A gaining odyssey

chapter 22 april 2022

April 2022

Anna at this point had to be 172lbs. I had to go to the office for the first time in months and once I got done around noon I came home to a nice plump Anna sunning herself after a few laps of swimming. I opened the back door and strolled out on the patio and said with three boxes of pizza in hand, "Hello Dear I hope you don't mind me taking the liberty of getting lunch." Anna leaned up having her new tanned belly spill into her lap and said as she took her sun glasses off, "Matt you read my mind. You must want me to be 185 by the end of the month."
I fed her two and half pizza. The first two pies went down in a matter of a minutes, but the last half required a bit more work on my end, but Anna relished in every bite. I said, "You want a belly rub now?" Anna leaned back and said after a hick up, "How can I argue with that?" I stared rubbing her belly slowly and you could tell Anna loved every second of it. Rex appeared a few minutes later to enjoy some of my left over crust, and he started licking Anna's love handles which bulged a bit over the side of the lawn chair. Anna sputtered out in between laughs, "Rex, ha ha, buddy, ha, please, ha, stop, ha" As she swatted him away I leaned in and kissed her again.
About week later I had a surprise for Anna. The day was a usual wake up, breakfast stuffing, workout, relaxing, lunch, and so and so forth, but today was different. I was now about 200lbs and could lift 300lbs which was more than enough to lift even a larger imagined Anna and she was 175 doing squats to keep a large shapely ass. She was a bit more winded but an extra 40lbs will do that a person. So, we finished and she plopped herself on the couch exhausted. Then I said, "I have a surprise for you." Anna said a little bit winded, "Ok Matt, why don't you go get it." I walked out the room and returned with two boxes, and Anna perked up accordingly. Anna said playfully, "What did you get me lover boy?" I put the two boxes on the table and Anna looked at my two logos on the top of the boxes and said, "What did you get from my boss, and our favorite bakery?" I said plainly, "Why don't you open it?"
Anna opened the box from the bakery first, and her face lit up and said, "Nice I will definitely enjoy this today." As she grabbed her new burgeoning belly and said, "This will definitely be tight as a drum tonight". I said, "Now open the other one." Anna took the top of the box off and I was then greeted by a face of pure happiness, "Matt is this what I think it is?" I said, "Oh hell yes." She hopped up and said, "You shouldn't have." I had my friend make some modifications to her favorite dress, and I may have given her Anna's moms measurements so that Anna would have ample growing room. I said, "Why don't you take a shower and try it on?" She hurried over and hugged me, and ran up the stairs with the dress to take a nice long time getting ready.
So, at this point I was sitting in one of the chairs with Preacher purring behind me and Rex sitting next to the chair getting attention from me. That ended when Anna came down the stairs looking sexier than ever. Anna also took the liberty to get all dolled up, and looked the best she has ever been. The dress while intentionally redesigned to fit a 300lbs woman it still hugged Anna's meager 175 curvy figures. I was lucky I was sitting my chair or else I would have hit the floor unconscious. Anna seductively walked towards me flaunting all her extra weight. Boy did I owe my friend for this.
By the End of April was about 180 pounds and flaunted every extra ounce with a confidence I had not seen her with the entire stretch I had known her. It was like she became a new person. We held our monthly party where Anna rocked her well new and improved dress which accentuated her still thin face while hugging her new ample curves. I was almost tempted to tell Anna I think she should stop gaining since she looked so god damn stunning, and I prefer not to mess with perfect. Yet as April led May I just kept going with the flow only two months from all hell braking lose and why I missed the last six months of Anna's gain.
24 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Theswordsman 6 years
Dont get me wrong its a good story i just wanted to know the weight so i could visualize the story more easily.
Theswordsman 6 years
Great story but i dont think you are giving much detail to weight gain
Informatio 6 years
Hey any comments, concerns, or criticism are welcome.