You aren't that fat, babe!

chapter 24

He wasn't sure if she was upset about the fact that she cheated or if she was upset because she finally realized that she was no longer a thin, hot girl. She was no longer "curvy" or "thick" or "plump," she was just fat. And to be honest, Jay had to admit that his fiancé wasn't that fat yet. She may have graduated from her chubby phase into being officially overweight, but compared to him, she was still small. For now, anyway. He actually would have probably wanted to date her if he had met her today. His friends used to laugh at him for being a "chubby chaser," but he had always liked his girls hefty and the feel of their heavy bodies more than made up for his friends' teasing. Those giant tits and thick thighs...

He suddenly realized that although he didn't want Rhiannon to have any pleasure, he couldn't resist sliding himself into her pudgy body. He struggled for a moment trying to take off his sweats- even the last pair he had left had become uncomfortably restricting. He had tied the drawstring, even though they clearly weren't going anywhere, and now they seemed impossible to get off of his body. His heavy gut and growing love handles buried the top of the pants. He was getting embarrassed again- maybe he didn't want sex that bad. But the he saw the inflated body of his fat, cheating girlfriend and realized he shouldn't be so concerned.

Finally free of his sweats, he began to mount his tied up, pudgy, desperate looking girl. But it was so much harder than he remembered! He tried in vain to lift up his left to climb on top of her, but his months of sedentary living and mounds of brand new fat made it just too hard of a task. He was already sweaty and out of breath, and he hadn't touched her yet.

"Oh God she is right, I am a fat blob of a man!" His mind began to spin as he took a good look at the immense about of squishy adipose tissue that had adhered itself to his body. It felt like someone else's body, actually. He couldn't recognize himself beneath the piles of fat.

Fat or not, he still needed to release the sexual tension he felt. And he no longer cared what Rhiannon thought, so why not? He even took off his shirt- a tiny XS tee shirt from his touring days that had been tight enough to keep his moobs in place.

She was taken aback by how large he looked naked, and confused by whether or not she found it repulsive or sexy. She saw that his fat was restricting him from mounting her, so she wasn't surprised when he untied her legs and ordered her to ride him. It wasn't exactly easy to find his manhood, despite it being fully erect. She finally found it and slid it into herself, riding him with all her strength, her chunky body wiggling with every movement.
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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GrowingLoveH... 2 years
How did I ever miss this epic tale??!!

Food has healing powers when combined with love.

I am in the midst of this story, and it is like a five-course meal — deliciously tempting and satisfying.
Fatlilboy 5 years
You really need to edit out the duplicate pages. It's annoying.