Susan�s revenge

Chapter 5 - second time around

So, he stayed with me that night. We talked in the morning about his tour, about music. He said the tour had given him the impetus that he needed. He really was going to become an agent. He said he had always hired a minibus and brought people up from Yorkshire to the rock night for a fee. Now he planned to buy tickets at the city hall, hire a minibus and resell the tickets, with the transport included for a profit. That would be his starting point.
It all sounded feasible.
Getting back in touch was going to be awkward. With five people in the house, all spending different amounts of time on the phone, the phone bill was too difficult to work out and had caused numerous arguments. We'd tried keeping a telephone tin next to the phone, but people forgot to put money in, or they would take money from it when they were short and forget to put in an IOU. So, we'd had it changed to incoming calls only.
Simon said he did not mind that. He took the new number and said he would ring.
I was working later that day, so Simon and I left the house together. We got the metro together, but I got off before him.

I didn't expect him to ring back.

But he did.

It was another amazing call. We broke out record! This time we spent four hours on the phone! Why was it so much easier to talk to him when he wasn't sitting in front of me? Did his handsomeness intimidate me so much?
The phone was on the wall in the kitchen. I'd had to grab one of the kitchen chairs to sit down because my legs were aching from standing. I was starting to get pressure sores on my ears from the heavy handset.

He arranged another meeting. It was not for another three weeks. He said his appointment books were full of meetings and my shift pattern was so unpredictable that it was the earliest he could fit in.

He said he would call in the mean time... he didn't.

I checked up on the band that Simon had allegedly been on tour with. They came from a different Yorkshire town altogether and they were at least ten years older than him. How could he possibly have gone to school with them.
He might have gone on tour with them, but I doubted whether he knew them as well as he said he did.
They did have a new single out. I heard it, but I never saw the video, so I could not prove that he'd even left the country!

Having a relationship without trust was no good. I wondered what he was up to down in Yorkshire, while he kept me hanging on here.

Despite my doubts, I turned up on the appointed day, but I did not expect him to.
He did!
He was in a hurry though. He only had a few hours and there were things he wanted to do!

The first stop was a record shop where he bought a record by a new band that, he predicted would go far. I bought a record too, not to be outdone.
Then we headed to the city hall. He bought thirty tickets in a block for the band he had been on tour with.
If he knew them so well, why did he not receive complimentary tickets? I thought he should have received some, even if it was just one or two.
I was a little annoyed with him because, despite buying all these tickets he did not once as me if I wanted to go! There was something fishy going on here. But then again, this was his business. If he was going to make money he couldn't give stuff away.

We went back to my house after that. We made love with the record he'd just bought playing loudly. I had to admit, it was a much better record than the one I bought for for having sex to. There was a proper driving beat.

Then it was time for him to go.
No matter how enjoyable the afternoon had been, my suspicions about him were growing.
I doubted I would hear from him again.

Yet another part of me did not want to let him go. Some part of me was willing to forgive all his foibles and all his lies.
Being with him was exciting! I didn't know what was going to happen next. A full time relationship with him would run on a knife edge all the time. Never knowing whether he was going to cut himself, or you. Simon was dangerous!
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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GrowingLoveH... 6 years
And just when I thought this story couldn't possibly get any better, it does! Wow! Nicely done.
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Deliciously and devilishly delightful! What an exquisite and well-told tale!
Aquarius64 6 years
Up to chapter 9 is actually true and autobiographical, although names have been changed, the characters are real!
If you want to skip the preamble, go directly to chapter 10
Hurgon 6 years
Great stuff as usual!
Built4com4t 6 years
it's a pleasure to read your work...great intro chapter