smooth sailing from there.
I came up with a few more products and designs over the course of 2020 as Anna was my friends favorite model for all of her clothes lines. For our anniversary, we went to Monet's garden in France which was a blast. I got both of our parents to watch the pets every other day so all and all we enjoyed ourselves.
Once we got back we held a second Halloween party for the class of 2015 graduates; Andrew and Val showed up but this time were both were on the verge of 400. Anna and Val buried the hatch and Anna actually agreed to help Val lose some weight because she looked horrible at her weigh since she was only 5'6", and part of her near triple belly was covered with disgusting stretch marks and was as pale as a ghost. The feeder in me was dismayed that she had gotten that big and in a moment of self-reflection after that party the feeder in me created a plan something so Anna wouldn't get that big and would stay healthy and not need a massive or stronger me to lift her off the couch. The plan was simple have her gain until 275lb that was it the max I would ever want to fatten Anna up if the chance arose, which fate so generously allowed me too.


2020 bled into 2021 very simply. Anna and I had found our grove and we stuck with it since it was perfect for both of us. Anna spent two hours a week working out with Val in attempt to slim her down a bit, and Andrew even joined in when he could. By the time of the next Halloween party they were both in the low 300's and dressed up as a cheerleader and quarterback. We both were invited to their wedding in the spring and the old differences that put me and Andrew at odds ended. Val went with Anna and some of their old friends on girl's night, which usually just me making flirtini's, and talking. For me and the guys it was more of an early evening thing but we went paintballing and got food at local dinner. It was about June when Anna gave me my first surprise.
So, it was my birthday and guys night was agreed upon in advance to be on that day so that Saturday we played paintball for hours. We were a sweaty sticky paint covered mess. We got to my place. It was late and it was after dinner so I invited the guys to play poker and drink to an ungodly hour of the night when Anna decided to give me a surprise with. So, we walk in and Rex greets us, as Preacher and Teddy stand on the stairs looking at who was there. The guys lit up the sight of the lively pets. I put my paintball marker on the floor with my empty paint covered magazines, and Andrew walked in and instead of following my lead looked into the dining room and stammered, "Guys we need to go I think Mrs. Damnity wants Mr. Damnity all her self-tonight. Andrew still being the biggest of the group as able to single handled push all of the guys back out the front door. I turned still not looking at the dining room said, "What the hell are you doing?" All he said was, "look in the dining room." Turned 180 degrees to see Anna in black underwear with candles seductively placed around her laying on the dining room table. I said to Andrew before he closed the door behind him, "I owe your fat ass for this you know." All he said was, "Have a good evening birthday boy."
Anna also had a cake on the table, and she said in her heavenly voice, "I have a gift I think you will really like birthday boy. You remember a few years back when I was stuffed after one holiday dinner and I got that great belly rub and we had that ungodly phenomenal sex after that? Well I thought we would try to reenact that as my birthday gift to you." The part of me that was a through and through feeder nearly lost it, because this had to have been a dream come true. I stuffed Anna with more than half the cake, gave her a half an hour belly rub, and had mad passionate sex for only god knows how long. It was phenomenal, but the feeder in me couldn't believe that this was just a one thing, Anna had to have been a feedee to enjoy this, and it was only a matter of time before I found out she was, but I am getting ahead of myself.

The rest of the year was basically the same as the last two except for little changes but nothing too note worth, until we got to 2022.
24 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Theswordsman 6 years
Dont get me wrong its a good story i just wanted to know the weight so i could visualize the story more easily.
Theswordsman 6 years
Great story but i dont think you are giving much detail to weight gain
Informatio 6 years
Hey any comments, concerns, or criticism are welcome.