Susan�s revenge

Chapter 3 - dates

I had been on lots of dates before I met Simon. I'd had plenty of boyfriends, but I'd not had many daytime dates and I'd never had an alcohol free one.
To meet at the railway station seemed romantic, bringing memories of black and white films and lots of steam. The reality was cold and draughty and a bit grimy, but no less romantic.
Simon greeted me coolly, with a quick peck on the cheek. He did not want to hold hands as we walked. I did not think this too strange. We'd hardly spoken face to face, after all. We got straight on the metro from the railway station.
He was quiet, I interpreted it as nerves. I was nervous too, but I was also very proud to be sitting next to this very handsome man, who I could call my boyfriend. I wanted people to see us together. I wanted people to recognise us.
As soon as we got to the flat Simon relaxed somewhat. He was more like the chap I'd talked to on the phone.
It did not take long for us to go to bed and make love. Oh! It was the best ever! He was well endowed and he knew exactly how to use it!
We slept in each other's arms for a while, made love again.
Then it was time for him to leave.
It felt like it was far too soon! I'd planned to make him his tea. I'd thought we could have gone out somewhere.
But no, he had to go. He had a train to catch.
I took him to the station. He did not want to go either. We drank coffee in the cafe. He missed his train deliberately, but he HAD to catch the next one. It gave us an extra hour together.
It was not long enough. I wanted to go with him, but I had to go to work tomorrow.

It had been an amazing day, it simply wasn't enough.

He rang me later to tell me he was home safely, but to thank me for the day. He wanted to see me again. He could come up for the rock club, but it had to be the week after next because I was working this Friday.
Already I was excited!

Two days before the second date, he rang me up. He told me he was a member of the North Yorkshire moors search and rescue team and they were going training in the Lake District. He said he was not sure if he would get back in time, but if he did, he would see me there.
I put the phone down thinking there was something fishy going on. He had never mentioned anything about being on a search and rescue team before! Surely that would be one of the first things you would brag about, if you did it! He wasn't the outdoors type!
I was upset, but I knew what he was up to. It was a lie to let me down gently. He had no intention of going to the rock club. He simply did not want to see me again but he didn't have the guts to tell me.
I was angry at him, but there was no point on dwelling on it. I simply was not good enough for the likes of him.
My freinds were going to the rock club anyway. I was not going to let the fact that my boyfriend had finished with me in the most cowardly fashion known to man ruin my night out.

Then, what do you know! There he was! He appeared at around ten o'clock, standing by the pillar at the bar with a pint in his hand.
I ran over to him and greeted him with a kiss. He put an arm around me and smiled, directing me upstairs so that we could talk.
I sat on his knee. I did not want to talk, I was just so glad to see him!

We met up once more after that. He caught the train up. We went shopping and he bought a beautiful brown suede rancher's jacket. Then we went back to the flat for a few hours and he caught the train home.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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GrowingLoveH... 6 years
And just when I thought this story couldn't possibly get any better, it does! Wow! Nicely done.
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Deliciously and devilishly delightful! What an exquisite and well-told tale!
Aquarius64 6 years
Up to chapter 9 is actually true and autobiographical, although names have been changed, the characters are real!
If you want to skip the preamble, go directly to chapter 10
Hurgon 6 years
Great stuff as usual!
Built4com4t 6 years
it's a pleasure to read your work...great intro chapter