Becca's college life

Chapter 3 - Dinner

Back at their dorm room, Alison helped Becca into her bed. Full of food, Becca quickly passed out. She dreamed of stuffing her belly full and tight, beyond anything she’s ever experienced or imagined. Becca so loved this dream, waking with a smile on her face and her hand rubbing her belly.

Becca had slept very late into the night, missing a floor meeting and dinner, which was probably for the best. The room was empty with Alison nowhere to be found. Just becoming aware of what her arm had been doing, Becca stopped rubbing her tummy and examined it a little. In the almost twelve hours she had been sleeping, her taut belly had faded away. Earlier, it had stuck out over three inches around her bellybutton, and had begun to bow, but now it had returned to its typical flat state.

Relieved that she hadn’t destroyed her beautiful physic in one afternoon's stuffing, yet somehow a little disappointed, Becca looked closer at her body. Her arms were defiantly still their usually fatless muscular selves and same with her legs. Of course her face was still beautiful, with her gorgeous eyes, lovely locks, and her jaw line, which, under very close scruinization, was now slightly softer, some might say making her even sexier. However, her stomach now had the thinnest coating of fat. Unlike ever before, Becca could squeeze a little bit of fat between her thumb and index finger. Pinching and prodding this, Becca forgot the world and focused only on her iddy biddy chub.

“Having fun there?” slurred Alison, who had just entered into the room.

“Well um,” stuttered Becca, who pulled her shirt down, attempting to cover her stomach. However, this was not any better, because the shirt that was extra tight before yesterday, was now even more tight. The straining fabric put on display Becca’s expanding belly to both the girls in the room. “I was just... Well, I was just looking at my stomach. How long were you standing there?”

“Long enough to know you were having fun,” Alison returned, walking towards Becca’s bunk, sitting next to her. Alison pulled her roommate’s shirt up, reveling once more the tiny amount of flesh which now coated Becca’s front end, and pinched her belly just below the bellybutton, just where the chub started. After one more pinch, Alison pulled the shirt all the way up, exposing the B cups. The pudginess of the stomach was present on Becca’s breast also, causing them to strain the white bra she was wearing. Although still completely contained by the bra, her boobs were most defiantly larger, causing the shoulder straps to press down on her skin leaving a definite crease.

“Hey, what are you doi’...” started Becca before she was interrupted by a room shaking roar from her stomach.

“Well, looks like someone missed dinner,” Alison said standing up and moving to the door. “There’s a Panda Express down in the student center thats open 24 hours a day, lets go get a late night snack.” Not sure what exactly just happened, but most definitely hungry, Becca got up and fallowed her roommate to the restaurant, where Alison ordered her meal, double order of orange chicken with chow main and a medium diet Pepsi.

“What should I get, I’ve never been here?” Becca said at the counter, “What did you get?”

“What!? You’ve never had Panda?” replied Alison in amazement. “Well, you should probably try the sweet and sour pork, and well... mmmm ...this kung pow chicken.”

“Would you like a spring roll with that?” The attendant asked.

“Oh yeah, of coarse,” answered Alison, “And fried rice for her side.”

“Thats a whole lot of food,” interrupted Becca, “I’m sure you’re trying to fatten me up.”

“No, no, no. I just want you to try all this great food, you don’t need to eat it all”

This late at night, the kitchen was open, but the dinning room was not, so the girls grabbed their grub and went back to their room. Alice, who carried the food up stairs, laid out all the food on the ground in front of Becca so she could try everything. Becca picked up the first spring roll and dipped it into the duck sauce.

“It can’t be that good,” questioned Becca. Her question was answered by that first bite. Every taste bud in her mouth was tinging, and she could wait for more. Quickly she eat bite after bite of the various Chinese dishes, loving each more then the last until she got to the orange chicken Alison had ordered. This entree was the best thing she had ever eaten, and she had to have more. She quickly shoved each piece of orange chicken into mouth, not even realizing what she was doing, until it was all gone. Becca took a big swig from the diet coke and moved onto the kung pow chicken. Just as amazing, each bite caused to the tingling in her pussy returned and intensified.

Alison just stood by and watched Becca gorge herself. Slowly her belly filled and expanded pushing her shirt up. With most of the food eaten, Becca laid back on her bunk. Once again she had eaten too much food, so she had to undo her belt and zipper. She began to rub her protruding stomach which was complete exposed, as her shirt had road up to the base of her breast. Her pussy was completely soaked now, and as her hands messaged the chub, it tingled even more. The rock hard belly was now bulged out four inches, the furthest yet.

Out of nowhere, the most pleasureful feeling Becca had every experienced rushed throughout her body. From her vagina and erect nipples, ripples of pleasure spread out meeting at the epicenter on her stomach, where a foreign hand she had not noticed began messaging her bulge. The hand moved down to her unzipped pants, and lush full lips met Beeca’s.
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Snr6424 14 years
Definitely like where this is going, can't wait to see what's next smiley