Susan�s revenge

Chapter 9 - after india

While Simon was away, I could not help thinking about him in India. I had not been there, but I'd always wanted to go. In a way I was jealous, but going there with him would have been completely unthinkable!

As soon as the thought entered my head, I deliberately pushed it out. I needed to forget about him. I had managed these last six years on my own. I didn't need him complicating my life again. Anyway, he wasn't going to ring after six days, six weeks, six months or six years! He was never going to ring. That was the end of it.

But towards the end if august, he did ring.
I was astonished!
He said he didn't have much time. He wanted to see me. He would only be able to see me for about an hour though because he was leaving again.
India had managed to put things into perspective again. He was giving up the mountain guiding thing and going back to music!
He had arranged an interview with a band in at the weekend. He was flying to Russia on Friday. He'd been back in the uk from India for less than a week!

I believed in his Russian escapade as much as I had believed in him going up to Everest base camp.
But I was surprised he had remembered me. I was surprised he'd rang and even more surprised that he wanted to see me before he left.

The meeting meant me spending the best part of an hour and a half getting to his house at the appointed time. The curtains were closed, he looked furtively up and down the street to see in anyone had seen me.
We hardly had time for sex, but we squeezed in a session somehow.
Simon had a light tan from his Indian trip. He said he had loved it.

I wondered how ginger Maggie fitted in. He very rarely mentioned her and I got the impression he'd been to Oman and India alone. The Moscow trip too was a lone venture. What did she think of all of this? She was supposed to be his partner. She was supposed to live in the house, but I could see no evidence of her presence.

"When I get back, I want you to be my mistress, Susan"
"I want you to be my mistress"
I'd heard him the first time, but I could not believe he would come out with something like that! Who did he think I was? Did he think he could just click his fingers and I would come running?
Then again, I had never denied him anything. I had allowed him to walk all over me. He had treated me like a dust mat, without one thought about my feelings, just because he knew he was drop dead gorgeous to look at. Just because he was good in bed. Just because he was the most amazing conversationalist when he wanted to.
No! I'd had enough! I was sick of the embroidering of the truth and the downright lies. Everything he said had to be dissected and analysed.
But I also did not want to let him go. He was the most frustrating and exciting person I had ever met. I was not ready to say goodbye forever...

He said he would ring me when he got back from Moscow to hear my decision. I was not allowed to ring him in case Margaret answered the phone.

On the bus home, I debated with myself the merits of being his mistress vs not seeing him at all.

By the time I put my key in the door, I'd made my decision. If he did not ring, well that was the end if that!.
If he did ring, yes I would be his mistress, but he was not going to tell me what to do any more! I would be in charge and he would have to do what I wanted him to do, when I wanted him to do it!
Yes, I could get my own back on him. I could make him suffer emotional turmoil as much as he had made me suffer.
The more I thought about it, while he was away, the more excited I became at finally seeing him get what he deserved!
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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GrowingLoveH... 6 years
And just when I thought this story couldn't possibly get any better, it does! Wow! Nicely done.
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Deliciously and devilishly delightful! What an exquisite and well-told tale!
Aquarius64 6 years
Up to chapter 9 is actually true and autobiographical, although names have been changed, the characters are real!
If you want to skip the preamble, go directly to chapter 10
Hurgon 6 years
Great stuff as usual!
Built4com4t 6 years
it's a pleasure to read your work...great intro chapter