A gaining odyssey

chapter 23 may 2022


May was a special month because it was Anna's birthday this month and this birthday month was filled with stuffing galore. I always made breakfast and I couldn't keep my hands off my growing wife like she could barely keep her appetite in check. I would sit next to her and just playfully poke her now nicely tanned, constantly bulging, and slightly distended belly and send a nice little jiggle over the entirety of her lard filled belly. Depending on the day or if she was eating her mood would be greeted with a smile, or a slightly pissed off glare.
The party commenced and all her friends and family were there, and it was a blast. I got Anna a new bikini but she was too modest to show off her new kick ass figure in front of everyone else yet since her old pair was digging into her growing hips and gut. It was fun until her father came up to me and asked, "You remember that offer to make a copy of whatever piece of furniture you had, can I still call that in?" Now this caught me off guard and said, "Sure it will only take a few minutes and I keep all the diagrams in my study so why don't you join me?"
So, I get to the study and make a dash for my desk when Mr. Burg nonchalantly walks in and locks the door behind him. Now at this point I was a bit worried and asked, "Dad is everything alright?" He took a deep breath and questioned, "Is Anna pregnant?" I was blown away by this question and retorted, "God no. What gave you that idea?" He looked up slightly agitated, "Well She is currently at her largest and glowing so usually that happens during a pregnancy. I mean why else has she put on all this weight and showing no signs of stopping?" I looked down knowing the answer I needed to give him; I pulled my computer out and fired it up and looked up some things and turned the computer to face him. I said, "I have only told Anna about this part of me, and this should explain it best." He looked tentatively as he read and said, "So is she into this?" I said, "I honestly don't know but her waistline isn't disproving that she hates it."
Just then someone nocked on the door. I twirled the computer screen back towards me when Mr. Burg let Anna in to my relief. She said playfully, "What the hell are you two doing in here come on back to the party?" Then all he said was, "I know." Then the smile ran from Anna's face and then I said, "He seems to be ok with it?" Mr. Burg piped up, "Well I mean you know the old expression 'The apple doesn't fall far from the tree'?" I said before Anna could process, "Holy shit you are a feeder too aren't you." He started going red in the face. Anna was just shocked by the entirety of the shit happening before her.
"Its ok this secret doesn't leave this room." Mr. Burg just gave a nod when Mrs. Burg walked in and said, "What the hell is going on?" She turned to Anna and said, "You have been getting a lot fatter lately and this is normally something you enjoy. Are you gaining intentionally?" Anna went red and said to me, "Did my husband say his preference as well?" Both simultaneously went red and she said, "Ah ha. I knew it." I piped up in defense of both of them, "Well me and your husband share the same preference, and Anna is enjoying every bit of it." Anna's mom just backed down, and said, "Can we go back to the party now?" We couldn't say yes fast enough.
The night came fast and it was just Anna, her parents, and me left just sitting in the living room. An awkward silence had fallen upon all of us with the little conversation earlier. I broke the petrifying quite with, "Mrs. Burg you're not pissed at me, are you?" She shot me a look and said, "How could I be pissed off at you. My daughter has not been happier." That got ghostly looks that melted into warm looks of approval from Anna and her father. She continued, "I could tell you had that same preference as my husband when you saw Anna eat that red velvet cake back in high school. I was worried your eyes were going to pop out of your skull, and your jaw would shatter from hitting the floor." That got everyone to laugh which thankfully killed the slight tension in the air.
I replied, "Oh really. So how long have you known your husband had the same preference for larger woman?" She humbly replied, "175lbs ago." That caused a grand uproar of laughter. She followed up with, "So how fat do you want to make our daughter?" I smiled and said, "No larger than 275, but I think she would look spectacular at 250lbs." Anna's mom raised her eyebrows in surprise and said, "Oh so you want her very fat then." I leaned up and said, "Well I want her to look spectacular." The rest of the night was filled with banter like that thankfully.
The next morning well afternoon I rolled out of bed and enjoyed a day off. I came outside to the back yard to see Anna flaunting her new bikini, and flabby bikini body. Anna Perked up when she saw me standing on the other side of the pool and said, "Sorry for the mess in the kitchen. I haven't made breakfast in years." That got me to laugh and said as I walked towards her, "God I love you so damn much you know that, right? Even if you make a warzone out of my kitchen." Anna leaned back on the pool chair laughing her now flabby ass off and retorted, "I love you too damn much. To believe you had a supermodel wife and now look at me I am way too overfeed." I chuckled as I sat down beside her and rested my hand on her tan gut and said, "Yes but you are my chubby overfeed housewife." I leaned in for the kiss before she could react.
So now the end of May came, and then it all went to shit. So, I was sitting in the living room when the phone rang. I picked it up and heard the most terrifying news. I in my ever increasing absence had created a phase in the most dyer of circumstances would be used to convey the gravity of the situation as quickly as possible, and the first words out of the person on the phone was that exact phrase. Then that leads us now to me lying unconscious on the floor with my 250lbs wife laying under the Christmas tree.
24 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Theswordsman 6 years
Dont get me wrong its a good story i just wanted to know the weight so i could visualize the story more easily.
Theswordsman 6 years
Great story but i dont think you are giving much detail to weight gain
Informatio 6 years
Hey any comments, concerns, or criticism are welcome.