A gaining odyssey

chapter 19 god bless alcohol

February 12, 2022 God bless alcohol

February 2022 was a watershed moment. Anna had her first drink in years, and all hell broke loose. So, it was at our once a month party and it was an unusually warm winter so we decided to hold it outside to take advantage of the beautiful weather. I didn't mean to hand Anna a beer to drink but she took what was supposed to me my drink and started gulping in down. Then years of repressing wanting to drink ended faster than when I realized what I had just sipped was Anna's soda. Anna plus alcohol after seven years of not drinking ended in disaster as soon as she did I ended the party since I honestly didn't know how it would end since I saw her finish off her fourth beer, and I could tell was starting to get drunk and fast.
Then as I shuffled the last of the partiers out I saw Anna devouring the cake I had gotten. I said tentatively not knowing what I was dealing with, "Anna are you ok?" Anna looked up drunkenly with icing all over her mouth and muttered playfully, "Yes Matty. I thought you wanted me as fat as my sexy as mother?" My head nearly exploded as Anna went back to eating the cake. A now 70lb fully grown Rex came out to go to his mommy and comfort her as she stuffed herself in a drunken state as I stood there speechless. If there was one thing I learned from Anna was when she was drunk she did what she wanted to do but couldn't because she was worried about the consequences. Did it mean she wanted to be as fat as her mother?
The next day Anna Woke up with a massive hang over and she knew instantiously that she had gotten drunk and was in a full blown panic until I calmed her down since she got so drunk she couldn't remember what happened the night before. "Matt, Matt, Matt. Get up god damn it." She roared as she shook me awake and sent the cats running for cover. I said dazed, confused, and still asleep, "Anna what is the god damn problem!" She roared at me, "I got drunk last night and I can't remember what happened. What the hell happened?" This got difficult to explain because did I tell her she openly wanted to gain and play the does the cheeks blush or not game with her, or lie and come back to another time.
I might as well have been facing down the barrel of Dirty Harry's forty-four magnum revolver wondering did he fire five or six shots. I decided in that moment hell with it I had been fine toning a plan she could use to gain and healthy and happy with people on different gaining sites over the last year and I had the results I wanted and went for it in that instant. I said to Anna, "Don't worry I got everyone out of there before you did somethings a sober you would be mortified of having people see." Anna calmed down a bit and barked, "So it was just us then when I made a fool of myself?"
Now came the moment of truth when I said, "Well to me you didn't make a fool of yourself you just made me love you more." Anna backed off, "What did I do?" I said, "Now dear don't freak out but you ate the entire cake we got for the party, and you said to me 'I thought you wanted me as fat as my sexy as mother?'." Ann went blood red in her cheeks as she sputtered out, "Matt I didn't..." when I cut her off. "Anna, I am a feeder. A feeder gets sexual pleasure from fattening up their partner or fantasizing about it, and if you want to gain you have my full unwavering support." Anna said almost speechless, "You would." I couldn't say yes fast enough.
Anna dove and hugged me, "You don't know how long I have been waiting to tell you that I wanted to gain." I leaned up hugging anna when I said, "But you know I am very dominant, and there are certain things I want you to do while you gain, and for how much you gain." Anna asked, "What would that entail?" I said to Anna next, "Well I wouldn't want you larger than 275 at the absolute most. Also, every day I would give you a belly rub/massage with lotion so you don't get a single stretch mark. I would like you to continue tanning over the spring and summer and early fall; I don't want a pail unfit blob. Also, you will still workout but only enough to keep yourself fit below the surface of your growing figure. Lastly, I also want you to get on my case to lift more weights so I can even if you get all the way up to 275 can still comfortably swing you off your feet." Anna looked completely shocked by my list of requests, and rules when she said, "You have yourself a deal. This plan is extremely specific did you plan this out way in advance?" I grabbed both her hands and said, "Anna it has been a fantasy of mine since high school you bet your god damn ass of I thought this through."
The only person we let in on this was my friend who loved having Anna as one of her models when Anna called to tell her she was quitting modeling. My friend pleaded to know the reason why the only woman she wanted to have shown off her fashion lines was leaving. That's when Anna broke and said everything. Now I was in the basement listening in on one of the other house phones when my friend said, "Well I was going to come out with a bigger woman line next year, and if you still look good which if you are working out and tanning and taking care of yourself you could still model for me. Please I beg of you Ann don't quit." Anna went silent for a few minutes and then said, "Ok." This was going to be fun having my handy work shown off.
I started making those red velvet pancakes with chocolate chips, and all the different breakfast foods that I could when Anna came down with a smile on her face since this was her first official meal as a gainer. She told me about he going to continue to model after she gains what weight I wanted her to be. I looked at her and said, "I was thinking of 250lbs would make you look sexier than you have ever been." Anna perked up and said seductively, "That's 115lbs away I am going to need to eat up, and actually grow a gut like my mother." We laughed and put three plates full of food in front of her; one with six pancakes, another with eggs, sausages, and hash browns, and another full of fresh fruit. Anna's eyes widened and muttered playfully, "I don't think I have the room to eat all of this Matt." I turned around with my single plate and said slyly, "Well that's what a feeder is for."
24 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Theswordsman 6 years
Dont get me wrong its a good story i just wanted to know the weight so i could visualize the story more easily.
Theswordsman 6 years
Great story but i dont think you are giving much detail to weight gain
Informatio 6 years
Hey any comments, concerns, or criticism are welcome.