Susan�s revenge

Chapter 10 - mistress

Simon rang me up when he returned from Russia. I agreed to being his mistress, but if that's what he wanted me to be, I was in charge and he had to do what I wanted him to do!
He certainly liked what I was saying, or his penis did. It was probably standing to attention already!
I needed a definite affirmative answer, which he gave me.
We arranged a meeting, but this time, I would meet him in town and bring him to my flat.
He was a bit edgy about it, but I reminded him. No one knew him in my area. It was a good fifteen to twenty miles away. He didn't have to worry about closing curtains, or washing sheets or anything!

We met at one o'clock in the afternoon. I asked him if he had eaten, knowing that he would not have. He never ate lunch unless someone handed it to him.
I told him I wanted to have him with lots of energy, I didn't want him going all lethargic due to lack of food.
He agreed to a McDonald's. If he could choose where we sat.
I ordered the meal while he found a table. Of course it was upstairs, in the corner, behind a pillar.
I placed his meal in front of him. He had wanted a cheeseburger and fries with a coke. I ordered him a double cheeseburger and extra large fries with an extra large coke. He stared at what lay in front of him. I told him the assistant must have made a mistake. My order was correct. My order looked half the size of his. 'Just leave what you don't want' I told him.
He made a start, knowing that he would eat more than he would if I had ordered the standard sized meal. I had overordered on purpose. This was the start of my vengeance. He would listen to me. His nutrition was appalling!
I asked him about Russia to take his mind off his giant meal.
He started talking animatedly about the country, while starting to eat. There were not many westerners there, it being newly converted from communism. He'd had people in the streets haggling over his jeans! He found it a fascinating place, although the band he'd seen were terrible. They were not right for the western market. Their English was very poor and it showed in their songs. He did not want to sign them up.
I asked him if he had anything else lined up. Watching him as he finished his burger and took a sip of his coke. He'd eaten some of his fries already, but he still had a way to go to finish them.
He continued talking and eating. Then he took a deep breath. 'I've had enough' he told me.
I nodded, but pointed out that I had not yet finished. I was eating slowly on purpose. Most of my fries were cold, but we cold not leave until I had finished my meal.
He took a sip of coke, then picked up some more fries as he spoke about he prospects. Music was what he wanted to do. His parents had given him a good talking to in Oman. They'd given him a substantial loan to set up another business, knowing that he was in a better position than he had been years ago.
I advised him to continue with his hiking venture, until he had bands signed up. He needed the income. Once he had at least one band signed up he could go part time until he got more work in. Then at least he was not frittering away money meant for his business on just living.

By the time we left the table, Simon was complaining of feeling extremely full. He had eaten too much. He was not used to eating at this time of day. He was so full he had a pain across his belly.
I ignored his complaints. He needed to get used to that feeling. He was going to be full a lot more often, if I had my way.

I saw him relax more on the train. Physically and mentally, the further we got out of the city.
I'd had some people complain about the walk to my flat. I was used to it. It was probably somewhere between one to two miles. It was hardly worth waiting for the bus to travel three stops. Simon did not complain. Indeed he was glad of it. He needed to walk off the excess of calories he'd consumed in his burger meal.

I showed him around once we got there. There wasn't much to see, but he liked it.
I made him a cup of coffee. He did not like tea. I placed a few fancy biscuits on a plate and placed them on the coffee table with his hot drink. A drink was too wet to have without at least one biscuit.

I asked him to choose some music from my extensive collection while I got changed.
Looking at the selection of music kept his mind busy as he started to tuck into the biscuits, hardly realising what he was doing.
When I came back two of the biscuits were missing and he was chewing on a third. I had them counted. I knew how many they were.

Simon was most impressed with my new look! I was most definitely a mistress now, with my basque, fishnet stockings, high heels and bright red lipstick. His mouth dropped open. He had not expected...
I ordered him to be quiet. I leaned over him, making sure he saw his my boobs were oozing out of the tight corset.
He put his hands down by his sides, feeling like a naughty schoolboy. He had a smirk on his face as I sat astride his legs and leaned in to give him an even closer look at my boobs.

"You wanted a mistress. I can be a mistress for you." I whispered. "But you must do as I say. If you don't, you will be punished!"
I had a hand on his swollen crotch. I felt it lurch as I spoke. I stood up, leaning on his crotch deliberately. I looked at him sternly, then slapped the side of his face. It was not hard, but enough for him to realise I meant business now.
He opened up his mouth to complain.
I stopped him! He was not allowed to complain, object or deny me anything! I was in control now, not him!
I tied his hands around the wrists with an old scarf I had. I tied another scarf around his mouth so that he could not talk back to me.
He struggled. He tried to speak. He stood up, looming over me.
I grabbed his clothing roughly and marched him through to the spare room. I sat him down on the single bed and tied his ankles together.
Then I left him to cool down a while.
I couldn't lock him in. There was no lock on the door.
An hour later, I could see he had been struggling. The duvet cover was all rucked up. But he was calmer. I untied his legs and brought him into the living room. He was quiet, but I left the gag on for now.
I danced in front of him sensually, making sure he was aroused before I started the next phase of his treatment.
I brought out a plate of cream cakes. There were half a dozen of them altogether. A chocolate eclair, a merangue, a choux bun, an iced slice, a cream doughnut and a small custard tart.
I placed them on the coffee table.
His eyes glanced at the cakes and then to me.
"You are going to eat every one of these" I told him.
I saw his eyes glaze over in horror. He tried to speak.
I smiled. "You deserve it, Simon. You deserve a treat every now and again. I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. You've kept me hanging on for all these years."
I took off his gag. He was about to give me a whole load of grief, but I stuffed the choux bun in his face before he could say anything. I scraped some of it off and pushed it into his mouth. He was too busy chewing and licking to complain.
Before he did anything else, the chocolate eclair was heading into his mouth like a torpedo. I wanted there to be less wastage with this one.
I fed him cake after cake. By the fourth, he gave in and opened his mouth for me to feed him the cake.
By the end of the fifth cake, I could see he was struggling.
I got him to lean back on the sofa and I released the button on his trousers, rolled down the zip on his flies. I felt his swollen stomach lurch forwards. I felt the twinge in his groin as his penis sprung to life again.
Simon put his head back in pleasure at the release of the pressure on his belly. He gasped.
I fed him the last cake.
I rubbed his tight swollen painful stomach. It was barely round, but that didn't matter. This was his first time at this. I intended it not to be his last.
As I rubbed, his stomach, I rubbed his crotch in his trousers.
He couldn't help moan.
I pulled off his trousers and boxer shorts. His little soldier was standing to attention. I was glad to help it along a little, while continuing to rub his belly.
When he started to buck and squirm, I mounted him and rode him until his release.
Then I removed the last of his bonds.
It took him a good few minutes to get his breath back and regain his composure.
Then he fell asleep.
When he woke a few hours later, I was back in my everyday clothes. Back to normal.
"That was the best sex I've ever had!" He declared. "Thank you."
He agreed I made a good mistress and he wanted more!
I could assure him, he was going to get much, much more. Maybe more than he bargained for!
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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GrowingLoveH... 6 years
And just when I thought this story couldn't possibly get any better, it does! Wow! Nicely done.
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Deliciously and devilishly delightful! What an exquisite and well-told tale!
Aquarius64 6 years
Up to chapter 9 is actually true and autobiographical, although names have been changed, the characters are real!
If you want to skip the preamble, go directly to chapter 10
Hurgon 6 years
Great stuff as usual!
Built4com4t 6 years
it's a pleasure to read your work...great intro chapter