A very personal assistant

chapter 6

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about; don't look so worried. We are going to be in close contact for the foreseeable future anyway, and I wouldn't be doing what you hired me for if I left you in this state dreading a meeting. I would rather be helping to settle my bosses poor tummy after a hard days work than going home to worry about a man who is so busy that I never see him eat, and who turns his nose up at every meal I bring him," she pointedly let her eyes drift to the donuts on the plate from earlier before meeting his eye once more. He had opened his mouth a little, as if to speak but he seemed unsure of what to say.

She reached forward letting her fingers brush against his overfed tummy, and reveled in the groan, which escaped his lips. He seemed to breath out a little with that, letting his belly fully relax into her hands although she did notice that it didn't move out much further. She realized that he had been desperately trying to suck it in, to hide the full extent of the results of his overindulgence from her, but he had stuffed his poor belly with so much food that his attempts had been to no avail. It was too swollen out to move at all really. She suspected he had consumed more than just second helpings, probably at both restaurants, as so many of the business men around here at considerably rounded guts - they would think nothing of giving in to temptation and over indulging a little. She could see how it would be easy during the course of things to just keep up with the flow and become carried away.

He moaned a little again as she traced her hands down his gut, stopping at the tender underside of the swollen ball of his belly where she rubbed for a few moments. It was softer here, with still a little give in it so she figured that despite his earlier gluttony there might be still room for him to eat a little more. He just needed the time to rest before his next appointment. She worked her fingers down further, undoing the button on his trousers swiftly and before he could protest.

He groaned a little louder now, as his bloated stomach was freed from one of its constraints, allowing it to slump forward over his waist band, and pushing the strained zip of his trousers down. She continued to rub his tender abdomen for a few moments, aware at how close their faces were, only centimeters apart before ushering him into his seat, allowing him to sit back, arching his back to support the weight of his new belly. She leaned forward, continuing to tenderly massage the swollen mass of tummy that protruded in front of him, filling his lap entirely, aware that from this angle he would be able to see the lace of her bra through her opened buttons. She could feel the tension growing between them, as he moaned in pleasure at her gentle touch. She took her time to work her way over his bare skin, pressing against the exposed flesh where the two buttons had given way, and making him belch softly in the act.

"I think we should get you some more comfortable clothes, don't you?" She whispered as he groaned again. She didn't wait for a reply: she had seen the wardrobe in the room earlier. She guessed most of the clothes in it would be equally snug, but at least they would have all their buttons. She felt a little rush of pleasure aware that his eyes followed her as she left the room.

Her assumption was proved right in that the largest shirt still looked seemingly snug as she held it up. It was possibly slightly bigger than the one which he had so snugly filled this morning, but with his engorged state it would still struggle to cover his current belly.

She reckoned that it would button well enough...it might just strain pitifully across his abdomen. And, it was the same scenario with trousers - in fact the trousers he had on were probably the biggest pair. She realized that at one point these may have all been fairly roomy garments but apparently he was yet to upsize his wardrobe to account for his new, and seemingly growing, belly. Rather than re-entering the office straight away, she peered cautiously around the doors, stealing a glance at him. He was entirely unaware.

He reclined in the comfortable leather chair now: his belly sloping, upwards and outwards in front of him as he tenderly rubbed its sides. From here, with a side on view, she could see how distended it looked - swollen out and round as it suffered from being obviously a little too well fed. He slapped the sides of it roughly causing himself to belch, followed by the release of a huge groan as the stuffed tension inside his stomach relaxed a little.

He belched another few times, apparently still an aware of her, as he massaged his belly looking down at its rounded form in awe before slipping a hand underneath to cradle it. She choose her moment to re-enter as he lifted it up, patting it gently. He seemed a little startled at the click of her heels upon the tiled floor but she hushed him as he began to apologize. She did notice that his hands remained cradling his belly so obviously he had managed to contain some of his former embarrassment.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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TCC 12 months
Love a steamy office. Glad I found this again.
Built4com4t 12 months
I’m very pleased you enjoyed it :-)
Ghirardelli 4 years
Very sexy! I really enjoyed that!
FrecherTyp 4 years
my this office scene is hot
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Whoah! This is quite erotically charged. You do a great job with all of it.
Td0057 6 years
Very nice. Great detail in the descriptions. Hope you continue.
Built4com4t 6 years
thanks for the positive vibes...that was fun.

and as far as ending the story, who says it's ended? several of my stories are in multiple postings.
WayTooThin 6 years
Very well done, but I don’t see why you ended it when you did. There are so many places you could go with this story. You have masterfully written the first act.
FrecherTyp 6 years
really a lovely story and i like the long ones ^^
Zachi 6 years
very good, please continue
Boomer 6 years
Good start and very interesting. I can't to read more, because you can go in so many directions.