Becca's college life

Chapter 2 - Second Lunch

Walking back to her dorm to change for the gym, Becca had plenty of time to think of what just happened. She stuffed her face like a big fat piggy, but she kinda liked it. What was going on in her head? Whatever it was, she decided it was wrong and should do it anymore even if it felt great and turned her on a little.

Exhausted after lugging her bloated belly up the two stories of stairs to her room, Becca noticed her door was open. She proceeded with caution into the apartment, but when Becca got inside, someone from behind startled her, causing her to jump and jiggle her still slightly protruding belly. The new mysterious feeling returned to her pants.

“Oh my god!” The unknown figure exclaimed, “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to scar you? My name is Alison.”

“Oh yeah, you must be my new roommate,” replied Becca, “Don’t worry you just startled me. Do you need any help bring boxes up to the room?”

“No, my boyfriend and dad help me,” said Alison, “you just missed them, but I could go for some food, could you show me to the caf.”

Not wanting to be rude, or miss this opportunity to make her first college friend, Becca decided that another lunch could really hurt, and did Alison certainly didn’t need to know about the first lunch. During the ten minute walk to the cafeteria, the two girls began to chat, learning alot about each other. Along the way, during a break in the conversation, Becca took a closer look at her new roommate. At 5’3”, a little taller than Becca, Alison was still a rather short girl, but otherwise could almost be her twin. Alison too had shoulder long golden locks, although without the wave, as well, her bluish-green were just as large as Becca. Although not as fit, Alison was diffidently not chubby, let along fat, her 118 pounds simply produce a small paunch that arcs from just below his breast down to his waistline. The extra padding has benefits to, her 32D boobs put Becca’s to shame, and her butt had the slightest jiggle that her boyfriend loves to grab.

“So what’s best here?” questioned Alison.

“Tough choice,” Becca said pondering, “Everything is so good. The burgers over there are to die for. I think I’m gonna just get a salad, not really that hungry.”

“Oh come on! There’s so much to eat here, why settle for some measly rabbit food. Come on, let try some pizza.”

“Mmm, that does sound good, but I really am not that hungry.”

“Well make some room,” demanded Alison, “I’m ordering our pizzas, cheese or pepperoni?”

“Alright, cheese. I’ll get some drinks, diet Coke?”

Alison grabbed the both the 10 inch pizzas and found a booth for the girls, coincidentally the same where Becca ate her first lunch. Soon after, Becca arrived at the booth, but the diet Coke syrup was out, so she brought regular. The two girls ate their pizza and continued to get to know each other.

“Oh come on Becca you can’t even finish that little pizza?” jeered Alison.

“I told you I was very hungry,” returned Becca, “I had already had a big lun… breakfast. I’m done, you want another slice.

“Little baby, there’s only two slices left you can polish them off.”

Becca’s belly was even more bloated now, sticking out at much as three inches at the widest, but as tight as a drum. As painfully as being this full was, the mysterious pleasure had once more returned. Becca was truly turned on, and if she wasn’t in a public cafeteria he would pull down her shorts, and rub her clit, but why she was feeling this way still eluted Becca. Despite eighteen years of eating healthy and staying fit, and the brutal pain, she pushed on with her pizza. Each bite was euphoria, stimulation her vagina more and more, forgetting for that short moment what she was doing to her heath and figure.

“Come on, one more bite,” encouraged Alison, “There I knew you could do it.”

“Uff,” moaned Becca, “Why are you so determined to see me finish my food.”

“I don’t know, guess I don’t want the food to go to waste, but anyways you don’t look to hot, we should get back to the room.”

“Yeah, lets.”
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 14 years , updated 54 years
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Snr6424 14 years
Definitely like where this is going, can't wait to see what's next smiley