A very personal assistant

chapter 2

She held his gaze for a few moments realizing, with a little rush of satisfaction, that he hadn't yet stepped past her further into the room. She offered the box to him continuing, "I do like to be kept busy, so I'm looking forward to my time here. But, I figure you're work will be much more demanding than mine so why don't you look after these. Let me know anything else I can do for you."

She winked playfully before she turned towards her desk. Her computer was at the far end of her desk meaning that as she leaned towards the screen to check her assigned tasks, she had a clear view of him so that she was able to steal glances towards him without too much difficulty.

As he settled into his seat, and began to start his own machine, she noted he had already opened the lid of the box of pastries: polishing off the first in all but four large bites, and picking up a second. He took a little longer with that, licking off the sugar as he waited to sign in, before giving in and pressing in towards his mouth. She had to drag herself away from watching him as he reached for a third. Part of her was aware of the growing excitement building within her - not a good feeling to encourage towards her new boss on the first day, she considered - and the other part was frightened that he would catch her eye and become self conscious and stop.

She had always been partial to a man with a large appetite and, although with her own slight stature it often proved difficult to explain, usually found herself drawn to men with large, rounded bellies. She choose such men in the hope that the size and shape of their tummies lent themselves so very well to overindulgence. But, it was rare for them to eat large amounts in front of her as they were often self conscious of their girth around her - despite her repeated reassurance and protests. She found herself biting her lip a little at the thought of him indulging so freely. It seemed for every click of his keys, or the mouse wheel, his hand found its way towards the box or to his mouth.

Her first task of the day was to check his calendar in order to organize, and prioritize, the events on his schedule. She expected it to be in some state of disorder - the first week of a job like this was always the most difficult as she had to account for the weeks for in which her role had been unfilled by fixing the backlog of work, plan for the weeks and months ahead and adjust herself to the new running order of the office on top of her other responsibilities - but it appeared that he had already cast an eye over this week placing some meetings in already. She noted only one problem: there was a meeting scheduled in for two with a note naming a restaurant at which to meet the client for lunch followed by another meeting for a 'late lunch' at a different restaurant with another client. And then, at six she noticed there was a further reservation at yet another restaurant marked. She wondered perhaps if he had made a mistake but as she scrolled through the rest of the week she realized that several 'lunch' meetings a day was a common theme. It was no wonder that he was beginning to grow a bit of a belly.

She looked up from her screen: aware again of his eyes on her.

"Everything ok?" he asked, " Sorry, my name is William by the way. You look quietly competant over there...a good sign. You also have good taste in pastries." He finished what may have been his fifth or sixth and blushed as he licked his fingers. "These are my favorite, I'm guessing that witch in HR dropped the hint I am a sucker for these old fashioned glazed...I can eat them until I pass out. Well, not quite, but they really are addicting."

He stood and stretched, unselfconsciously rubbing his abdomen then tugged his shirt into some semblence of orderly attire. Leaning forward with a grunt he clicked a couple last keys on the keyboard and said "That's it for the morning emails, and thanks for arranging my schedule...I just noticed that brunch with the airline rep has been moved to today. I probably shouldn't have eaten those pastries. With those and lunch with the attorneys followed by dinner with my COO tonight I have a feeling I won't be very agile this evening and I still have loads of work to do before tomorrow."

He walked over to her desk, enjoying the sight of her. Small, well built women always appealed to him and this one was particularly attractive. Plus there was something in the way she looked at him that made his heart flutter. He shrugged it off to all the sugar and fat now laying heavy in his stomach. Blushing, he tugged his suit vest over his distended abdomen.

"Let's take a quick break to show you the place and then I have to take off. Follow me."

He lead her to a pair of double doors artfully concealed in the paneling in the wall opposite the elevator. Pressing a button they swung inwards giving a view of a luxurious suite...a very male-decorated looking sitting area with large comfortable chairs and couch and what appeared to be a bedroom beyond.

"My dad built this suite, less because he worked long hours, more because he liked to dally with the ladies...entertaining them those long hours. Unfortunately he let loose the reins of the company he inherited from my grandad and the family nearly lost everything."

He continued somewhat nervously, aware of the sensuality this small woman radiated.

"Now I've put it to good use, often staying here MY long hours in an attempt to turn his disaster around." He gestured her deeper into the suite indicating the sumptuous bedroom and almost ridiculously palatial bath.

"It's a bit embarassing, isn't it" he continued a little red faced, again realizing her nearness and desirability. Clearing his throat he finished "Anyway, you're welcome to this suite anytime I'm not here, especially the restroom...there's absolutely no need for you to have to go all the way downstairs to use the employee's ladies room."

Leading her out he showed her the hidden button to open the doors and, moving to his desk, powered down his big computer and shrugged into his jacket.

"Well, I'm off for several hours, first brunch then the drive across town for lunch...so make yourself at home." Walking over to the elevator he pushed the button and turned to her "I'll be back after that, hopefully I won't break the elevator on my return."

He grinned at her blurting almost self consciously "Welcome to the company, you made my day" and with a wave disappeared into the open door.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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TCC 11 months
Love a steamy office. Glad I found this again.
Built4com4t 11 months
I’m very pleased you enjoyed it :-)
Ghirardelli 4 years
Very sexy! I really enjoyed that!
FrecherTyp 4 years
my this office scene is hot
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Whoah! This is quite erotically charged. You do a great job with all of it.
Td0057 6 years
Very nice. Great detail in the descriptions. Hope you continue.
Built4com4t 6 years
thanks for the positive vibes...that was fun.

and as far as ending the story, who says it's ended? several of my stories are in multiple postings.
WayTooThin 6 years
Very well done, but I don’t see why you ended it when you did. There are so many places you could go with this story. You have masterfully written the first act.
FrecherTyp 6 years
really a lovely story and i like the long ones ^^
Zachi 6 years
very good, please continue
Boomer 6 years
Good start and very interesting. I can't to read more, because you can go in so many directions.